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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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On 8/31/2021 at 8:58 PM, JohnOsbourne said:

Yes.  Whatever the long-term health consequences of these "vaccines" really are, this is their ultimate objective here.   The "pandemic" is being used as cover for a global fiat collapse, which they're desperately trying to stage manage.

Yes I agree, a smart man once said tell a lie long enough and people will believe it.

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On 8/31/2021 at 4:32 PM, SteveAJones said:

An apples to oranges comparison. Food Safety Regulations are science-based public health policy, wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 not so much.

Understanding the Basics of Food Safety Regulations (northeastern.edu)

I never wear mask out in public not outside or inside stores or malls, etc... only at my job because its required.

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On 8/31/2021 at 4:35 PM, SteveAJones said:

COVID-19 is not a virus so much as it is the greatest abuse of government authority in the history of the world.

I read a report where it said the English speaking countries Australia, New Zealand are giving up their freedoms and Canada already has, no way that shit will happen here in America, there will be war in the streets. Land of the free and the brave, it's why we are not part of the Monarch countries aka still colonies, just a different label.

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11 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

No. Not at all.

It is a Quarantine facility so we don't keep putting travellers in hotel quarantine. NSW is getting around 1200 cases a day now. QLD has the occasional one but contact tracing and quarantining is keeping Delta out so far. (we share quite a large border for those not familiar).

John, any comparison to North Korea is laughable (and a bit weird). I was going up to the Sunshine Coast tomorrow to visit my folks for Fathers Day. 1.5hrs drive. No restrictions apply except wearing a mask if I put petrol in the car. Dad has taken a turn and is in hospital (not covid related) so we are not going now, but besides wearing a mask when in the shops here, it's pretty much normal. Interstate travellers have to quarantine. The restrictions in place will narrow once vaccination rates hit 70% and 80%. Our leaders are basing policies on the best medical and scientific advice which is NON partisan. It is evidence based. Not political, not religious, not populist. Science based advice. The policy implementation is not perfect by a long shot. But big Government bureaucracy never is.

Like others have mentioned, it is getting a bit nasty in this thread and really shouldn't. It's an important topic, but like everything else it has degenerated into a political fight which is mental.

Edited by rm2551
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44 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

No. Not at all.

It is a Quarantine facility so we don't keep putting travellers in hotel quarantine. NSW is getting around 1200 cases a day now. QLD has the occasional one but contact tracing and quarantining is keeping Delta out so far. (we share quite a large border for those not familiar).

John, any comparison to North Korea is laughable (and a bit weird). I was going up to the Sunshine Coast tomorrow to visit my folks for Fathers Day. 1.5hrs drive. No restrictions apply except wearing a mask if I put petrol in the car. Dad has taken a turn and is in hospital (not covid related) so we are not going now, but besides wearing a mask when in the shops here, it's pretty much normal. Interstate travellers have to quarantine. The restrictions in place will narrow once vaccination rates hit 70% and 80%. Our leaders are basing policies on the best medical and scientific advice which is NON partisan. It is evidence based. Not political, not religious, not populist. Science based advice. The policy implementation is not perfect by a long shot. But big Government bureaucracy never is.

Like others have mentioned, it is getting a bit nasty in this thread and really shouldn't. It's an important topic, but like everything else it has degenerated into a political fight which is mental.

Ignore him Rod. After all he's a sceptic tank with absolute no clue how people live their lives. To answer his own question with "no" just about sums it up.

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I get quite a chuckle when I watch FOX news every time they start a rant about 'mainstream media'.  Considering that Hannity & Tucker are consistently the highest watched shows on cable tv, that makes you the mainstream media.  Personally I think the whole cycle of news reporting has now come full circle.  I flipped between ABC & NBC last night at 6:30pm for the first time in ages, and pretty much didn't hear one opinion from anybody in a half-hour.  I also like when Lester Holt ends his show with...."Please take care of yourself and each other".  Go ahead and laugh, but I think he really means it.  

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8 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

I read a report where it said the English speaking countries Australia, New Zealand are giving up their freedoms and Canada already has, no way that shit will happen here in America, there will be war in the streets. Land of the free and the brave, it's why we are not part of the Monarch countries aka still colonies, just a different label.

Real Canada ceased to exist the night Don Cherry was fired. It's little more than a clearinghouse for globalist immigration and environmental policies now. Australia and New Zealand are hardly the woke utopias they have long insisted they are. 

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23 hours ago, Walter said:

Any politician promoting these fucked up “treatments” is because they are, or their family is, invested in it. 

Dude, just let them keep on with this. I’m over it at this point. You reap what you sow. 

They are the same idiots who think climate change is a hoax, as hurricanes ravage their towns yearly. They believe any nonsense that comes out of their dear leaders (huckster priests and politicians and media) mouths. It is the blind leading the blind. Keep ignoring the facts as your town gets destroyed by the effects of climate change.


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13 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

Yes I agree, a smart man once said tell a lie long enough and people will believe it.

Oh yes, old Joe Goebbels was so smart he and his whole family wound up dead on the cold, concrete floor of a bunker while Berlin was being annihilated. Another stable genius relegated to the dust-bin of history.

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13 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

I read a report where it said the English speaking countries Australia, New Zealand are giving up their freedoms and Canada already has, no way that shit will happen here in America, there will be war in the streets. Land of the free and the brave, it's why we are not part of the Monarch countries aka still colonies, just a different label.


Oh man you really need to do stand up. I guess you never received the memo that Canada, Australia, & NZ are no longer colonies of the UK but are fully independent countries with their own constitutions. The only difference is that in the case of Aus & NZ the Queen is still "technically" their monarch however that is only ceremonial, they both have their own independent governments and constitutions (conventions in NZ case). 

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9 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Australia and New Zealand are hardly the woke utopias they have long insisted they are.

We have? News to me Steve. it's great here (in terms of how much I enjoy my cost of living/living standards, the reality of society here, the beaches and general coastal topography and features, successful melting pot) - but utopia? Not sure who is insisting that. LOL!!!

I love to say best country on Earth, but I expect a LOT of people in a LOT of nations would say the same and I'd raise a glass and cheers them!

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19 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

We have? News to me Steve. it's great here (in terms of how much I enjoy my cost of living/living standards, the reality of society here, the beaches and general coastal topography and features, successful melting pot) - but utopia? Not sure who is insisting that. LOL!!!

I love to say best country on Earth, but I expect a LOT of people in a LOT of nations would say the same and I'd raise a glass and cheers them!

Good post. Every nation, or most nations peoples feel a sort of pride for their country and are happy when others do well too because they understand its just geography. There is no single "exceptional" country. Exceptional is in the heart, it really cannot be fully quantified as, to each their own.

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16 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Real Canada ceased to exist the night Don Cherry was fired. It's little more than a clearinghouse for globalist immigration and environmental policies now. Australia and New Zealand are hardly the woke utopias they have long insisted they are. 

Yeah and who changes their flag to a maple leaf? The old Canadian flag before.

The Canadian Red Ensign that was in use from 1957 until 1965

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13 hours ago, Strider said:

They are the same idiots who think climate change is a hoax, as hurricanes ravage their towns yearly. They believe any nonsense that comes out of their dear leaders (huckster priests and politicians and media) mouths. It is the blind leading the blind. Keep ignoring the facts as your town gets destroyed by the effects of climate change.


Strider, I'm Republican, love President Donald Trump, but I have to accept reality and see something is wrong with the weather, where in the North East of the US, I'm wearing a  T-shirt in the middle of winter, I remember like 4 years ago not certain now, but it was so warm here in N.J. the trees started blooming, buds started sprouting and then about a week later we got hit with a huge blizzard killed everything off, the temperatures were up and down I also remember at Christmas time I was wearing a T-shirt it was in the high 60's possibly 70's.

So yeah denying global warming is pretty stupid something definitely is going on with our planet because of all the pollution being emitted into the atmosphere.

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The response of all Western governments to covid has been so far out of proportion to the actual threat that it's proper to characterize this thing as mass hysteria.  But Australia and NZ have been by far the worst here, my guess is they're being prepped for the opening round of eventual war with China, and they need their subjects under effective house arrest.  (Governments always turn to war when they face insurmountable crisis.)

Ex Australian PM: Morrison gvt provoking China to please U.S. - CGTN

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3 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

The response of all Western governments to covid has been so far out of proportion to the actual threat that it's proper to characterize this thing as mass hysteria.  But Australia and NZ have been by far the worst here, my guess is they're being prepped for the opening round of eventual war with China, and they need their subjects under effective house arrest.  (Governments always turn to war when they face insurmountable crisis.)

Ex Australian PM: Morrison gvt provoking China to please U.S. - CGTN

Wow! Such a fear mongering statement! “Eventual war with China”! There will not be a war with China, to even suggest that is right out of the Fox News, which isn’t a news channel at all, or perhaps OAN, or some other outrageous news org that just feeds your fear and jaded way of thinking. 

Maybe try and read something other than the slanted view points of your obvious political party. And that political party trying to self fulfill their Prophecy are not even trying to hide it anymore. Your posts on music, and other topics are generally well thought out and informative.  Your obvious hours spent researching articles to fit your view point is just silly at this point. And bound to get this thread taken away. You and Rainbow Elf on a shelf are going to make it happen.

Relax man, an actual war with China would mean the end of civilization. They are not storming our shores, and we certainly are not storming theirs. 

Good day Sir. Cheers. 

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1 hour ago, Plant77 said:

Wow! Such a fear mongering statement! “Eventual war with China”! There will not be a war with China, to even suggest that is right out of the Fox News, which isn’t a news channel at all, or perhaps OAN, or some other outrageous news org that just feeds your fear and jaded way of thinking. 

Maybe try and read something other than the slanted view points of your obvious political party. And that political party trying to self fulfill their Prophecy are not even trying to hide it anymore. Your posts on music, and other topics are generally well thought out and informative.  Your obvious hours spent researching articles to fit your view point is just silly at this point. And bound to get this thread taken away. You and Rainbow Elf on a shelf are going to make it happen.

Relax man, an actual war with China would mean the end of civilization. They are not storming our shores, and we certainly are not storming theirs. 

Good day Sir. Cheers. 

Whatever you say, Bob.

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On 8/29/2021 at 12:42 PM, JohnOsbourne said:

Pure Orwell:

Vaccinated Australians To Be Granted New "Freedom"; Government-Sanctioned "Hour Of Recreation" | ZeroHedge

I understand that Australia was founded as a prison colony, but this has gotten absurd.

Police arrest a person for testing positive for Covid and not attending government isolation camps.

The "covid fugitive" lives alone and wanted to spend the disease in his apartment. They wouldn't let him.


The Australian government proudly advertises the construction of concentration camps for COVID-19 sufferers or close contacts.


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Total madness in Australia: the government kills dogs for adoption so that people do not go out to look for them in full quarantine.

The coronavirus craze continues and Bourke Shire councillors decided to shoot dead a dozen dogs because they did not want volunteers to move in quarantine to rescue them and put them up for adoption.

A rural council in the state of New South Wales, Australia, shot dead dozens of dogs waiting to be adopted at a shelter in the town of Cobar, to prevent volunteers from moving in during pandemic restrictions and people interested in rescuing them from coming to see them.

The news was published in Australia's Sunday Morning Herald, which obtained a statement from the local government that coolly reported that the course of action was taken to "protect its employees and the community, including vulnerable Aboriginal populations, from the risk of Covid-19 transmission when people come to see the dogs."

Meanwhile, volunteers at the animal shelter involved claim to have been prepared with all the necessary measures to handle the dogs safely. But the most alarming part of all this is that while the region is under quarantine, no recent cases of local transmission have been reported in the city.

For their part, animal rights advocates have demanded an immediate investigation into the matter to determine whether cruelty prevention laws were broken.

Meanwhile, Australia is currently dealing with massive protests against quarantines imposed by the national government over a very slight rise in Covid-19 cases, despite high vaccination numbers and virtually zero mortality.

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