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i'm not going but i don't set expectations on ANYTHING I learned that a long time ago....and it's for benefit reasons so it's a no lose situation no matter what.

and you can please some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time..that goes for LZ too.

set no expectations....no disapointment. I'd be ectastic just to be in the same location with them after so many years...and think everyone will find some part of the show they will like unless they are completely negative or set unrealistic expectations.

Edited by madison
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yeah interesting topic.

I've been trying to think up a situation where they would be a disappointment but I'm coming up blank.

If they're as committed as everyone says they are, I don't think there will be a problem.

They could play "Poor Tom" the whole night and I think I would go nuts.

Of course, I won't be at the show so I guess I'm already disappointed :(


as for expectations, I think that you need to have realistic expectations.

The more you know about the band these days, the better, because then you might know what to expect.

If you think Robert Plant is going to be squealing like a mouse then you probably set the bar too high.

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Put simply , they won't disappoint ........they are seasoned musicians , having seen Plant & Page in various guises over the years they always put on a good show !

It's no use trying to compare things to the 1970s , that was then this is NOW , they will give you one hell of a show ......and for those of you who are lucky to be there ( I'm not, I didn't win ) your in for a treat and history in the making !

It will be great ......you'll say ...they did 'this & they did that' , Fantastic , but this wasn't the same and that the wasn't the same ! .......Who gives a bollock !


Please treasure it ..............for i believe it is a once in a lifetime experience

Have a great time and chill ............Led Zeppelin (sort of) lives for one night and your there ............if your worried and don't want your ticket PM me ..............I will be more than pleased to take it off your hands !! :D

Peace .......Jimmy

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If you're disappointed, it's because you were expecting Led Zeppelin circa 1973 and not Led Zeppelin circa 2007. Temper your expectations with reality. They're not spring chickens anymore, so things will be different than the last time some of you saw them live. That doesn't mean they're going to suck.....they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't think they could do a superb job. It just means, realize they're older and Robert won't be screeching anymore.

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Put simply , they won't disappoint ........they are seasoned musicians , having seen Plant & Page in various guises over the years they always put on a good show !

It's no use trying to compare things to the 1970s , that was then this is NOW , they will give you one hell of a show ......and for those of you who are lucky to be there ( I'm not, I didn't win ) your in for a treat and history in the making !

It will be great ......you'll say ...they did 'this & they did that' , Fantastic , but this wasn't the same and that the wasn't the same ! .......Who gives a bollock !


Please treasure it ..............for i believe it is a once in a lifetime experience

Have a great time and chill ............Led Zeppelin (sort of) lives for one night and your there ............if your worried and don't want your ticket PM me ..............I will be more than pleased to take it off your hands !! :D

Peace .......Jimmy

Zeppelin live wont dissapoint, about that easy :blink::blink:


Rolls>>> :wacko:

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Trust me Dude .......They'll rock your socks off !

Do you think Jimmys forgoten how to play guitar , or Robert won't be thinkin ...............mmmm , how can i sing this and make sound Great ! he's got pride and he wants to impress ! I saw him last year with Strange Sensation doing Zep numbers and iv'e got a recording of the gig i was at and he ROCKED , Jonesy ......Well what can you say ...........i mean the guys just perfection as always and Jason ...............Well ...........He'll be like a dog with 2 Dicks !!

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It's amazing that an event that should cause such joy and excitement has stirred up more negative discussions. How on earth could you be disappointed attending such an incredible event :(

Well said ninelives. Strange thread isn't it? If there are any ticket holders that are worried that the show will be disappointing then I will gladly buy their ticket to relieve any undue stress.

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I don't think anyone will be disapointed because this is "an event" that most people would love to attend. Some day it might be a thing of bragging rights like having been to the Montery Pop Festival or Woodstock (well, maybe not that big but still pretty big) -- especially if this is the last time they play together this way.

And I think people will have the correct expectations of each individual member. The only thing that might possibly go wrong is that they don't groove well together... but I don't think so. These guys are proffessionals.

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I don't think anyone will be disapointed because this is "an event" that most people would love to attend. Some day it might be a thing of bragging rights like having been to the Montery Pop Festival or Woodstock (well, maybe not that big but still pretty big) -- especially if this is the last time they play together this way.

And I think people will have the correct expectations of each individual member. The only thing that might possibly go wrong is that they don't groove well together... but I don't think so. These guys are proffessionals.

OMG, I'm agreeing with Del. :o

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It is impossible for this concert to be a disappointment. Especially if you are one of the lucky few who gets to be there. I will tell you why. Yes there are high expectations, but every intelligent Zep fan is putting it into perspective, we're not going to see the 1973 LZ again. However, anything they do would not disappoint me. If Robert mumbled all night, Jimmy missed half the notes, Jonsey fell asleep, and Bonzo Jr. played drums with one hand...you know what you would get?....The best concert in the world as of now. This is Led Zeppelin we are talking about. And the people who won the raffle paid about $250 for the tickets, and I personally would pay $250 to Robert Plant come on the stage and say..."Does anyone remember laughter?" and leave. But in all seriousness, a sloppy and dead Led Zeppelin is better then todays best in their prime. Why? If you are wondering that, LZ's music has already flown above you.

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The only way the band would disappoint me would be if they already know now that they are going to do more dates and are simply waiting until after the o2 show to announce it. Particularly with Harvey's stance against reselling of tickets. If they announce additional dates before the o2 show it would reduce the demand for tickets for the o2 which in turn would stop the touts from making so much money off of the show. Also, and more importantly, is the time and money that some fans are spending to attend the o2 show, with the belief that this is their ONLY chance to see the band. It might be good business, but I don't think it is being up front with the fans to hold off on the announcement of additional shows.

I would understand it if they really want to see how the o2 show goes before committing to more dates, but I would think that by now they would have a pretty good feel for how they will perform to come to a decision, barring an unforseen disaster at the o2.

Obviously, regardless of additional shows, the o2 show will remain special for anyone attending. But I am sure some fans are stretching their finances in their belief that Robert was truthful when he confirmed that "It's total - only one show." This quote is found 3 minutes 30 seconds into the following interview - http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/nol/newsid_69...100/6992121.stm?

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Just to weigh in on my own thread - No, nothing they can do on that Night would disappoint me (besides not show up!). I have been a fan too long and the members and mission of Zep is (are) way too special to have one show blow it all to pieces.

I'm glad to see the responses are so passionate and you guys feel the same way!

But, in order to have a democratic forum, I'd like to cover all the bases and not rehash the same ol' threads - if possible. So, if that's the case, some questions MUST be asked while there is still time before the Greatest Show on Earth becomes reality. These queries may seem negative on the surface but they do serve a purpose.

We all agree that Zep is bigger and more meaningful to us than this one event...Thank God!

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What if...mmm???

I don't think so, I mean, clearly they are not the same they were 30 years ago, but they should have the same passion, after all, they did mark the history..

I don't think the concert will be awful, i think it's going to be great, if i could be there and if it souds like crap, I wouldn't mind, for me just seing them standing on the stage... it's all I need!


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Well dont expect a performance straight out of their last DVD! Imagine what you were doing thirty five years ago and try and recreate THAT! lol. Have you heard Plants latest stuff. Its great! I would be happy if a couple of songs from Raising Sand were to make it on the setlist.

Imagine a four guys just playing on the front porch like they've been playing their whole lives. As long as they take it easy, let go and let the music happen it will be great. I have no doubt about that.

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I think that if you go there with visions of what they look like now, and may not quite sound as wild as they did back in their hayday, that they are not bouncing and dancing round like they were, then they will not disappoint. I don t think Robert can reach the high notes, as he once did, but at the end of the day they are Led Zeppelin, the greatest rock group in the world,and always in my opinion will be. .

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