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New singer for Jimmy, JPJ and Jason?


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Otto, that sounds like a very realistic approach to this.

Who knows who might join in on a recording (if they decide to do that)?

some names come to mind:

Steve Winwood (Knebby :D )

Leona Lewis

Eric Clapton

Jeff Beck

James Burton

Jerry Lee Lewis

Little Richard

Paul McCartney

David Gilmour

Brian May

Paul Rodgers

Robert Plant

and some newer artists....

R B)

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There are other good bands besides Led Zeppelin, but good in their own unique way, due to the individual chemistries of each band. Zep fans are much too puritanical in their devotion. Much too uptight. You can bet Deep Purple of Whitesnake or Sabbath fans are more open-minded, because the lineup has changed so much there. Enjoy the music but don't obssess too much on the cult of personality. Remember that sometimes Zeppelin didn't even live up to its own reputation back in the day. The ideals of what they were striving for can be accomplished by many different musicians if they really 'get it'.

Outstanding post. I wholeheartedly agree.

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Outstanding post. I wholeheartedly agree.

you forgetting every band not always lived up to the legend, people have bad nights man their human, but to have a bad night in front of 50,000 and come back the next week and own thats legend material to me.

and the line never changed for zep because it never had to until one of the members died and then he couldn't be replaced. which i post to be a very fair statement.

Edited by Olipticle
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I am not promoting Steve, but he has a great way of breaking things down and analyzing info.

It will be interesting to see if anything JPJ has something to say, or not about this in his upcoming Q&A session. (3rd link)




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I hear what you're saying but the thing with Zep is, we only know them as the four original members. So much time has passed since their demise that it becomes a bit harder to imagine them say without Robert singing. I do think that they are all amazing musicians and whatever they choose to do with whomever they work with, it'll no doubt be fantastic as they've shown us over the years, I just don't see whatever this future project will be, as Led Zeppelin. But I am very much looking forward to it and hoping (rather impatiently ;) ) that we won't have to wait too long!

I keep coming back to this thread thinking that I can offer another opinion on the subject but as it turns out, I can't :D I think you have pretty much nailed it on the head for me ninelives

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No one knows what will happen so saying Robert might or may not join the rest of the boys is a moot point. No one knows what he will do, or any of the rest of them will do.

Speculation either way is a waste of time. When the 4 people involved make a statement of their plans, whatever they are, we will all find out together.

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I am not promoting Steve, but he has a great way of breaking things down and analyzing info.

It will be interesting to see if anything JPJ has something to say, or not about this in his upcoming Q&A session. (3rd link)




Thanks for posting this Kiss of Fire. Now lets just hope JPJ clears the rumours up before Oct 26

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No one knows what will happen so saying Robert might or may not join the rest of the boys is a moot point. No one knows what he will do, or any of the rest of them will do.

Speculation either way is a waste of time. When the 4 people involved make a statement of their plans, whatever they are, we will all find out together.

Robert has already said he is not joining them. Knebby repeated ^^ that he has no intention of joining them. So that part of the speculation really IS wasted time!

However, I'd be very grateful if the others just said something one way or the other--they don't need to build interest in this thing, in fact they're reaching the point where interest is likely to go off the boil, so to speak.

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I just wish somebody could ask Myles Kennedy if he is in or out.

Could not be so difficult could it?


If he was asked, I dont' think he could or would give a definitive answer either way.

We'll just have to try and be patience...and patience is not one of my strong suits but what can I do? An announcement, if any, will be made when the time is right.

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Robert has already said he is not joining them. Knebby repeated ^^ that he has no intention of joining them. So that part of the speculation really IS wasted time!

However, I'd be very grateful if the others just said something one way or the other--they don't need to build interest in this thing, in fact they're reaching the point where interest is likely to go off the boil, so to speak.

Is Robert capable of changing his mind? Maybe we should check with you and Knebby first since you seem to know his every move and thought.

I know what Robert said, thank you very much. I am saying regardless as to his statement or anyone elses, it may be subject to change. If you can tell me it won't for absolute certain, tell what this Saturday's lotto numbers are as well.

And by the way, I don't care if Robert ever sings a song again or if Jimmy burns his guitars. The point made, again, was that anything is subject to change regardless as to this, that or whatever statement.

And if you had any immediate first hand information related to Plant or any one else from Zep, I don't think you'd be spending your days and nights on this forum

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Is Robert capable of changing his mind? Maybe we should check with you and Knebby first since you seem to know his every move and thought.

I know what Robert said, thank you very much. I am saying regardless as to his statement or anyone elses, it may be subject to change. If you can tell me it won't for absolute certain, tell what this Saturday's lotto numbers are as well.

And by the way, I don't care if Robert ever sings a song again or if Jimmy burns his guitars. The point made, again, was that anything is subject to change regardless as to this, that or whatever statement.

And if you had any immediate first hand information related to Plant or any one else from Zep, I don't think you'd be spending your days and nights on this forum

There do seem to be alot of self-appointed experts on this forum. Strong correlation with sanctimony and a desire to maintain delusions about close relationships with band members and an imagined glorified past.

Edited by Page_Maniac
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However, I'd be very grateful if the others just said something one way or the other--they don't need to build interest in this thing, in fact they're reaching the point where interest is likely to go off the boil, so to speak.

I'm thinking the same thing :(

Hope we can get an answer soon.

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There do seem to be alot of self-appointed experts on this forum. Strong correlation with sanctimony and a desire to maintain delusions about close relationships with band members and an imagined glorified past.

I don't have any close relationships with band members--nor do I have to imagine the glory of my past. B)

I, too, can read, however. The difference is that I don't live in a state of denial about what I've read. :)

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Is Robert capable of changing his mind? Maybe we should check with you and Knebby first since you seem to know his every move and thought.

I know what Robert said, thank you very much. I am saying regardless as to his statement or anyone elses, it may be subject to change. If you can tell me it won't for absolute certain, tell what this Saturday's lotto numbers are as well.

And by the way, I don't care if Robert ever sings a song again or if Jimmy burns his guitars. The point made, again, was that anything is subject to change regardless as to this, that or whatever statement.

And if you had any immediate first hand information related to Plant or any one else from Zep, I don't think you'd be spending your days and nights on this forum

I'm not claiming any first hand information.

Relax, for heaven's sake!

Sheesh . . .

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There do seem to be alot of self-appointed experts on this forum. Strong correlation with sanctimony and a desire to maintain delusions about close relationships with band members and an imagined glorified past.

True. That's one reason I read the forums but hardly ever post. I want to know all the news, but if you speak out with your opinion, there's usually someone ready to tell you that you're a retarded idiot (in general, I'm not referring to anyone in particular).

Edited by Mernie
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Well, for the record, I personally have never told anyone they're a retarded idiot.

And I might add that a number of people on this forum actually DO have close relationships with band members. Though, as I said, I am not one of them. Unfortunately.

Edited for speling.

Edited by Aquamarine
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However, I'd be very grateful if the others just said something one way or the other--they don't need to build interest in this thing, in fact they're reaching the point where interest is likely to go off the boil, so to speak.

Seconded. I am thoroughly bored with all this repeated talk about Robert within the context of a LZ reunion. Before his statement, everyone was to-ing and fro-ing about was there/wasn't there going to be a Zep reunion. Robert then made it clear that he has no intention of touring/recording with the J's. Instead of a line being drawn under the whole subject of a LZ tour, some are now saying he might change his mind suggesting his statement was a subterfuge...that he will maybe join them in the new year, etc. Talk about going round in circles.

I think I will say a Halleluyah! when some news is made official. So we can discuss something new. I am slowly losing my will to live reading this thread <_<

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Well, for the record, I personally have never told anyone they're a retarded idiot.

And I might add that a number of people on this forum actually DO have close relationships with band members. Though, as I said, I am not one of them. Unfortunately.

Edited for speling.

I myself have never doubted that. Lucky people.

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True. That's one reason I read the forums but hardly ever post. I want to know all the news, but if you speak out with your opinion, there's usually someone ready to tell you that you're a retarded idiot (in general, I'm not referring to anyone in particular).

You, as everyone here, is certainly entitled to express your opinion .. And while we may agree or disagree with each other from time to time, I think the problem(s) arise when a few take it the extreme and civilty & respect for fellow board members tends to go out the window.

So, to quote the legendary Staple Singers: when and if you feel like it...."Express Yourself!!!" B):D

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I want to know all the news, but if you speak out with your opinion, there's usually someone ready to tell you that you're a retarded idiot (in general, I'm not referring to anyone in particular).


It is the official Led Zeppelin website. You never know when Peter Grant is going to come charging through the door demanding respect for the band.

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