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What Made You Un-Happy Today ?

The Rover

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I am so sorry this happened to you and was thinking of you yesterday. No one deserves this and I am relieved that Night shirt/bettermilly is gone.

Hi aen27,

I'm glad 'they' are gone, too.

This behavior reminds me of a quote from a favorite writer of mine, Aristophanes.

'Youth ages; immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered; stupid is forever.'

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Low-life jerks on this site. You win - yes, you all - MM, Better Emily, Del and all, whatever aliases you are here with now - you win the jerks prize. I hope it makes you very happy. Scouring around for my real name, sending it to people around this site, finding out one of my businesses, my address, my phone number, my daughter's name, and threatening to post it on here - and finally the lowest of the fecking low - looking up my daughter's Facebook page and stealing photographs from it to post on here in one of my threads, just to send me some kind of message.

What kind of absolute low-life asshole would do something like that????

And why?

Just because you are plain and simple jealous that I have a real-life friendship with the guys that you will never have, because of that you invade the privacy of a kid who has never had anything to do with you or this site???

You suck. You all absolutely suck and make me feel physically sick, but it's OK - I'll go back to my real-life friendships and you can go back to playing cat and mouse, returning day after day after dreary day of your sad lives to a site where you are not welcome and have been repeatedly banned, to tell us all about what your wife made you for dinner or to try to drag me into arguing with you by slagging off the football team I support. I'll go back to being personally invited to the O2.

You're pathetic. Just pathetic.


Ugh. Pretty sickening stuff. Jealousy does strange things to people, I guess. Rather than being grateful for the valuable insight you have provided to this forum (and its predecessor) for over a decade, these people feel that they have to tear you down because they know no other way to deal with the fact that you obviously enjoy relationships they so desperately crave for themselves. That is pretty much the definition of pathetic.

These types of idiots have managed to chase away several people from this site over the years who had real knowledge of the band or other genuine contributions. Their behaviour really begs the question, why would anyone come to a Led Zeppelin forum and seek to alienate the people who most likely have the information you came looking for in the first place?? It is a testament to you and your devotion to this community that you have stuck around through years of this type of bullshit (though this most recent event is beyond anything I have ever seen).

What irks me the most about this is that these guys, who have made a career of hiding beneath a cloak of anonymity - probably even going so far as to spoof IP addresses or logon from their local internet cafe or library - have set out to deprive you and, even more troublingly your daughter, of your anonymity. It takes a special kind of shitbag to behave in such a manner.

Knebby, I realize that the two do not in any way offset each other, but I hope you can take some comfort in the outpouring of support in the posts above. The guys who did this are in the minority around here. I will add my voice to the chorus and say I have always enjoyed your posts and appreciate all of the valuable contributions you have made to this forum.

Oh, almost forgot, one last thing -

To the morons who did this: You should be aware that your act is likely a violation of copyright law (as you did not own the picture you posted), privacy (or data protection) law both in the EU and possibly in your home jurisdiction. Also, depending upon where you reside, your actions may be offside cyberbullying and cyberstalking legislation and may also give rise to civil remedies for which damages may be awarded. Sleep well.

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I truly have never understood what these people have against Knebby. It doesn't make any sense and seems irrational to me. Not naming names, but looking at it from a third-person objective, I can see how some other members, myself included, would engender some negative feelings from other people.

But not Knebby. Or Deborah for that matter.

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I'll be brief here - I totally understand why some don't like me, and have always been fine with that. There are some I don't like too - we can't all like everyone. This is a completely different thing though - and in another thread, Del ( aka "Ace Of Spades" ) has just been trying to excuse the theft from my daughter's page with "Word is the photo was already shared and on other forums". Anyone trying to excuse this is SICK. "A photo of a celebrity is hardly private" - yes it IS when it is MY photo with MY daughter and was NEVER SHARED except among my own trusted friends and family. Also - I ask you - with the level of fandom and research from the Pagettes here, would it have been posted "on other forums" and not here? Bullshit. Plus the fact that when it was posted here, it wasn't in any of the photo threads, but in the thread I started, "The Entourage", where it had NO relevance except to get to me. It was a completely deliberate act. People who behave that way or try to defend that behaviour are scum.

Thanks for all your support, I'm in a bit of a no-win in this thread with it - if I say a public thank-you I get accused of being attention-seeking and acting like a Queen - the "Queen" status was something we afforded each- other years ago on the old forum, there was a great young lass who called herself "Little Miss James Patrick Page" - she called herself Queen of the Pagettes, I was then dubbed "Queen of the Aunties" in a joke reference to me being older than most of the other posters but not quite old enough to be Mum - people who try to use that against me just weren't around back in the day. I may not stick around here because these people have no shame and are not embarrassed by what they have done but defensive and self-congratulatory, and this is probably not the end of it. But I am really glad for all the nice people I have met and the fact that most people CAN see through the shit. I'm having a glass of red wine now. Cheers!

Edited by Knebby
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Oh Knebby I hope you do stay! He's gone now as well and these A holes will always get themselves banned if they choose to come back after this...which if I were them I'd be very afraid...

Hopefully all the support you've gotten here will show them who we really care about. And what we think of them. I wasn't gonna post here since I'd already talked to you via PM, but I really truly hope you decide to stay! There'd be such a void without you especially in the photo threads.

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Hey thanks I'm gonna try to answer people by PM so I don't get accused of the "attention seeking " and also that genius idea that I orchestrated this myself - yeah I got strangers with a vendetta against me to violate my daughter's Facebook page on purpose. That's how I roll.

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Knebby, your point about people on this forum falling out is a good one and I couldn't agree more with what you've said about the sick manner that these morons have chosen to PERSONALLY attack you. As a matter of fact, it's my opinion that what they've done is at the very least, bordering on a criminal act. That said, if it were me, I'd seriously be thinking of taking some sort of legal action to protect myself and my family. If there's something that I can do to be of help, just pm me. In the meantime, let's just hope that nothing like this ever happens again...to anyone.

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Well, I must say cockroaches will be cockroaches!! Hell, some can live a week without their head! I hope you rat bastards stay banned. What you did totally crossed a line. The only word I can think of is VILE!!!

Edit: I am sure your reading this you assholes.

Knebby, you have so much support from many of us. You have once again held your dignity and grace. :friends:

Edited by Deborah J
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Well, I must say cockroaches will be cockroaches!! Hell, some can live a week without their head! I hope you rat bastards stay banned. What you did totally crossed a line. The only word I can think of is VILE!!!

Edit: I am sure your reading this you assholes.

The trouble is, they are. Look at what Del so proudly said when he finally cracked and admitted who he was in the Pope thread - "I have many names here. WE ARE LEGION!"

These people actually think they are fighting some kind of war. They congratulate each-other on this stuff and think they are winning something.

"I have many names here. WE ARE LEGION!" FFS.

Here we are, people who love a band, trying to have a place to talk about them past present and future, and there are a gang of people who think they are some sort of army of superheroes because they have aliases and try to fool people and take others down.

Like I said in the other thread, one of the great ironies about this is some of the folk so determined to personally attack me have put HOURS into trying to convince people that I am a "fraud" who has been "lying to people for years" ( and oh, I know you're watching as well as frantically PM-ing) - and yet when they want to attack me they steal a photo of my daughter aged two with Jimmy Page at Robert Plant's home in Wales. Just what that photo would be doing in her collection if I was the fraud they try to claim doesn't even seem to have occured to them.

these people won't go away because this "battle" is some kind of perverted "hobby" for them. They are members on other forums where they can freely chat and are welcome but that isn't enough for them. Even when I used to try to be friendly with Nick and we exchanged a PM or two, and I shared with him that the Celebration Day DVD was coming out, he went straight to his other favourite forum and slagged me off for it. It's more important to these people to feel that they are scoring points against people like me than it is to actually enjoy chatting about the band on their official forum. That says more about them than we ever could, but sadly that means they won't be going away.

Edited by Knebby
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Part time contributor, long time lurker, full time devourer of Zepp info. This forum has been invaluable to me and Knebby you are truly one of the most friendly polite and knowledgable posters. I value your uniquely insightful posts and just wanted to say thanks, and I hope to see many more. I hope you won't feel compelled to abstain because of a bunch of basement dwelling fuckwitts, pardon my French.

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these people won't go away because this "battle" is some kind of perverted "hobby" for them. They are members on other forums where they can freely chat and are welcome but that isn't enough for them. Even when I used to try to be friendly with Nick and we exchanged a PM or two, and I shared with him that the Celebration Day DVD was coming out, he went straight to his other favourite forum and slagged me off for it. It's more important to these people to feel that they are scoring points against people like me than it is to actually enjoy chatting about the band on their official forum. That says more about them than we ever could, but sadly that means they won't be going away.

I appreciate the job the mods and admin have when it comes to keeping people like this away from the forum and short of some sort of legal action, and you're correct, it's not likely that one of them in particular will ever stop harassing you. That said, I think I can be of help in the legal area. Pm sent

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I appreciate the job the mods and admin have when it comes to keeping people like this away from the forum and short of some sort of legal action, and you're correct, it's not likely that one of them in particular will ever stop harassing you. That said, I think I can be of help in the legal area. Pm sent

What makes it tougher is the fact that its international in some cases. People are from different countries in some cases. And Internet activity is a tough thing to police. And its probably quite new to the legal system .

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What makes it tougher is the fact that its international in some cases. People are from different countries in some cases. And Internet activity is a tough thing to police. And its probably quite new to the legal system .

Identity is identity and that always carry's weight

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I appreciate the job the mods and admin have when it comes to keeping people like this away from the forum and short of some sort of legal action, and you're correct, it's not likely that one of them in particular will ever stop harassing you. That said, I think I can be of help in the legal area. Pm sent

Thanks Ali. I've kept records, and have numerous people willing to back me up, including several who these losers have tried to "recruit" to pursue me in various ways. Suffice to say, there's more than enough.

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Thanks Ali. I've kept records, and have numerous people willing to back me up, including several who these losers have tried to "recruit" to pursue me in various ways. Suffice to say, there's more than enough.

I got an email telliing me how sexy I am and how "hot" I look on facebook. Gee. Wonder who could have sent it? Hmmm. If you are reading Nick, I hope your having a blast. What else would you have to do but make that Guiness Pie and eat frito's. Oh, lets not forget the foot fetish. You probably have centerfolds of feet on your wall. Sometimes I get tempted to just hop on a plane and knock on your door. But you are not worth the money it would cost me. Why dont you just leave these people be?

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Thanks Ali. I've kept records, and have numerous people willing to back me up, including several who these losers have tried to "recruit" to pursue me in various ways. Suffice to say, there's more than enough.

Excellent ! Good luck

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Low-life jerks on this site. You win - yes, you all - MM, Better Emily, Del and all, whatever aliases you are here with now - you win the jerks prize. I hope it makes you very happy. Scouring around for my real name, sending it to people around this site, finding out one of my businesses, my address, my phone number, my daughter's name, and threatening to post it on here - and finally the lowest of the fecking low - looking up my daughter's Facebook page and stealing photographs from it to post on here in one of my threads, just to send me some kind of message.

What kind of absolute low-life asshole would do something like that????

And why?

Just because you are plain and simple jealous that I have a real-life friendship with the guys that you will never have, because of that you invade the privacy of a kid who has never had anything to do with you or this site???

You suck. You all absolutely suck and make me feel physically sick, but it's OK - I'll go back to my real-life friendships and you can go back to playing cat and mouse, returning day after day after dreary day of your sad lives to a site where you are not welcome and have been repeatedly banned, to tell us all about what your wife made you for dinner or to try to drag me into arguing with you by slagging off the football team I support. I'll go back to being personally invited to the O2.

You're pathetic. Just pathetic.


Oh Knebby, I am just now seeing this for the first time and am in shock. What a despicable thing to do; I am so sorry that this happened to you and your family. :(

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