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Ready for the big irony? My school is considered to be one of the top universities for computer science in the nation. WTF.

One old Czech saying: blacksmith's mare walks unshod.

There were 40 photographers in my school (commercial photography department) but unlike my friends who attended 'ordinary' secondary schools, I have no official pictures of me and my classmates from those days.

Edited by Katuschka
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Seeing three wild Turkeys in my backyard. :D

Hi PennyLane,

We have been having wild turkeys in our backyard, also.

My husband saw a dozen yesterday morning.

A few days ago, I saw a male turkey with his tail feathers spread out. I tried to get a picture of him, but the minute I opened the door to step outside to snap the picture, he fled towards the woods. They must have extremely good vision, as there is no way to sneak up on them.

Here are my pictures that I took, not the greatest, but the best I could get.



Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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I can't imagine seeing a wild turkey so close like that! Do you get a lot of wild animals where you are Buckeyedoc?

Hi ninelives,

I saw a doe and fawn in the back yard yesterday, at the front of the woods. We have lots of deer. Several years ago, there were two bucks fighiting near our pond. That was really interesting to see!

We have snakes, also. I haven't seen any this year yet. But they seem to be more in the front yard. Last summer, my son was mowing and saw a large black snake near the front door. A few days later, the snake skin was laying on the sidewalk. Yuk!

I have never seen a live fox near our house, but there was a dead one on the highway in front of our house a few years ago. And people have told me that they have seen coyotes near by, but I have never seen any. And of course, we have rabbits galore.

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Hi ninelives,

I saw a doe and fawn in the back yard yesterday, at the front of the woods. We have lots of deer. Several years ago, there were two bucks fighiting near our pond. That was really interesting to see!

We have snakes, also. I haven't seen any this year yet. But they seem to be more in the front yard. Last summer, my son was mowing and saw a large black snake near the front door. A few days later, the snake skin was laying on the sidewalk. Yuk!

I have never seen a live fox near our house, but there was a dead one on the highway in front of our house a few years ago. And people have told me that they have seen coyotes near by, but I have never seen any. And of course, we have rabbits galore.

My parents get a lot of deer running through their lawn. I can't imagine seeing two bucks fighting! I would have freaked out seeing a snake :lol: I'm so afraid of them.

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Had a nice phone chat with one of the members of this forum today.


And now you guys have me thinking about wild turkey which brings back some good memories. :D


Whoahoa ! That and Southern Comfort bring back a ton of memories. None of which I can remember :lol:

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Precisely! And that's what makes it "good" memories. It's the ones that I can remember that make me cringe. :lol:

Or the ones that people keep reminding you about :lol:

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