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charles, i read your email just the other day, and i am truly saddened by this news. but i know you, and i know you will conquer this setback just as you did the first. we are all thinking of you and wishing you all the best . you have a heap of good karma in your account and i know you will be ok. all the best from rodney and i mate. xo

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Sending strong, positive thoughts and all my best wishes to you, Charles. Looking forward to your return here. You've been so kind and welcoming to me and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. You're a real mensh!


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Charles ~ Am joining the others in sending lots of prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy your way. I'm confident that you will conquer this battle and become stronger in body, mind and spirit, ready to fulfill whatever special purpose it is that you have been put on earth. Which may or may not be Zeppelin-related, though God knows you are the backbone of this forum, LOL. Hang in there ~ Becky

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Hi Charles,

I haven't been around lately and am very sad to hear of your setback.

As you know, I keep you in my prayers daily.

Keep your chin up, don't get discouraged, don't give up the fight.

You are one of the nicest and most beloved members on our forum. We miss you.

We are all here for you, and sending good vibes to you for a speedy recovery.

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