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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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13 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

Great that John is getting his.  Yours should come fast because NY just opened the gates for all to get it. That means the supply has increased drastically. The speed is really increasing.  You will likely be scheduled before you read this post.  Sorry it took so long as I just came on the site.  Lets hope our boys (Orioles) surprise everyone including us. I like what I am seeing so far. Good luck with the shot Esther. Stay safe.

I got my first shot on Friday - yay!  Second one is April 18th.  John's second one should be shortly after since he got the Moderna and I got the Pfizer. 

I'm thinking we'll be ready to go to a game by Memorial Day. 

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15 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

So I assume you got the Phizer  Please post if you feel sick or have any side effects.  We are getting our 2nd shot on Wednesday

Yes, Phizer. Got my 2nd on the 22nd and no problems. Just a little sore like the 1st shot. 

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On 3/19/2021 at 9:27 AM, BobDobbs said:

Both my wife and mother have enthusiastically received the "mark of the beast" on Wednesday. First mark for the wife, second mark for me mum.

I have nothing against anyone who doesn't get the shot. I don't believe anyone should be forced to, even as I understand the need for vaccines to help get to herd immunity. My take is that I am old enough to remember when people (older than me) who got polio and ended up crippled, or pregnant women would come down rubella and their children be born deaf or blind. So, I'm for anything which will keep me out of a ICU right now on a breathing machine. I already have some lung issues.

And then on the other hand I do agree with SAJ about how governments will use this pretext to put further controls on people. In the state of New York they are talking about a "digital ID" put on smart phones to ensure people entering events have been vaccinated. This is dumb and unnecessary. If people are afraid of catching covid themselves, then just get the shot, and don't worry about what other people elect to do or not do--- including wearing a mask or not. 

Sadly these things devolve into just another 'exercise in SUBMISSION'.

I've had the first shot, and this week will get the 2nd shot. And then two weeks after that I am NOT going to wear a mask anywhere just to make other people "feel good", and anyone asking me to prove I had the shot I will tell them to fuck off. Besides, I don't even own a smart phone; I have a flip phone, and I rarely even turn it on.



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2 hours ago, kipper said:

I have nothing against anyone who doesn't get the shot. I don't believe anyone should be forced to, even as I understand the need for vaccines to help get to herd immunity. My take is that I am old enough to remember when people (older than me) who got polio and ended up crippled, or pregnant women would come down rubella and their children be born deaf or blind. So, I'm for anything which will keep me out of a ICU right now on a breathing machine. I already have some lung issues.

And then on the other hand I do agree with SAJ about how governments will use this pretext to put further controls on people. In the state of New York they are talking about a "digital ID" put on smart phones to ensure people entering events have been vaccinated. This is dumb and unnecessary. If people are afraid of catching covid themselves, then just get the shot, and don't worry about what other people elect to do or not do--- including wearing a mask or not. 

Sadly these things devolve into just another 'exercise in SUBMISSION'.

I've had the first shot, and this week will get the 2nd shot. And then two weeks after that I am NOT going to wear a mask anywhere just to make other people "feel good", and anyone asking me to prove I had the shot I will tell them to fuck off. Besides, I don't even own a smart phone; I have a flip phone, and I rarely even turn it on.



I agree that no one should have to take the vaccine against their will. Not my problem if they die via ignorance, eliminate the dopes from the gene pool.

The whole tracking thing is just silly, as in super duper silly and super-super duper stupid. Got a cell phone? Computer? Car made after 2013? TV made after 2014? Smart Appliance and on and on and on??? We are all being tracked, catalogued, categorized, and lobotomized and with all that the government has found out two very important things. One, the overwhelming vast majority of people are really boring, and two, they are very easy to control and manipulate.

Fact is, the war is over and we lost.

Uh oh, gotta go. Those pesky black helicopters are hovering overhead and the chem-trail planes are on the way. I know I left my tinfoil hat around here somewhere?

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18 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

I agree that no one should have to take the vaccine against their will. Not my problem if they die via ignorance, eliminate the dopes from the gene pool.

The whole tracking thing is just silly, as in super duper silly and super-super duper stupid. Got a cell phone? Computer? Car made after 2013? TV made after 2014? Smart Appliance and on and on and on??? We are all being tracked, catalogued, categorized, and lobotomized and with all that the government has found out two very important things. One, the overwhelming vast majority of people are really boring, and two, they are very easy to control and manipulate.

Fact is, the war is over and we lost.

Uh oh, gotta go. Those pesky black helicopters are hovering overhead and the chem-trail planes are on the way. I know I left my tinfoil hat around here somewhere?

And they already have your DNA! Why do you think they keep pennies in circulation?!?!
I knew constant surveillance/loss of privacy was coming, I just didn't think we would willingly do it to our selves...

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22 minutes ago, chef free said:

And they already have your DNA! Why do you think they keep pennies in circulation?!?!
I knew constant surveillance/loss of privacy was coming, I just didn't think we would willingly do it to our selves...

and that's the rub, we willingly give our privacy away daily just for a bit on conceived convenience. The powers that be learned they don't need to force anything on us, subjugate us, or overtly control us ala 1984. Its all marketing baby and we lap it up, or rather most people do.

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On 3/31/2021 at 5:10 PM, BobDobbs said:

and that's the rub, we willingly give our privacy away daily just for a bit on conceived convenience. The powers that be learned they don't need to force anything on us, subjugate us, or overtly control us ala 1984. Its all marketing baby and we lap it up, or rather most people do.

And all the Pinks run to join in on the latest and greatest "social" media trends and Tic Toc "challenges", posting the sad little details of their boring normal lives in a vain attempt to feel something, anything...

BUT: "Bob" can help!  Send $30 to the sacred PO box!  DO IT NOW LOSER!

Shun regular employment and stop working!

Purchase products sold by the Church, which its leaders say Dobbs founded to gain wealth!

Rebel against "law and order". Specifically, the Church condemns security cameras and encourages computer hacking!

Rid the world of everyone who did not descend from the Yeti!

Exploit fear, specifically that of people who are part of the conspiracy! 


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3 hours ago, chef free said:

And all the Pinks run to join in on the latest and greatest "social" media trends and Tic Toc "challenges", posting the sad little details of their boring normal lives in a vain attempt to feel something, anything...

BUT: "Bob" can help!  Send $30 to the sacred PO box!  DO IT NOW LOSER!

Shun regular employment and stop working!

Purchase products sold by the Church, which its leaders say Dobbs founded to gain wealth!

Rebel against "law and order". Specifically, the Church condemns security cameras and encourages computer hacking!

Rid the world of everyone who did not descend from the Yeti!

Exploit fear, specifically that of people who are part of the conspiracy! 



Connie's pretty hot too and triple your money back if not satisfied! 

Connie NOT included (unless you send an extra $5 then Connie included)

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On 3/30/2021 at 10:22 PM, kipper said:

I have nothing against anyone who doesn't get the shot. I don't believe anyone should be forced to, even as I understand the need for vaccines to help get to herd immunity. My take is that I am old enough to remember when people (older than me) who got polio and ended up crippled, or pregnant women would come down rubella and their children be born deaf or blind. So, I'm for anything which will keep me out of a ICU right now on a breathing machine. I already have some lung issues.

And then on the other hand I do agree with SAJ about how governments will use this pretext to put further controls on people. In the state of New York they are talking about a "digital ID" put on smart phones to ensure people entering events have been vaccinated. This is dumb and unnecessary. If people are afraid of catching covid themselves, then just get the shot, and don't worry about what other people elect to do or not do--- including wearing a mask or not. 

Sadly these things devolve into just another 'exercise in SUBMISSION'.

I've had the first shot, and this week will get the 2nd shot. And then two weeks after that I am NOT going to wear a mask anywhere just to make other people "feel good", and anyone asking me to prove I had the shot I will tell them to fuck off. Besides, I don't even own a smart phone; I have a flip phone, and I rarely even turn it on.



Ha.  You are going to tell them to fuck off?  I give you about two weeks to live.  LOL.  Good luck with that. You made the right choice getting the damn shot with any lung problem.  My youngest daughter who is a nurse is coming to dinner today and had the vaccine, at first reluctantly until older sister talked her into it.  Then I have my wife' daughter and husband who have not yet had it.   Being fucking stubborn.  I doubt I will say anything as i already have.  He has that condition sleep apnia?  I cant spell it.   But you get the idea.  Stupid not to get it with that kind of condition IMO.  I have a vaccination card.  They laminate them for free here in NY.  So that is the proof they have given for now.

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15 minutes ago, Walter said:

2nd Pfizer shot. Junior gets his first Pfizer shot on Thursday. Mrs Walter received her 2nd shot a week ago Monday. 


We are....



Right on to you, Mrs. Walter, and jr!!!

This is how we beat this thing!!!

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On 3/20/2021 at 2:46 AM, Reggie29 said:

We here in Oz are well under way with vaccinations.

I expect to have a shot in the next couple of weeks but I'm in no hurry.

With no Covid 19 infections reported in the community for weeks now and only a few from international visitors (mostly ex pats returning home), in quarantine we are  distributing inoculations to those who are deemed priorities.

We can book on line to get vaccinated by our local doctors. There were hiccoughs at first due to bookings reaching saturation point but it seems to have been sorted out.

International travel between Australia and New Zealand is expected to recommence in a matter of days.

I can't wait for the rest of the world to catch up with us as well.

Glad to hear that Reggie! Disney is fully opening up - you can let your daughter know - I can’t wait for the concerts to finally return! Hope y’all are doing well my Australian brotha!! ✌🏼

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28 minutes ago, Walter said:

2nd Pfizer shot. Junior gets his first Pfizer shot on Thursday. Mrs Walter received her 2nd shot a week ago Monday. 


We are....


Yay!!!!  Looking good there! 

John and I have had our first shots.  I get the second on the 18th.  John's still waiting for the email to schedule his second.

Love to Mrs. Walter and Junior!  Hoping to see you next spring!!

Edited by ebk
first and fist have vastly different meanings here...
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14 minutes ago, ebk said:

Yay!!!!  Looking good there! 

John and I have had our first shots.  I get the second on the 18th.  John's still waiting for the email to schedule his second.

Love to Mrs. Walter and Junior!  Hoping to see you next spring!!

Yay!! I certainly hope we can see each other. The pool is now coming along so it’s like Spa Walter around here...shortly! 😉😆

Love you guys. 😘


Edited by Walter
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6 hours ago, Walter said:

Glad to hear that Reggie! Disney is fully opening up - you can let your daughter know - I can’t wait for the concerts to finally return! Hope y’all are doing well my Australian brotha!! ✌🏼

G'day Walter!

I had my first shot yesterday and my second is booked for the end of June.

Flights to and from New Zealand will resume on the 18th of this month with certain restrictions and caution. The decision was delayed due to a minor outbreak in Queensland just before Easter but with a short lockdown in Brisbane and surrounding areas, was lifted after a few days once the contact cause was detected and isolation ensued. Queensland is the only state not included at the moment but will be reviewed soon and hopefully will commence on the 18th too.

My daughter has been back home for a couple of years now and doing well with her career and busy preparing for the construction of her new home with her fiance. She misses Disney and no doubt will return one day as a visitor.

Stay safe.

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A kid in the office tested positive for Covid last Friday, so I've been under "house arrest" since then.  Went in for a nasal swab on Monday morning - results Monday afternoon - NEGATIVE! Back at work today!  I get my second Moderna shot on 21 April.

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17 hours ago, Walter said:

2nd Pfizer shot. Junior gets his first Pfizer shot on Thursday. Mrs Walter received her 2nd shot a week ago Monday. 

We are....


Even so, I think it's best she be sequestered in Tokyo at an undisclosed location for at least a month. Please be fully supportive and encourage her to start packing soonest.




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On 4/7/2021 at 2:29 AM, Reggie29 said:

G'day Walter!

I had my first shot yesterday and my second is booked for the end of June.

Flights to and from New Zealand will resume on the 18th of this month with certain restrictions and caution. The decision was delayed due to a minor outbreak in Queensland just before Easter but with a short lockdown in Brisbane and surrounding areas, was lifted after a few days once the contact cause was detected and isolation ensued. Queensland is the only state not included at the moment but will be reviewed soon and hopefully will commence on the 18th too.

My daughter has been back home for a couple of years now and doing well with her career and busy preparing for the construction of her new home with her fiance. She misses Disney and no doubt will return one day as a visitor.

Stay safe.

You too! Glad to hear you’re getting your shots. Congratulations to your daughter on the new home and bright future ahead. 

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On 4/7/2021 at 7:36 AM, Stryder1978 said:

A kid in the office tested positive for Covid last Friday, so I've been under "house arrest" since then.  Went in for a nasal swab on Monday morning - results Monday afternoon - NEGATIVE! Back at work today!  I get my second Moderna shot on 21 April.

Glad you tested negative. Good luck with the 2nd round. 

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