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Osama bin Laden DEAD


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THAT is the real problem, unless we stop considering war and terrorism as being 2 DIFF things, we will never win the fight against the latter!!:):)

Maybe if the Terrorist were to put on a Uniform and stand up and be counted, instead of hiding in the general population reeking havoc on totally innocent people, then maybe we could class Terrorism as war.

I know for a fact that my son who is in the Armed Forces would be horrified to be put under the same Banner as a Terrorist.

At the end of the day Terrorist are Sly, underhanded, Scum, taking the lives of people going about there daily routine.

I live in a Town that has a Forces Barracks locally, I know what it is like to live in fear of bombs going off on a Daily basis, Remember the IRA & the rein of terror from letter bombs, litter bins, shopping malls, pubs and many more puplic places & services.

IMO there is a big DIFF between WAR & TERRORISM. ;)

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Maybe if the Terrorist were to put on a Uniform and stand up and be counted, instead of hiding in the general population reeking havoc on totally innocent people, then maybe we could class Terrorism as war.

I know for a fact that my son who is in the Armed Forces would be horrified to be put under the same Banner as a Terrorist.

At the end of the day Terrorist are Sly, underhanded, Scum, taking the lives of people going about there daily routine.

I live in a Town that has a Forces Barracks locally, I know what it is like to live in fear of bombs going off on a Daily basis, Remember the IRA & the rein of terror from letter bombs, litter bins, shopping malls, pubs and many more puplic places & services.

IMO there is a big DIFF between WAR & TERRORISM. ;)

Does that mean you think Gheddafi's army of thugs are NOT terrorists just because they wear a uniform and are commanded by a (sick) army official??! Many despotic regime armies of the past and present were TERRORISts dressed up as SCUM soldiers:)! Any person, wheher in unifom or not who kills INNOCENT men, women and children in any country in the world and for any reason on Earth is a SCUM TERRORIST!!:):)

Edited by spidersandsnakes
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Does that mean you think Gheddafi's army of thugs are NOT terrorists just because they wear a uniform and are commanded by a (sick) army official??! Many despotic regime armies of the past and present were TERRORISts dressed up as SCUM soldiers:)! Any person, wheher in unifom or not who kills INNOCENT men, women and children in any country in the world and for any reason on Earth is a SCUM TERRORIST!!:):)

That's no way to talk about our friends across the pond Spider. :o

Regards, Danny

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I have many more pals across the pond who agree with me.....far more than you would ever imagine man :):):):)

No worries Spider, if you read more of my posts you will see that we look through the same spectacles, and I can imagine far more than you give me credit for. ;)

Regards, Danny

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Does that mean you think Gheddafi's army of thugs are NOT terrorists just because they wear a uniform and are commanded by a (sick) army official??! Many despotic regime armies of the past and present were TERRORISts dressed up as SCUM soldiers:)! Any person, wheher in unifom or not who kills INNOCENT men, women and children in any country in the world and for any reason on Earth is a SCUM TERRORIST!!:):)

This is a Topic that we would never agree on, our opinions are poles apart, sadly there are always casulties of war.

So I will agree to disagree with you, that War & Terrorism are the same thing. :)

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sadly there are always casulties of war.

Oh it's so easy to try and brush off killing children, women and men with that warmonger's phrase....I've heaRD that uttered so many times it's NOT funny anymore......until one's own CHILD, PARENT OR WIFE IS BRUTALLY MURDERED by some SCUM soldier or terrorist alike!!!!!

Oh whatever.........:blink:

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Oh it's so easy to try and brush off killing children, women and men with that warmonger's phrase....I've heaRD that uttered so many times it's NOT funny anymore......until one's own CHILD, PARENT OR WIFE IS BRUTALLY MURDERED by some SCUM soldier or terrorist alike!!!!!

Oh whatever.........:blink:

I wasn't Laughing, and I am by no means a Warmonger, sadly the world is a very sick place.

Yes it is a pity that we can't live and let live, and learn to be more Tolorant of each others ways and Beliefs. :(

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Acts of war or terrorists attacks? These two (although there are unfortunately many more incidents I could site) are very clear cut examples of terrorists attacks, as were the attacks on the U.S. on September 11, 2001.



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Maybe if the Terrorist were to put on a Uniform and stand up and be counted, instead of hiding in the general population reeking havoc on totally innocent people, then maybe we could class Terrorism as war.

I know for a fact that my son who is in the Armed Forces would be horrified to be put under the same Banner as a Terrorist.

At the end of the day Terrorist are Sly, underhanded, Scum, taking the lives of people going about there daily routine.

I live in a Town that has a Forces Barracks locally, I know what it is like to live in fear of bombs going off on a Daily basis, Remember the IRA & the rein of terror from letter bombs, litter bins, shopping malls, pubs and many more puplic places & services.

IMO there is a big DIFF between WAR & TERRORISM. ;)

I am very happy to second all of that and I'd also like to say,as a civilian in the U.K.,thanks to your son.

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Terrorism by definition is the planned and skillful killing of innocent and unsuspecting people in able to cause confusion, panic and yes...terror. These people have done nothing wrong other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This happened on 9/11/01 didn't it? All of those poor souls who died that day did nothing wrong besides showing up for work. None of them had any influence or lent any expertise into shaping U.S. foreign policy. None of them ever voted for unlimited foreign aide to Israel either. No, none of those poor people who died that day did anything wrong. Yet they died horrible deaths none the less.

Terrorists are no different than other armed members of an enemy army or other assorted armed combatants in general. The terrorists themselves have stated they're all "soldiers of the Jihad". So what's the problem? You hunt them down and either bring them to justice or kill them outright.

Where I have a personal problem with all of this is invading foreign nations. Iraq had nothing directly to do with 9/11 and Afghanistan is an under developed rat hole. What happened to Bin Laden should have been the plan all along when it comes to "the war on terror". Send in the special forces who are trained for a thing like this. Send them in to kill who needs to be killed.

The United States hasn't won many hearts globally by invading two nations the past decade. Are American citizens any safer because this was done? Really?

I'm not political so please no "democrats suck" or "republicans blow" comments. This issue goes way beyond partisan nonsense.

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Terrorism by definition is the planned and skillful killing of innocent and unsuspecting people in able to cause confusion, panic and yes...terror. These people have done nothing wrong other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This happened on 9/11/01 didn't it? All of those poor souls who died that day did nothing wrong besides showing up for work. None of them had any influence or lent any expertise into shaping U.S. foreign policy. None of them ever voted for unlimited foreign aide to Israel either. No, none of those poor people who died that day did anything wrong. Yet they died horrible deaths none the less.

Terrorists are no different than other armed members of an enemy army or other assorted armed combatants in general. The terrorists themselves have stated they're all "soldiers of the Jihad". So what's the problem? You hunt them down and either bring them to justice or kill them outright.

Where I have a personal problem with all of this is invading foreign nations. Iraq had nothing directly to do with 9/11 and Afghanistan is an under developed rat hole. What happened to Bin Laden should have been the plan all along when it comes to "the war on terror". Send in the special forces who are trained for a thing like this. Send them in to kill who needs to be killed.

The United States hasn't won many hearts globally by invading two nations the past decade. Are American citizens any safer because this was done? Really?

I'm not political so please no "democrats suck" or "republicans blow" comments. This issue goes way beyond partisan nonsense.

Hi 'dazedcat'

Good post, really good post, to be able to say what you said takes a type of Guts, Courage and Honesty that I have rarely seen around here, so good for you and keep up the good work, to bring the Truth out in the open for all to view.

Kind Regards, Danny

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Never forget the sacrifice our Armed Forces made to keep the entire world a safe place from tyranny. Unified, Uniformed brothers in arms.

Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to embark upon a great crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers in arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened, he will fight savagely.

But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man to man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to victory!

I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!

Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.

-- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Terrorists are no different than other armed members of an enemy army or other assorted armed combatants in general.

Where I have a personal problem with all of this is invading foreign nations. Iraq had nothing directly to do with 9/11 and Afghanistan is an under developed rat hole. What happened to Bin Laden should have been the plan all along when it comes to "the war on terror". Send in the special forces who are trained for a thing like this. Send them in to kill who needs to be killed.

The United States hasn't won many hearts globally by invading two nations the past decade. Are American citizens any safer because this was done? Really?

Point 1. Terrorists are different from enemy combatants in that they deliberately target non-combatants and non-military targets.

Point 2. Regime change in Iraq became a national security objective. Mission accomplished, by the way.

Point 3. Afghanistan was governed by the Taliban, whom sanctioned acts of terror/war against the United States. Personally I don't give a squirt a piss about winning the hearts of pacifists and appeasers. As you said, kill who needs to be killed. We can argue all day to what extent American citizens have been made safer by the operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan but I should think it's pretty damn clear they haven't made them any LESS safer.

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...good for you and keep up the good work, to bring the Truth out in the open for all to view.

Original poster stated there is NO DIFFERENCE between terrorists and enemy combatants, a premise that is fundamentally flawed and legally incorrect. Whatever may have been brought to the discussion it certainly wasn't factual, let alone the truth.

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I know most of you don't care (and I don't really either), I just had to say that I think it is somewhat amusing to sit back and read alot of these replies now and not really be a part of it anymore. (Remember, I just said,'not really'). I said what I said to a couple of people related to this topic and I will always stand by what I say and think. I have noticed that two of them have not posted back to what others have replied to them recently. When they replied back to me they completely ignored or disregarded what I wrote and happened to just reply back with snide, snarky or just plain ignorant comments. (They know who they are, ((ep & am))).

I happened to listen to one "higher authority" (Sam) who said, "Not directing this to anyone in particular, but could we please relax with all the fighting".

And by, the way, I have not been removed by any "higher authority", be it Sam or God or whoever that person meant. I am still around, both literally, figuratively and physically. Thank You Sam and God or whoever else I was supposed to be removed by.

However, I am alway up for a good debate. Just because anyone may not agree with me does not make me wrong (or right). I can take anything that comes my way. + or -.


Edited by lzzoso
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And in other news, a side of Osama bin Laden that we haven't seen before. Maybe she'll write a book.


Bin Laden's wife: 'I want to be martyred with you'

Amal al-Sada always told friends and family that she wanted to 'go down in history'

By Ahmed Al-Haj


The door for fame opened in 1999 when her older sister's husband arrived at her uncle's home with a proposal. A Saudi named Osama bin Laden was looking for a bride.

Joining Dr. Mohammed Ghalib al-Baany — her sister Farah's husband — was a man named Rashad Mohammed Saeed, also known as Abu al-Fedaa. They were both friends of bin Laden, the family said.

Her uncle, Hashem al-Sada, recalled telling Amal al-Sada that he knew bin Laden was from a "devout and respectable family" in Saudi Arabia but didn't know them personally. He told the AP that he wasn't aware bin Laden "was wanted by the Americans" for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

"The choice is yours," the uncle said he told her. "It's your future."

He said his niece's response was direct: "This is destiny from God, and I accept it."

That she hadn't met bin Laden, whose family was of Yemeni origin, was of little concern. Most marriages in Yemen are conducted either through intermediaries or through the selection of the prospective spouse through a picture.

This marriage was no different.

Weeks after the proposal, the uncle signed the marriage contract as her guardian and Abu al-Fedaa signed on behalf of bin Laden. The al-Qaida leader arranged for $5,000 to be paid to the bride's family, according to Yemeni traditions.

After two wedding parties, including one in a Sanaa hotel, Amal al-Sada left Yemen. Accompanied by Abu al-Fedaa, she flew to Dubai and then to Pakistan, before making the trip to Afghanistan to meet her bridegroom.

Her father, Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada, said they later learned through a courier that she had given birth to a daughter named Safiya.


The father said he was greeted by his daughter. The following morning bin Laden arrived along with other al-Qaida leaders and Afghan tribal officials. There was a celebration honoring the Yemeni family's arrival, complete with a 21-gun salute and a lavish lunch attended by dozens of people.

Bin Laden was a "kind and noble" man, the father recalled. He described the al-Qaida leader as "easygoing and modest, giving you the feeling that he was sincere."

The father recalled bin Laden apologizing for the family's delay in Pakistan, saying it was a security matter out of his control.

On the final day of the visit, the cousin recalled bin Laden telling his two wives — the other one at the time was from Syria — that they could either stay with him in Afghanistan or return to their home countries.

He said Amal al-Sada quickly put the matter to rest.

"I want to be martyred with you and I won't leave as long as you're alive," he recalls her saying. Even when bin Laden told them that he was "subject at any moment to death," Amal al-Sada cut him short. "I've made my decision," she said.

Amal al-Sada's cousin recalled her describing bin Laden as a "noble" man who treated her well.

"'It's true that my life is one of moving between caves in Afghanistan, but despite the bitterness of this life ... I'm comfortable with Osama," she apparently told her father.

Edited by Silver Rider
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I wasn't Laughing, and I am by no means a Warmonger, sadly the world is a very sick place.

Yes it is a pity that we can't live and let live, and learn to be more Tolorant of each others ways and Beliefs. :(

I am not that foolish to believe in the "love peace" thing...it was esperimented and it failed miserably....BUT......waging a war like the REVOLTING war in Nam and Iraq and hiding behind the "national security" excuse (including other SICK wars we' have come to see:() is NO clear way to TOLERANCE and understanding among peoples:).

Oh by the way, to all those that think that Iraq is "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" have not been following the news carefully.....as many an expert has repeatedly said "it's the MOTHER OF ALL BATTLES....".. Ponder people ponder :)

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A military expert once stated that "soldiers are trained to kill......." and "that is what they will do under military orders because they CANNOT disobey orders from their superiors...." ..."no matter who the victims might be...children, women or men...."

Now if that is not LEGALIZED TERRORISM, pray tell me what is???!!!

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Once again you've posted a false statement. You need to familiarize yourself with the Law of Armed Conflict and perhaps even the Geneva Conventions.

He's a perfect example of people who are so obsessed with an ideology that they become irrational.

It reminds me of PETA extremists.

Ask a PETA supporter the following question and listen to the side-stepping and refusal to address the specific question when it should be a pretty easy answer for any rational person -

"If it resulted in an actual, specific and total cure for cancer, or AIDS, would you support testing on animals?"

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I consider Adolf Hitler to be one of the biggest terrorists the world has ever encountered. To me, a terrorist is any person who advocates violence, hatred, bloodshed and intolerance of any sort and who pretty much causes physical and / or psychological trauma to innocent civilians on account of his / her actions. I see that the terrorists of today share so much in common with Hitler (in terms of what they advocate). I choose to refer to such people as "miniature Hitlers in the making". I personally consider all the troops serving in Afghanistan to be heroes. That is strictly my opinion and no one can change that.

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Original poster stated there is NO DIFFERENCE between terrorists and enemy combatants, a premise that is fundamentally flawed and legally incorrect. Whatever may have been brought to the discussion it certainly wasn't factual, let alone the truth.

Depends on which side of the fence you are sitting Steve, America in many peoples eyes are the Worlds Biggest Terrorists Organisation, and have killed a hundred times more innocent civilians than all the Official Terrorist Cells put together, that's certainly a fact.

And lets not forget that Bin Laden was a Freedom Fighter armed and equipped by the CIA long before he was labeled a Terrorist, he didn't change his beliefs only his Enemy, from the USSR to the USA, America only stopped funding the IRA AFTER 9/11. It makes me wonder sometimes who are the more Moral, the Terrorists or the State Terrorists.

Regards, Danny

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