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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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On 9/4/2021 at 11:24 AM, JohnOsbourne said:

At this stage their biggest problem isn't the unvaxxed, it's the vaxxed who will refuse to take any "booster" shots.

Seriously try and read something other than ZeroHedge. And one of our biggest problems is incredibly unhealthy people not wearing masks or getting vaccinated. 

All this end of the World talk and thought, because we are dealing with a pandemic is crazy. What would the generation of WW2 or WW1 think of us. All the sacrifices that each of their generations made for the betterment of their country, their children, and their belief of coming together for a common purpose and goal. We can’t come together for a crazy cold. Keyboard warriors, and opinionated selfish people who know that they’re right because they find common ground with other tribal thinkers. 

What we have become is soft, and selfish, and thoughtless, and we have lost our sense of community. I also don’t know what “ Whatever Bob”! Means. I don’t need to hide behind being someone or something else. Reading your posts on this specific topic reminds me of something that my Grandfather and I’m sure many other people used to say and probably still do.” Opinions are like A$$holes. We all have them, and they all stink”! And that is including my own. 


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5 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

What would the generation of WW2 or WW1 think of us.

They'd probably think we've lost our collective minds, or at least any sense of rational cost vs benefit analysis.  

6 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Seriously try and read something other than ZeroHedge.

Thanks for the advice, Bob.

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1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

They'd probably think we've lost our collective minds, or at least any sense of rational cost vs benefit analysis.  

Thanks for the advice, Bob.

I would agree with that Sir. But I’m just a dude named Evan from the Bay Area on the backside of his 40’s. I do however enjoy Bobs Jerky Boy references. 

Actually I did have an account with another user name, but I did it from an old phone and couldn’t find any of my passwords, or remember my login. So now it is Plant77. 

Have a great day, and enjoy the rest of the weekend. 

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3 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Seriously try and read something other than ZeroHedge. And one of our biggest problems is incredibly unhealthy people not wearing masks or getting vaccinated. 

All this end of the World talk and thought, because we are dealing with a pandemic is crazy. What would the generation of WW2 or WW1 think of us. All the sacrifices that each of their generations made for the betterment of their country, their children, and their belief of coming together for a common purpose and goal. We can’t come together for a crazy cold. Keyboard warriors, and opinionated selfish people who know that they’re right because they find common ground with other tribal thinkers. 

What we have become is soft, and selfish, and thoughtless, and we have lost our sense of community. I also don’t know what “ Whatever Bob”! Means. I don’t need to hide behind being someone or something else. Reading your posts on this specific topic reminds me of something that my Grandfather and I’m sure many other people used to say and probably still do.” Opinions are like A$$holes. We all have them, and they all stink”! And that is including my own. 


Ignore him. He fancies himself Sauron the Dark Lord of Mordor. Sauron used sorcery to cloud men's minds with lies and deceit. JO does not have sorcery at his disposal, so he uses zerohedge swill instead.

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On 9/2/2021 at 11:47 AM, Stryder1978 said:

You mean like Dr. Fauci??

  • During the first month or so after the virus appeared and U.S. cases were still low, Fauci said the country as a whole faced a low risk. But he regularly added that the situation could change.

  • Before the Jan. 31 travel limitations on China, Fauci told reporters a ban was not a good idea. He later said it bought the country time, but by itself couldn’t protect the United States.

  • On masks, Fauci said early on that they offered little protection to the person wearing one, and avoiding crowds and frequent hand washing was more effective.


On 9/2/2021 at 12:25 PM, Stryder1978 said:

How about what YOUR "dear leaders" pull out of their ass?

-1. January 27: In the middle of the impeachment farce, the White House convenes a special task force to deal with the emerging threat of coronavirus. After President Trump declared a “humanitarian and security crisis" during a primetime Oval Office address, Sen. Chuck Schumer, speaking beside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said Trump was working to “manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration." Party leader Tom Perez also called it “manufactured.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., described it as a "'crisis' that doesn't exist." Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted at the time that "we're not falling" for the "fake crisis." - -
-2. January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.” - -
-3. Feb 1: President Trump instilled China travel ban. New York City had its first suspected case of coronavirus
-4. Feb 2 NYC health commissioner Bardot “As we gear up to celebrate the Lunar New Year in NYC, I want to assure New Yorkers that there is no reason for anyone to change their holiday plans, avoid the subway, or certain parts of the city because of coronavirus.” - -
-5. Feb 4, China’s consul general in New York, Huang Ping, thanked the Chinese-American community and other concerned Americans on Tuesday for their aid in battling the coronavirus outbreak, and criticized what he described as “an overreaction by the American government in severely restricting travel to and from China.”
-6. February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; announced that his administration was cooperating with the Chinese in their attempts to thwart the Coronavirus, there, his intention to PROTECT Americans at home. NANCY PELOSI RIPS -UP his speech in front of the Nation. - - -
-7. Feb 5: New York Times "Who says it's not safe to travel to China? The coronavirus travel ban is unjust and doesn't work anyway." NYC Health Commissioner Barbot on Twitter, “Today our city is celebrating the Lunar New Year parade in Chinatown... I want to remind everyone to enjoy the parade and not change any plans due to misinformation spreading about coronavirus.”
-8. Feb 6 Bardot: “The important thing for New Yorkers to know is that in the city currently, their risk is low and our city preparedness is high...We’re telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life. . . If it were likely that it could be transmitted casually, we would be seeing a lot more cases.” - -
-9. Feb 9: Chinatown in New York City held its annual Lunar New Year parade. Surgical masks were nearly absent from this parade. Councilman Mark D. Levine on Twitter, “In powerful show of defiance of coronavirus scare, huge crowds gathering in NYC’s Chinatown for ceremony ahead of annual Lunar New Year parade. Chants of ‘Be Strong Wuhan!’ If you are staying away, you are missing out.”
-10. Feb 12 The House Judiciary Committee on voted, 22-10, to terminate President Trump's expanded travel ban and rein in presidential authority to issue such travel restrictions.
-11. Feb 13: New York City Council speaker Corey Johnson “It is important to support the Chinese community in New York City...There is no need to avoid public spaces. I urge everyone to dine and shop as usual.” Bill de Blasio ; "This should not stop you from going about your life. It should not stop you from going to Chinatown and going out to eat. I am going to do that today myself.” - - - - ......

People in glass houses........


So you admit that there was a lot of conflicting information and statements going out from all sources? That puts the lie to the "plan-demic" conspiracy the nutters rant about. If the virus was planned, they would have had their ducks in a row and messaging better thought out.

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3 hours ago, Walter said:

On average, currently, 14 people die every hour in Florida due to Covid. 

RIDICULOUSLY FALSEThat's 336 deaths per day. In reality, as of 9/5/21 Florida avgs 68 COVID-19 deaths per week, or 9.71 per day.

Edited by SteveAJones
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2 hours ago, Walter said:

On average, currently, 14 people die every hour in Florida due to Covid. 

Therefore ... what, exactly?  More lockdowns?  Mandatory vaccination?  Martial law?  What point do you think you're making with such numbers (assuming they're not fabricated)?

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They've finally dispensed with the numbering (much like how Quantitative Easing became QEternity):

Aussie Health Chief: COVID Will Be With Us "Forever", People Will Have To "Get Used To" Endless Booster Vaccines | ZeroHedge

Didn't know Australia's chief medical officer was a tranny.

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22 hours ago, Rodrigo said:

You are a machine for saying fallacies, besides repeating the same speech of the media and puppet politicians. I'm not going to dwell on every point because it's boring and I'm not interested in wasting so much time. However, you mention several times to look at our nations and not to look at Australia. (?) This isn't a fight of nations, who traveled there, who came back here, nothing like that. This "pandemic" and all that goes with it is just the beginning of implementing a globalist agenda. This is a war between the people of all nations who are not willing to give up their individual rights to a sinister global tyranny.

Anyway it is still amazing how people have the truth before their eyes and they prefer not to accept it and face it... they prefer to continue begging for slavery.




Globalist tyranny?

That and microchips in vaccines that modify DNA.

Where will it end!?

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22 hours ago, Rodrigo said:


Australia's federal and state governments' public health restrictions on its citizens have become even more draconian, with restrictions on freedom of movement and a requirement that South Australian citizens download a phone app that combines facial recognition with geolocation.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently said he knows the burden is heavy, and that "this is not a sustainable way to live in this country."
Interstate travel within Australia has been severely restricted in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 across the country, and now residents are forced to download an Orwellian phone app that uses facial recognition and geolocation to track its citizens.
The Atlantic reports:
South Australian residents will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will send them a text message at random times, and then they will have 15 minutes to take a photo of their face where they are supposed to be. If they don't get it, it will be sent to the local police department to follow up in person. "We don't tell them how often or when, randomly they have to respond within 15 minutes," explained Prime Minister Steven Marshall. "I think all South Australians should be very proud that we are the national pilot for home quarantine enforcement."
Other states across the country have also clamped down on citizens' freedoms in the name of security, with the state of Victoria announcing a curfew and suspending parliamentary business during the pandemic.
Scholar John Lee wrote in an article for the Brookings Institution that "to put this in context, federal and state parliaments sat through both World Wars and the Spanish Flu, and curfews were never imposed."
"Responding to a question about whether he had gone too far with respect to imposing a curfew (avoiding the question of why a curfew was necessary when no other state had one), Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews replied, 'It's not about human rights. It's about human life,'" according to the Atlantic.
Speaking to the BBC, New South Wales Police Minister David Elliott defended the deployment of the Australian military to enforce the curfew, saying some state residents thought "the rules didn't apply to them." In Sydney, where more than five million people have been on lockdown for more than two months, and in Melbourne, the country's second largest city, protests against the shutdown were banned, and when dissidents gathered anyway, hundreds were detained and fined, reported Reuters



First of all it's a state not a federal app from the South Australian government.

We in New South Wales are not forced to download anything.

Most of the restrictions including curfews (which are overnight and most people are asleep or working in essential services), are expected to be lifted in early October.

Th goal to reach 80% of the population vaccinated should be reached by the end of September.

People are able to cross state borders for work purposes and transporting goods etc.


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21 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

Yeah they're like they're neighbors communist China.

China is hardly our neighbour.

We called them out about having an independent investigation into the Wuhan "incident" and they retaliated by putting unreasonable tariffs on exports.

To say we are anything like Communist China is ludicrous.

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8 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

GENE SIMMONS Says He Is 'Really Fine' After Testing Positive For COVID-19, Urges Everyone To Get Vaccinated



Knowing Gene I am surprised he has not partnered with J&J to develop the KISS COVID Vaccine. Comes with action figure of your favorite band member, pre-loaded syringe, and an official COVID / KISS Army vaccine card. All for only $99.97 🙂


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Just got back from getting tested and they just called me with a positive result, have to quarantine for another week and then test again. It's been three-four weeks since I first contracted it I believe. My mom and I contracted it at the same time, the difference is she was not vaccinated and I was but she is free of it now and I still have it. Then again I could have very well caught it again from somewhere else. I think I need to be more careful hanging around any people. I am disappointed in the vaccine and I'm not sure I believe the vaccine lessens the worst of the symptoms so much as is being said. Then again I could have caught it again from someone else. My mom is in a rehab so I am quarantining alone at home. Other than a slightly scratchy throat no other discernible symptoms.

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38 minutes ago, luvlz2 said:


Just got back from getting tested and they just called me with a positive result, have to quarantine for another week and then test again. It's been three-four weeks since I first contracted it I believe. My mom and I contracted it at the same time, the difference is she was not vaccinated and I was but she is free of it now and I still have it. Then again I could have very well caught it again from somewhere else. I think I need to be more careful hanging around any people. I am disappointed in the vaccine and I'm not sure I believe the vaccine lessens the worst of the symptoms so much as is being said. Then again I could have caught it again from someone else. My mom is in a rehab so I am quarantining alone at home. Other than a slightly scratchy throat no other discernible symptoms.

Sorry to hear this.  Your Mom needs you....take care of yourself !

Kids are back in school, Summer is over, and the extra unemployment bennies have run out.  Back to work people !


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34 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

Sorry to hear this.  Your Mom needs you....take care of yourself !

Kids are back in school, Summer is over, and the extra unemployment bennies have run out.  Back to work people !


👍Thanks, your kindness means a lot Bong-Man! Have a nice day!

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1 hour ago, luvlz2 said:


Just got back from getting tested and they just called me with a positive result, have to quarantine for another week and then test again. It's been three-four weeks since I first contracted it I believe. My mom and I contracted it at the same time, the difference is she was not vaccinated and I was but she is free of it now and I still have it. Then again I could have very well caught it again from somewhere else. I think I need to be more careful hanging around any people. I am disappointed in the vaccine and I'm not sure I believe the vaccine lessens the worst of the symptoms so much as is being said. Then again I could have caught it again from someone else. My mom is in a rehab so I am quarantining alone at home. Other than a slightly scratchy throat no other discernible symptoms.

I appreciate your posts, so please take care and keep safe. Best of health to you and your mum, luvlz2.

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