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What do you think about guys with facial hair?

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I think if you and your wife are happy that's what matters :) My husband looks better cleanshaven and he prefers that too. I don't think at all negatively about guys with facial hair though. We know quite a few guys with goatees, and they really do suit them.

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The only thing I hate more than shaving is being unshaven.

I think there's some people that really wear it well,and for everyone that does,more power to you.

The funny ones are the people who wear it as though they've got something to prove.

I love beards and goatees, as long as they are kept and tidy ie, not long and straggly like a tramp or the continual unshaven look.

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Well, if it's anything like leg hair, maybe the more you shave, the thicker it will grow back? I dunno.

As far as to what I think about facial hair, I think it's cool. As long as you maintain it nicely, and it's not all scraggly.

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There are some guys who look great with beards and some who don't. I like beards, moustaches, ZZtop style, anything... my fav are the sideburns (jimmy style forever!!) My grandfather has a lovely little beard. When I was small I touched it all the time because it felt so funny and nice.

But there are two kinds of persons who CAN'T wear a beard and look great: women and teenage boys. You know what I mean? These shaggy little goatees of tiny light hairs. Ridiculous! Seems to be fashion in my class these times...

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I hate having facial hair, i started to grow a beard when i was 17 but it was really light so i shaved it, i grew a freaking mustache when i was in 8th grade, im in 12th grade now and it hasn't grown at all, it is still as light as it was in 9th grade so i don't mess around with it, people always say it looks nice so what the hell? i hate hair in general, i keep my head shaved too, it just gets really annoying.

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my dad had a bushy beard for a long, long time...and knowing how he treated it (who know's what's hidden in that forrest? last years cheese?) i don't normally find it attractive...mustaches make me think of ned flanders...stubble is sexy, it makes a guy seem, what? lived in?

zztop mountain men need not apply...sorry...it reminds me of dear old dad

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The only man I've ever been attracted to with a beard was Jimmy Page during his 'hobo' years. My father has a beard and I just cannot look beyond that everytime I see one.

I actually love men with stubble. When my boyfriend doesn't shave I love it. He looks sexier, a little more edgier, not to mention he totally rocks the 'tired' look.

Edited by longdistancewinner
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