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What's the weather like where you are?


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^That looks harsh Walter. Good luck guys.

Locally, we are facing 36 (97) on Friday now. 11 (52) above average. The news is starting to warn this is a taste of what is expected for Spring. Most of the state along with New South Wales is in severe drought. Water restrictions might once again rear their ugly heads.

Map of Australia with a big nasty read patch all over northern NSW, southern QLD, west SA, hugging coast WA, patch middle NT

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4 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

The worst is over (not to be callous, but I was never worried about the severity of it; just the people north of me can dodge the sucker, as well)... 


Oh, Hello ebk. Haven't tried the Popeyes in about 2 weeks--a new modern day record for me...  😎

All those lines for the chicken sandwich :D 

Glad you're okay! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

RAIN!!!! Finally, my dusty lawns are getting a decent drink. The worst of the storms went around us but we still got 10ml or so. Yay. Cold outside now, but Friday night so time to bake away the week and put on some choice tunes.... :stereo:

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Still quite warm here - 88 degrees, but I can feel a faint cool/dry breeze in the air trying to make its way down to Central Florida.  The coast must be awesome today.  

I see there is a subtropical Nor'easter heading up to New England....nice start to fall, eh?

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Hit 70 here in Rochester, and that is high for this time.  Though we have had some Halloweens that are summer like. Time to set the clocks back this weekend.  That means its dark at 5.  

I have a raccoon coming every night that I feed.  A can of cat food and critter food.  Peanuts, corn, sunflower seeds and such.  I was given a large bag of dry dog food from a local pet store that I will be giving him. They eat pretty much anything. And I know, I should not be feeding him.  But that is me.  I feed the birds on a daily basis, year round.  Squirrels included. 

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