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Zeppelin Time Machine


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Ok...you have a time machine and you can make one Zeppelin related trip.

And included in that trip, you have backstage passes, full access to the band, you get to hang out with them, etc.

Where/to what era, would you go and why?

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I would go to Madison Square Garden on July 27 1973. Whenever I close my eyes and visualize Led Zeppelin, I always see them the way they looked in the TSRTS film: Robert- with that gorgeous blond mane, Jimmy- sexy in the black velvet suit, JPJ-quietly showing off his superior musicianship, and Bonzo- strong, powerful, and so alive. I would have loved to see that show (and the 28th & 29th too)in person.

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first choice: 1969.

hmmmm...I guess... I'd go back tooo...Lyceum.

the reason is...veeeerry compLicaatedd=====

Jimmy's Lyceum Backstage photos



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Time machine? How nice would that be!

I would love to be transported up to when they first started in '68-69, then Zep time travel all through their music years till 1980. Each and every one of their production and tour year had a uniqueness and a beauty to it for various reasons. I wouldn't have wanted to miss anything of that! :)

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I would go to the Old Mill House on 24. September 1980 and sit by the bed of Bonzo to take care of him.

You all know why.

There are many shows I'd love to see, but I think the best thing that could possibly be done would be to go back to September 23rd, 1980 and check John Bonham into rehab before he drank those 40 shots of vodka (maybe Page too, now that I think about it).

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There are many shows I'd love to see, but I think the best thing that could possibly be done would be to go back to September 23rd, 1980 and check John Bonham into rehab before he drank those 40 shots of vodka (maybe Page too, now that I think about it).

Good luck getting them to go.....

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I'd go back to 1964, London and stay there. Then I would have the right age in 69 (20 years) and could travel to all their concerts and expirience thze whole thing...

Nobel prize for the fucking scientist who invents the time machine!

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I'd go back to 1964, London and stay there. Then I would have the right age in 69 (20 years) and could travel to all their concerts and expirience thze whole thing...

Nobel prize for the fucking scientist who invents the time machine!

I'm working on it.


I couLdn't resist to say that :D this topic is my everyday taLk. or everyday moaning. "damn, damn, take me back to 70s or Let me die in sorrow"

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I would have to be at Headly Grange for the recording of the fourth album with them, second choise would be hanging out with them at Bron Y Aur writing and singing the accoustics to the third album.

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  • 1 month later...

I would go to April 20th 1969.

That would give me 4 days to get tickets to the 4/24 thru 4/27 string of shows in San Francisco.

In those 4 days before the show, I would gather recording intelligence and other things necessary to get soundboard recordings of the 4/25 and 4/26 shows.

In addition, I would bring a professional-grade video recorder with me so when I got back to the future I could sync the video footage to all those awesome soundboard recordings. I'd then mail the mixes to Jimmy with a note attached saying "Jimmy - Please master these recordings and do your best to get this to your fans."

Thank me in about a year.

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Earls Court 5/25/75 Jimmy was hot! In his onstage peformance, and off. I have always dreamed of going back in time and thats the date I would go. After the best concert ever by the boys, Jimmy would take me back to his hotel and we would spend hours making love. Oh Jimmy is so hot then and now, and single. What is a woman to do. Thanks for the time machine trip it was lovely!!

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Earls Court 5/25/75 Jimmy was hot! In his onstage peformance, and off. I have always dreamed of going back in time and thats the date I would go. After the best concert ever by the boys, Jimmy would take me back to his hotel and we would spend hours making love. Oh Jimmy is so hot then and now, and single. What is a woman to do. Thanks for the time machine trip it was lovely!!

what are you 14?

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There are many shows I'd love to see, but I think the best thing that could possibly be done would be to go back to September 23rd, 1980 and check John Bonham into rehab before he drank those 40 shots of vodka (maybe Page too, now that I think about it).

Good idea but the thing is, if you suddenly appeared in front of Bonzo telling him he's going to die, would he believe you? Would he listen to a total stranger? If you told him you're from the future he may think you're a wacko and would call G to have you removed. I think the previous suggestion has some merit. Just appear beside him while he is still sleeping and make sure he's on his side and breathing clear, and simply vanish in the morning just before Benji LeFevre and John Paul Jones enter through the bedroom door the next day.


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I would go back and relive April 1, 1977 at Memorial Auditorium in Dallas. I was actually there, but there was so much partaking of cannabis in that arena that I don't remember much. It upsets me whenever I think about it... :(

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