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Gift for Jimmy


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Wow...it certainly was a big surprise for me when I got here and everything was totally different! Since the old thread is gone, here is what it was about...

Last year I commissioned a book for Jimmy and asked fans to contribute a message to it. It is now finished, and it was a big success. I included about 600 messages from 42 countries around the world. I actually received many many more than that, but 600 was all I could fit. People answered different questions for me, so the book is not a boring read with everyone saying the same thing. It really is very entertaining!

The book was built to last for at least 500 years with all the craftsmanship and quality that went into making it. It also contains hidden messages that will be found when it needs repair in a few hundred year's time, and other fun things that are built into the book. I didn't want it to be dull, so dull it isn't!

The book is on the book binder's website - this man has made books for the Queen and Prince Charles, so that should give you an idea of what it is like. If you would like to see pics, you can go here: http://www.bookarts.co.uk/examples.htm

Thanks so much to everyone here who sent a message. :D

That was a really cool idea! I wish I was here when you started this! I want one!

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I don't have the text anymore, I wiped it from my computer when it was all printed. So much of Jimmy's life is public, so I thought it would be nice if this was one copy of one, for him alone. And quite a number of the people who sent messages asked that no one else read them, as they had personal stories to share about how they felt helped by his music, so I have to honor that and not make the text available. With all the messages I received I simply couldn't keep track of who requested privacy, so I just made it all private.

How much did it cost...well, let's just say A LOT. But if you make a gift for Jimmy Page, it has to be the best you can possibly get, and believe me, you couldn't get a book any finer than this one. I didn't think there would be much point in doing it unless I really pushed the boat out.

I am still working on getting it to someone that can pass it on to him. This in itself is an absolutely fascinating process. I think I could write my own book on just this aspect alone. Suddenly people who claimed to know this and that person are all silent. It's bewildering. But I am pretty sure the person working on it for me will be able to do it. It's a bit like negotiating for the UN I think... :blink:

There's only so much Jimmy will allow to go public. After all, he did say he had "A lot of skeletons in my closet"?

He likes to keep some parts of his life private.

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Any word yet? Enquiring minds want to know! :D

Not yet. But I am not expecting to hear from Jimmy himself, you all understand that right? I am only expecting to hear from the person giving it to him that he has it. It should be anytime in the next 3 days. :)

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I can understand you're scared. I am too, but don't be. I know he'll love it too. Please let us know when you have heard from your contact. I wonder if Jimmy will look at it while he is still there. He maybe too curious not to look at it a little with that outside of the book.

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Well everyone, Jimmy has the book. Here is what I was told by the person who gave it to him...

"Jimmy took it away with him at the end of our meeting. He was very impressed by the whole design and craftsmanship and thought it really was a beautiful piece of work. He was also very touched by the messages he read in just the short-time he looked at it while we were together – and said that he would spend more time reading it at another time. He asked me to thank you for such a thoughtful and wonderful gift and that he was looking forward to looking at it more closely."

Oh my goodness I am so thrilled to pieces he likes it. I hope it gives him lots of joy to read, and of course, one of those amazing smiles of his! :wub:

Thanks so much everyone for all your nice messages of encouragement in this thread while I fretted over this. I am so very happy!! And a bit amazed to think that I have actually given the man I admire most in the world a gift he likes! :cheer: Oh I can die a happy, happy woman now!

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Well everyone, Jimmy has the book. Here is what I was told by the person who gave it to him...

"Jimmy took it away with him at the end of our meeting. He was very impressed by the whole design and craftsmanship and thought it really was a beautiful piece of work. He was also very touched by the messages he read in just the short-time he looked at it while we were together – and said that he would spend more time reading it at another time. He asked me to thank you for such a thoughtful and wonderful gift and that he was looking forward to looking at it more closely."


Yay! I have said it before and I'll say it again - what you have done is very impressive and a great gift - I am sure Jimmy is thrilled. The amount of thought that has gone into this is obvious. It's certainly a cut above the usual fan mail that's for sure!

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Well everyone, Jimmy has the book. Here is what I was told by the person who gave it to him...

"Jimmy took it away with him at the end of our meeting. He was very impressed by the whole design and craftsmanship and thought it really was a beautiful piece of work. He was also very touched by the messages he read in just the short-time he looked at it while we were together – and said that he would spend more time reading it at another time. He asked me to thank you for such a thoughtful and wonderful gift and that he was looking forward to looking at it more closely."

Oh my goodness I am so thrilled to pieces he likes it. I hope it gives him lots of joy to read, and of course, one of those amazing smiles of his! :wub:

Thanks so much everyone for all your nice messages of encouragement in this thread while I fretted over this. I am so very happy!! And a bit amazed to think that I have actually given the man I admire most in the world a gift he likes! :cheer: Oh I can die a happy, happy woman now!

PA, how could he NOT of been touched by such a lovely gift?

It's so cool he received it, and you got some feedback.

I wouldn't be surprised if JP get's in touch with you to thank you himself. I sure hope he does. :wub: That would be icing on the cake for you.

It must be quite a feeling knowning something you had a hand in, is now in his personal hands. I'm thrilled for you.

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Eeeek PageAngel that is so exciting!!!! I am so excited to know that Jimmy Page will be reading something thatI have written, even though its just a small insignificant part of the whole thing. Still, its such a cool feeling! And I'm happy that you're happy and all your hard work paid off... good on you for all your hard work and following through on such a project, I am sure Jimmy very much appreciates it!

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It is so cool he has it and will look more closely! I am so happy for you Annie. I hope you hear more? But it is so fantastic now! I knew he would love it for everything.

Edited by aen27
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Congratulations for your hard work and dedication...You have inspired me along with so many others to do some thing great for the love of music of our divine Led Zep,

If you don't mind perhaps I can send you a e-mail about some ideas, and see what you think...I am thinking about more of in terms of honouring the Band... rather than providing them with a gift or anything of that nature...

I am deeply sorry that I was not aware of your post last year, as i was never a member or aware of this form. Otherwise, I would have sent you a gold engraved poetry worthy of praise in honour of The Great Jimmy Page...My poetry would have been verses in Urdu/Hindi Poetry of immoral poets of my native land, translated to perfection to reflect our unconditional love for this divine man and his music...

Every one has a story...Mine too is indeed Unique...Perhaps someday when I am not too emotional, I will write a post or two...again, really, you have accomplished something so great, and you know it...peace and love, take care...all the way from Canada.

Main akela hi chala tha, janib-e-manzil magar, Log saath aate gaye aur caravan banta gaya..., Poet Majrooh

...Alone, I commenced a journey towards my destination,... people came along the way...thus a caravan began to form...

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Page Angel, that is absolutely wonderful news! I think that we all knew deep down that Jimmy would love it - he's such a genuine, kind person - and who couldn't fail to be moved by something so beautiful which was clearly a labour of love?

I'm sure you will hear from him directly at some point, too.

My only regret is that I missed out on contributing to the book, as although I registered on the old board, I never got around to posting. So if ever there is a similar project, please count me in!

Congratulations, I am really, really happy for you! :yay:

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Oh you all....you're so sweet. I am excited for everyone that put a message in the book that I didn't let you down and Jimmy actually has them to read. Lady Raven I agree - it is crazy to think about! I've been rather speechless the past 48 hours, a condition I am not normally in!

I am certain he will love every message in there. All his fans that wrote in were so genuinely full of love and respect for him and I am so glad he has a record of that. Like I said before, it's great to have the praise of fellow musicians and other celebrities, but no one can top what his ordinary fans had to say. I hope the messages will affect him like his music affects us, because they are powerful and just plain honest and real. And like his music, they contain all the emotions of life. Jimmy has amazing fans! :thanku:

I do have a few ideas about another project, and I will let you all know if I get it going. But the Knebworth project is my priority of the moment now.

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Congrats PageAngel!! This is so exciting and wonderful.

It's just great knowing that all his fans are represented by what's in the book, including how you made it with all the love you could muster. Though I didn't write to you at the time, I feel like Jimmy now knows what he means to me too, because you made it possible for him to read what he means to others.


Main akela hi chala tha, janib-e-manzil magar, Log saath aate gaye aur caravan banta gaya..., Poet Majrooh

...Alone, I commenced a journey towards my destination,... people came along the way...thus a caravan began to form...

That's beautiful, PlanetPage!

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Wow! How exciting! I am so happy for you Annie and all of those who could write something in this wonderful book. This entire project was a fantastic idea, and I am glad this has been done to thank Jimmy Page for his music and show him how much he means to us. A big hug to you PageAngel :kiss:

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I am so glad I visited this thread today and saw that Jimmy got your lovely gift.

I am very sure he was happy and humbled by the wonderful words his fans sent to him.

It truly was a gift from the heart and even though he is Mr. James Patrick Page.....I know it means alot to him.

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