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New box sets including unreleased material


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I thought when it came to unreleased tracks Coda was everything left in the vaults?

I do remember JPJ stating in a interview at the time "there was some other stuff but it went missing" or words to that effect.

Anyway be it demo/outtake/other we all have reason to praise/moan soon enough......hopefully (insert fingers crossed smiley here)

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I thought when it came to unreleased tracks Coda was everything left in the vaults?

You have to take anything they said pertaining to unreleased material for Coda with a grain of salt. The only reason that album came out was because Atlantic was pushing for them to fulfill the terms of their recording contract as at the time they still owed the label an album. Jimmy went about it as expediently as possible, quickly scrounging up just enough material to satisfy the contractual obligation. There was no motivation or intent on his part to relinquish any golden nuggets to that project. That is not to say he went about it in a careless manner, rather in hindsight his heart just wasn't in it at the time. This time around the motivation to share additional outtakes and alternative takes is far greater because all parties concerned more fully understand and appreciate the legacy aspect of what is being undertaken. I can tell you for a fact there are outtakes and alternative takes from at least six albums (if not all) that would knock the socks off the casual fans/music buyers. Most of the old school die-hards already have much of it but it's fun to speculate what could be shared with them in mind.

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Well since we're all speculating....Most people seem to be under the impression that what we have available on boots is a good representation of what we're going to get on these releases....and I strongly disagree with that. First off, the sound quality of most of what is available is garbage by anyone's standards. What is avalable in quality form is actually quite limited. As an example, the alternative version of "No Quarter" is spectacular.....and I'm betting there's a lot more where that came from that no one has heard, from virtually every release, and in quality form. Same with the finished alternative mix of "All of My Love" with the extended ending from the ITTOD era.....the boots only skim the surface.

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I'm super flipping excited for these boxsets. I simply cannot wait to hear the remastered material.

All of us are here. It's just a matter of when and knowing what will be on them! I think, we'll find out shortly and early into the New Year!

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....Great to Hear from our Beloved Musician.... :toast: ...toast everybody!!




Thank you Planet Page. I am putting it here for people who don't get to see in time.

It made me so happy. I believe 2014 will be very special. It was a wonderful gift to hear from him. :)

This was posted by Planet Page and Aen in the Jimmy Page OTD thread in case anyone has missed it.

It concerns the boxed sets so thought it should be posted here as well.

Edited by Bayougal65
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This was posted by Planet Page and Aen in the Jimmy Page OTD thread in case anyone has missed it.

It concerns the boxed sets so thought it should be posted here as well.

Well...a New Year and the news starts. Nifty!

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Good news on the face of it, but we have to wait three years to get all of the albums, at the rate of three per year?

Jimmy's summation allows the artistic vision and the business plan to continue to evolve. I understand anticipation is high, but I wouldn't necessarily start doing the math right now. Having said that, I'd welcome a three year journey thru the back catalog via these releases!

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I agree,and sad as they have so many fans that have been dedicated forever and put them at the top where they still are

I disagree. I truly believe that we will finally see Zeppelin product starting at some point this year. The question is how.that product is presented and what surprises - if any- will the new media hold for us life long fans.

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I agree,and sad as they have so many fans that have been dedicated forever and put them at the top where they still are


After what Jimmy said yesterday (posted above) I don't know how anyone can interpret that as a negative.

I took it as a clarification!

3 albums and the additional material are def on the way this year!

When Robert made his statement so late in the year about going over the finds that had to be "baked" I took that as they had POSSIBLY found additional material that they can use!

1-3 with their additional material will be an awesome gift for me in 2014 , and IF Jimmy can release some of his own material along the way as he said yesterday, well for me that is just some very special lagniappe!

After all the years of NO Zep news or little Zep news, and now it seems with the help of their websites and twitter we get news all the time!

I love that!

And then we had the negativity and arguments over the possible release/no release of the o2 concert and then the joy of actually seeing it at a THEATRE RELEASE and then being able to purchase it on DVD and CD!

I will happily continue to wait on "Zeppelin time".


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Zeppelin Fans: Never happy - because we get our hopes up only to be let down year after year...it's human nature.

Year after year? Really? Sounds a little hyperbolic to me.

Zeppelin fans are some of the worst that I've seen at tearing what we claim to like apart.

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Zeppelin fans: Never happy.

I am very happy indeed. I would be even happier if I had an extra three years of my life to listen to some of the new material, but if I have to wait I'll wait. I'm simply posing the question to other fans whether they think Jimmy's message implies that we are looking at a three-year release window or not.

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Year after year? Really? Sounds a little hyperbolic to me.

Zeppelin fans are some of the worst that I've seen at tearing what we claim to like apart.

Yes year after year! For nearly 2 decades Jimmy has been

Raising hopes that either a new solo work or new tour was inevitable that particular year...he's been promoting these

New remasters for 3 years already! C ' Mon man how can

A little disappointment NOT creep in!

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This thread was started in October 2012 after a quote from Page that stated they would come out starting in 2013. It has been one year and two months since he first said anything about these boxsets, far less than three years.

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This thread was started in October 2012 after a quote from Page that stated they would come out starting in 2013. It has been one year and two months since he first said anything about these boxsets, far less than three years.

You can't base what Jimmy has been promoting on when a thread starts here...go and do some research and you will find that at the end of 2010 he started mentioning a new "project" that he was ready to release and it wasn't the O2 dvd.

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His message gave me so much hope both for this year and his input on his website. It also makes me wonder, he will begin the next albums IV-Coda? I sort of thought that they would be out together. I guess I-III is exciting enough for a start. I can't wait to get them. I am so excited that he will be 'going into his archives.' I am not sure what of his 'archives,' but I can't wait. I know it will be worth it. I don't understand why people have to be so negitive either. It was great news to the end of year -- the beginning! :)

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You can't base what Jimmy has been promoting on when a thread starts here...go and do some research and you will find that at the end of 2010 he started mentioning a new "project" that he was ready to release and it wasn't the O2 dvd.

He's been talking about "projects" since the 80s, you can't assume that all this time he's been talking about one project? And who's to say that he wasn't talking about the O2 dvd?

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"A literal interpretation of Page's remark today about future Led Zeppelin box sets holds that fans can expect one release this year, namely, what is presumably a 6-CD box set focusing on the first three Led Zeppelin albums, recorded in 1968, 1969 and 1970. The set would include the three albums in their original running order with as many as three additional discs of bonus material."

I guess that's ONE literal interpretation, but I am under the impression that most of us here are expecting one box set per album (three releases this year). Is that what the majority envision?

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