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Pet Peeves


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why can t some men, understand when I say NO, i don t wsnt to go out with you,

and no I will not attend a football match,

or go

to your local and watch a football game,

or go to the cinema.

or go for a pizza,or a walk in the park


In stark contrast to your sig no ? LOL

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That's not the case Kat. I have not been keeping women away from me for insignificant reasons. I have given a bunch of examples and any woman i was not interested in it was for good reasons. And there were quite a few i was interested in but for different reasons it did not happen. But it had nothing to do with me coming up with silly reasons for it not to happen.

My apologizes for not agreeing with you. They seem as either insignificant or egoistic to me.

Kat it is the woman's fault for hooking up with a bad guy. She made the choice. He is not at fault for being who he is. if a woman is with a guy who does nothing and she does all the work it's her own fault for getting involved with him. Either she is a bad judge of character or she rushed into a marriage or relationship with out getting to know the dude.

What a load of bullshit. Let's make this clear:

1) We're not talking 'bad guys,' we're talking average fathers. A guy could be a good guy, faithful, bring home a lot of money, he could fix anything in the household if needed...and still he wouldn't volunteer to change diapers even if his life depended on it. Lazy guys who do nothing are only the extreme variant of that.

2) EVERYONE is at fault/responsible for being who they are, including you and me! Some people would argue that improving who we are is our primary and ultimate purpose in this life. Men are generally able, they can make their own choice regarding many different things, including entering into a marriage. This choice involves responsibility. A woman can make a bad choice, but she'll hardly be able to force him to marry her. She can't even take over all the responsibility for the content of his balls anf how it's used. It takes two to tango. If one does not plan on being a good husband, partner, father, why ever becoming one? If a man decides to live with someone and then doesn't do anything, then he rushed into a marriage or relationship without knowing shit.

(...and vice versa, because - let's face it - there are a lot of irresponsible mothers who don't even deserve to be called that way. You'll hardly find anyone who'd advocate them by saying that 'they're not at fault for being who they are.')

3) Since we're still discussing maternal and paternal roles, let's look at it from the view of the child. If a mother does everything because her beloved is a lazy ass, maybe she can be blamed for making a bad decision, but she still deserves to be thanked for being a good mom; the dad does not deserve shit. Afterall, it's the child who primarily decides who'll be thanked for what, not you. So, would you be so kind as to answer my question why this bothers you so much?

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highway traffic, folks trying to get somewhere in traffic. for the last two days, i've been going into the city to work and after driving out east last week, had to get in a different driving mode. i was letting folks in, with merging lanes...like three cars at a time. i was driving way back and trying not to keep gasing and braking, by giving alittle space. ofcourse some folks are gasing and braking and cutting off...but that makes it worse for everybody.

all i can say, is i'm thankful i'm not on that commute everyday.

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if you have very bad experiences, in your life, then sometimes

you want to be assured it was not your fault, and that is important.

With romance it is the same, if you really love / loved someone it is

hard sometimes to put it behind you.You wonder sometimes if it was

your fault it went wrong, even though you know and people tell you

it is not, and thats hard, even though you did everything and gave

everything to make it work. :mellow:

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Why do we actually have to go to work? Why can't we all have our own respective sugar daddy or sugar momma? I mean, really. Life would be much easier... and we could all afford Zeppelin tickets if they ever toured!

As it stands, I work many hours, get paid very little despite having a degree, and I have enough money to afford to go to a Wiggles concert... if it's in the mall... and free.


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As it stands, I work many hours, get paid very little despite having a degree, and I have enough money to afford to go to a Wiggles concert... if it's in the mall... and free.


that's something i'd pay to see...those wiggles guys were hot!

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The price of food and drink at our baseball games. 5 dollars for a Hot Dog, five dollars for a slice of pizza, 5 dollars and more for pop. 10 dollars for a beer. And the fact that people at the games shell out for it. Pretty much saying that's it's alright if you charge this much.

The food is pretty spendy at the Metrodome, Target Center, and Xcel but it's good. I like it anyway.

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The fucknuts that are swamping this board.

It's actually pissing me off to the point that I don't want to contribute much. I'm a genuine person who is here for a legitimate reason. I'm not here to read your psycho-shit. I understand every board is open to crackpots, but some of the stuff I've read here is disturbing to say the least. And, when you have a fucknut pow-wow, you argue about crap that should be done so privately. Or of crap that is just plain pointless. It's not coherent - it's random shite - and it's very fucking annoying.

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The fucknuts that are swamping this board.

It's actually pissing me off to the point that I don't want to contribute much. I'm a genuine person who is here for a legitimate reason. I'm not here to read your psycho-shit. I understand every board is open to crackpots, but some of the stuff I've read here is disturbing to say the least. And, when you have a fucknut pow-wow, you argue about crap that should be done so privately. Or of crap that is just plain pointless. It's not coherent - it's random shite - and it's very fucking annoying.

They come and go LDW. Don't let it get you down. As frustrating as it can be, they will win this board over if the good people keep leaving. We can't allow that to happen :beer:

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The fucknuts that are swamping this board.

It's actually pissing me off to the point that I don't want to contribute much. I'm a genuine person who is here for a legitimate reason. I'm not here to read your psycho-shit. I understand every board is open to crackpots, but some of the stuff I've read here is disturbing to say the least. And, when you have a fucknut pow-wow, you argue about crap that should be done so privately. Or of crap that is just plain pointless. It's not coherent - it's random shite - and it's very fucking annoying.

I'm a member of a number of other boards and they all have their fair share of fucknuts but I agree, the fucknut factor is especially high here. I also wish there was a more effective way of getting rid of banned members that keep signing back up. Perhaps a "sticky" thread should be created for each section off the board where they can be outed as soon as their newest guise is detected because an IP ban just doesn't seem to do the trick.

Edited by Jahfin
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I'm a member of a number of other boards and they all have their fair share of fucknuts but I agree, the fucknut factor is especially high here. I also wish there was a more effective way of getting rid of banned members that keep signing back up. Perhaps a "sticky" thread should be created for each section off the board where they can be outed as soon as their newest guise is detected because an IP ban just doesn't seem to do the trick.

I started a thread in the meet and greet section once, asking who was who, as far as previously banned members. It wasn't even nasty in tone - just wondering... It was deleted, that same day.

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One of the boards I post at has a team of moderators (who are unpaid at that) who ban spammers at a moment's notice (and/or as soon as they are reported). I saw one of the same spammers here not long ago and they remain a member so obviously ridding the site of them is not a very high priority here. Strange too since this is an "Official" messageboard. When things got out of hand with feuding on the official Skynyrd board a few years back they made it part of their fanclub package where members had to pay to have access to the board. I'm not suggesting Sam take the same action here but it did help eliminate those that signed up just to start shit.

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The fucknuts that are swamping this board.

It's actually pissing me off to the point that I don't want to contribute much. I'm a genuine person who is here for a legitimate reason. I'm not here to read your psycho-shit. I understand every board is open to crackpots, but some of the stuff I've read here is disturbing to say the least. And, when you have a fucknut pow-wow, you argue about crap that should be done so privately. Or of crap that is just plain pointless. It's not coherent - it's random shite - and it's very fucking annoying.

:hysterical: That's funny right there...sorry, not making light of your pet peeve, I agree with you (though it doesn't bother me as much), but Ally's advice is sound. Stick around, LDW, hopefully the good people who outnumber the nut jobs will make it worth your while.

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Not trying to stir up any crap but I can't sit hear in silence anymore. Mary Hartman, why do you insist on leaving your gender blank on your members profile ? Given that you've finally come out and said that you are not a woman, don't you think that if you continue to use that username , you should at least correct that. May as well be upfront about things now

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The fucknuts that are swamping this board.

It's actually pissing me off to the point that I don't want to contribute much. I'm a genuine person who is here for a legitimate reason. I'm not here to read your psycho-shit. I understand every board is open to crackpots, but some of the stuff I've read here is disturbing to say the least. And, when you have a fucknut pow-wow, you argue about crap that should be done so privately. Or of crap that is just plain pointless. It's not coherent - it's random shite - and it's very fucking annoying.

I agree LDW, and yes it is very annoying, but like Ally said, don't let it get you down. This is still a fun place with some very cool people. :console:

Edited by Melanie_72
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