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I went to the first Coachella in 1999...where I knew at least 75% of the acts.


This was the 2022 Coachella...where I barely knew 25% of the acts. I have clearly aged out of the "Coachella demographic".


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5 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

All you libs that support killing unborn babies.....

That is a moronic over-simplification and any adult should know better than spouting that nonsense.

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20 minutes ago, Strider said:

I went to the first Coachella in 1999...where I knew at least 75% of the acts.


This was the 2022 Coachella...where I barely knew 25% of the acts. I have clearly aged out of the "Coachella demographic".


Happens to us all lol. I don't recognize most of them either,. I'm sure every gen says this about the music to the one that comes later, but .... I'm not seeing anyone on the list that makes me go "yeah!!" I am happy for Fatboy Slim, I suppose. And I am googling Giselle Woo and the Night Owls because their name makes me happy. Listening to them now, and they're music is chill and suits my current mood perfectly. So that's kinda cool. 🙂

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43 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

All you libs that support killing unborn babies.....

So it's ok for women to have rapists babies, or in the case of incest... Unbelievable that nine people can so much s(w)ay. 

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Doctor;  "so why are you here today?"

Birthing person: "I want an abortion."

Doctor:  "Are you having any issues?"

Birthing person: "No."

Doctor: "Ok" can you tell me why?"

Birthing person: "I didn't know I married a conservative."

Some abortions may have a place because of medical reasons but I do not think it should ever be considered simple birth control.  Whether or not the baby is wanted, it's still a human life and murdering it in the womb is a shit thing to do especially for a birthing person who's on their third one. But hey, if they can cancel people why not babies too.

Edited by hummingbird69
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1 hour ago, Strider said:

That is a moronic over-simplification and any adult should know better than spouting that nonsense.

Exactly. Any adult with any common sense and critical thinking. 

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On 4/30/2022 at 6:10 PM, hummingbird69 said:

I can't wait for the disinformation governance board to get rolling!!    



Picture this:

I go on a social media site and proclaim, " Oh yeah, the Big Guy is doing an outstanding job. Thanks be, he has brought us back from the abyss."
Then Ms. Poppins flags me and I'm shadowbanned for promoting... DISINFORMATION.

Or Zuck "fact checks", sees that I'm a threat, and puts me in his stupid Jail for posting UNTRUTHS.

Fuck, I can't picture this either.

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5 hours ago, 1975NQ said:

Happens to us all lol. I don't recognize most of them either,. I'm sure every gen says this about the music to the one that comes later, but .... I'm not seeing anyone on the list that makes me go "yeah!!" I am happy for Fatboy Slim, I suppose. And I am googling Giselle Woo and the Night Owls because their name makes me happy. Listening to them now, and they're music is chill and suits my current mood perfectly. So that's kinda cool. 🙂

That is the thing that struck me. It wasn't that I didn't know most of the names on the 2022 lineup. I am old and don't keep my ear to the ground the way I used to do...especially regarding the EDM and hip-hop scenes, of which I have grown tired. I have not been to Coachella in at least 10 years and fully expect not to know most of what the kids are listening to these days.

But it was that even the names I did know, none of them was making me want to drive three hours into the desert and pay $1000 for the pleasure.

Harry Styles? Megan the Stallion? Billie Eilish? Danny Elfman? Big Sean? Ehhh...no thanks.

Even the bands I like....King Gizzard, Spiritualized (who were at the first Coachella), Japanese Breakfast...I would want to see them in a smaller room on their own. In fact, King Gizzard did play their own show at the Fox Pomona Theatre last month, as did Spiritualized at the Fonda Theatre. Spiritualized played a full two-hour set at the 1,200 seat Fonda while they played only six songs at Coachella.

Not that the Festival needs me. Obviously it is doing fine....when you sell thousands of tickets before a lineup is even announced, you've got powerful brand recognition.

Coachella is not going to survive appealing to 60-year and older types. It's all about the kids.


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22 minutes ago, Strider said:

That is the thing that struck me. It wasn't that I didn't know most of the names on the 2022 lineup. I am old and don't keep my ear to the ground the way I used to do...especially regarding the EDM and hip-hop scenes, of which I have grown tired. I have not been to Coachella in at least 10 years and fully expect not to know most of what the kids are listening to these days.

But it was that even the names I did know, none of them was making me want to drive three hours into the desert and pay $1000 for the pleasure.

Harry Styles? Megan the Stallion? Billie Eilish? Danny Elfman? Big Sean? Ehhh...no thanks.

Even the bands I like....King Gizzard, Spiritualized (who were at the first Coachella), Japanese Breakfast...I would want to see them in a smaller room on their own. In fact, King Gizzard did play their own show at the Fox Pomona Theatre last month, as did Spiritualized at the Fonda Theatre. Spiritualized played a full two-hour set at the 1,200 seat Fonda while they played only six songs at Coachella.

Not that the Festival needs me. Obviously it is doing fine....when you sell thousands of tickets before a lineup is even announced, you've got powerful brand recognition.

Coachella is not going to survive appealing to 60-year and older types. It's all about the kids.


Yeah, you hit the nail on the head with everything you've said here. I remember when Spacemen 3 got big on college radio in the late 80s. A friend of mine was into them and turned me onto them. We were late teens/early 20s and you're in such a different place in your life at that time. How you think, the choices you make, the music you listen to, all of it. It's cool that Spiritualized is still around, but yeah I wouldn't pay $1000 and drive that far to see anyone in the desert, including Jimmy Page lol (sorry Jimmy).

I was kinda hoping forum members would pick up on your post as a reason to clown on the silly names, look up different bands and see which ones we like/hate/whatever .. but instead it's a lot of political stuff.

I think if you posted that exact same post on reddit, with all the names on the poster getting tinier and tinier, showing where they were on the totem pole, you'd get dozens of responses. Some clowning, some serious as heart attacks because their fav "I know them before they get big" bands are on there, some to see which one has the coolest name. I vote for Dom Dolla because it has that stupid/smart "we're too cool" thing going for it. Sounds very Gen X.  

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2 hours ago, jabe said:

Picture this:

I go on a social media site and proclaim, " Oh yeah, the Big Guy is doing an outstanding job. Thanks be, he has brought us back from the abyss."
Then Ms. Poppins flags me and I'm shadowbanned for promoting... DISINFORMATION.

Or Zuck "fact checks", sees that I'm a threat, and puts me in his stupid Jail for posting UNTRUTHS.

Fuck, I can't picture this either.

Hello, cell mate. 

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3 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

So now the leftists are back to "my body my choice".  The same people who demanded that we submit to government vaccine mandates a few months ago.  You can't make this crap up but here we are.

Yes. The same people who insist we "follow the science" can't grasp termination of a pregnancy ALWAYS involves more than "MY body".

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I think it's extremely callous of anyone to shrug off human life as disposable just because it's in it's first stages of development.  I think all these abortion happy idiots should be made to watch film of just how they do it and especially make them watch partial birth and late term abortions.

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I used to have a little fantasy about talking heads on the left like pelosi or schumer and the rest on cnn msnbc having a brick drop out of the sky onto their heads while spouting all the shit they say but it changed today after seeing fauxcahontis yelling about how angry she was over the draft. I said to myself someone please hit her in the face with a shovel! please please let it happen but then I changed my mind again because the most suiting thing to hit these clowns in the face with would be a banana cream pie.

Last month they appointed a person to the supreme court who could not define what a woman was. If she has no idea what a woman is by definition then how can she rule on abortion?  she isn't a biologist or a surgeon so what qualifies her to make supreme rulings on these subjects?? Then you have kamala having a thunberg moment where she screeched "how dare you"  where was she when the gov was forcing everybody to get vaccinated? what happened to my body my choice??  these people are nothing but clowns.

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Men love telling women what they can do with their bodies.

This is why Sam was smart to have the political/religious topic ban. Because some of you cannot tell the difference between a woman's reproduction system, which is personal and private, and a virus which is contagious and effects the public health.

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29 minutes ago, Strider said:

Men love telling women what they can do with their bodies.

This is why Sam was smart to have the political/religious topic ban. Because some of you cannot tell the difference between a woman's reproduction system, which is personal and private, and a virus which is contagious and effects the public health.

I guess you don't understand what the term "my body my choice" means.  It means it's my body, and I get to chose what I feel is right for me regardless of whatever the issue is.   If I don't want the vax you cannot force me to get it same with abortion. You want one, go ahead and get one, but don't try and make me pay for it with my tax dollars.  That's really the crux of the argument for pro lifers,  They may not feel abortion is moral and they can protest till the cows come home about the people who chose to have them and if they cannot get it banned outright they most certainly do not want to be forced to fund abortion through tax dollars because that makes them complicit with something they feel is immoral.    Can you fathom that?  or are you just going to repeat some bullshit about men because, and I think you know this, there are millions of women who are against abortion and it has nothing to do with men.

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I couldn't find the news thread or the WTF thread, so I guess I'll put this here. I am kicking myself because I was offered a chance to go see Dave Chapelle's show at the Hollywood Bowl last night and turned it down. I am wondering how the guy snuck the weapon in? The Bowl is usually pretty thorough in their searches.


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