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New singer for Jimmy, JPJ and Jason?


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Hey, don't blame me. Once again, it's Robert's fault! :D


I think I'll have that tatooed on my ....let's say, less then perky now...tits! :)

one more point....

Why does it have to be..."They are looking for a 'new' singer," anyway?

This...if it ever really takes form...is a NEW project. No need for a "new" singer.

Edited by Hotplant
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I'm curious if Twisted Sister's guitar players ever spoke to Jimmy Page after the brutal and condescending rip job they did on Jimmy in the Guitar World 1986 that was devoted to Page. It was beyond nasty and distasteful. Worth a good pummeling.

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Right--no Plant--no Zep--although I would be anxious to hear and see Page, Jones, Bonham with a different singer.

How about Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. Way back in the day he suggested that he might like to work with Page since they crossed paths using the same recording studio.

Although vocally highly inappropriate for Zep tunes--Ian on Black Dog? That would knock the sophisticated air right out of him--comical to imagine. But how about Page on Thick as a Brick?

Saw Tull about 12 years ago-very entertaining show.

Actually, I think they should turn to TV to decide. Instead of American Idol how about Zeppelin Idol. Contestants from around the land can try to win the dream job of lead singer. Even one of us here--you male Zep fans can't tell me that you've never stood in front of a mirror with fake mike and tube sock in britches, thrusting crotch yellin' "Baby baby baby! Do it do it do it! Push push push!

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That person is Jack White and for a few good reasons.

Although having wrapped up touring with The Raconteurs this week, there isn't anything confirmed for 2009 that White has committed to, meaning he could be available.

Added to that, White's main group The White Stripes are reportedly working on a new studio album, the follow-up to 2007's Icky Thump. But would they tour behind it?

Well, that's up for debate. The band's trek supporting Icky Thump last year was halted when drummer Meg White began suffering from acute anxiety. She's since been onstage briefly during The Raconteurs show in Detroit last June, but a brief cameo and months on the road are two entirely different things.

Thirdly, White and Page (along with U2's The Edge) worked and performed together in the forthcoming documentary It Might Get Loud. While it was an all too brief jam, the two guitarists seemed to gel immediately, coming basically from the same musical foundation.

Page once said he wanted Zeppelin to be a "marriage of blues, hard rock and acoustic music," something White has been marrying quite successfully for the past decade.

And to those who think it wouldn't work or would be an incredible stretch for White to pull it off, just ask country legend Loretta Lynn. In a move that left many scratching their heads, White produced and performed on Lynn's 2004 critically acclaimed "comeback" album Van Lear Rose which ended up on several year-end lists, including Rolling Stone.

All of these reasons (not to mention White's vocals) would fit quite nicely into the plans of Page, Jones and Bonham.

LOL.......I'm pretty sure I said this a few pages back, well I made that reporters job easy, maybe he reads the board.??

I think Jack White is the best fit, and I know a lot of people will disagree. I would love to see the 4 J's play together. I've seen the white stripes in concert and Jack is a baby Jimmy Page on guitar and he's a fantastic singer!!

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Wow just heard that Myles Kennedy guy and I have to say I don't hate him! If I had to pick from the suggestions people have made here, it would be between Kennedy and Jack White, though I don't see the latter doing so as he's a guitarist with his own sound and style and it's pretty distinct. That's not to say he couldn't blend with JP, JPJ, JB, of course, just that, well, when JP's in the studio I suspect that although he's a generous musician (in terms of not imposing his way of playing onto others and giving them space to express themselves), we all know who the deference goes to.

As for Ian Anderson, didn't JP refer to them as Jethro Dull? ahaha!

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As for Ian Anderson, didn't JP refer to them as Jethro Dull? ahaha!

Yeah, that's true. I think it was on one of Zep's early tours. Possibly in 1969 where JPJ made the comment that if Jethro Tull were playing in L.A. the headline would read, "Bore 'em at the forum". They were not fans of Jethro Tulland especially Ian Anderson. Supposely, he didn't acknowlege the Led Zeppelin when they were playing a show together in 1969, where this quote by JPJ comes from.

I'm sure someone can confirm exactly how this originated from and when.

Edited by SuperDave
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Led Zeppelin Meets Alter Bridge?

by Paul Cashmere - October 10 2008

Alter Bridge singer Myles R. Kennedy may be the new singer for the much mooted Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones project.

Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant put an end to the Led Zeppelin reunion stories last week when he announced that he would not be working with anyone for at least two years when he finishes up with Alison Kraus.

However, he added “I wish Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham nothing but success with any future projects.”

As it turns out, that project may be with the Alter Bridge singer.

The source of the rumour has come from Twisted Sister Dee Snider who told MuchMoreMusic, “he can sing the shit out of Zeppelin”.

All shall be revealed soon.

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Led Zeppelin Meets Alter Bridge?

by Paul Cashmere - October 10 2008

Alter Bridge singer Myles R. Kennedy may be the new singer for the much mooted Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones project.

Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant put an end to the Led Zeppelin reunion stories last week when he announced that he would not be working with anyone for at least two years when he finishes up with Alison Kraus.

However, he added “I wish Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham nothing but success with any future projects.”

As it turns out, that project may be with the Alter Bridge singer.

The source of the rumour has come from Twisted Sister Dee Snider who told MuchMoreMusic, “he can sing the shit out of Zeppelin”.

All shall be revealed soon.

Very interesting, Dee Snider has no reason to lie about it so there must be some basis for the rumour.

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I have also just read that it is going to be Myles Kennedy from Alter Bridge.

I personally think it should be a no name person and maybe do what Neal Schon did for Journey, look for some guy on Youtube or maybe one of these several Led Zep tribute bands vocalist.

I also have to say I love Robert Plant but he is being a turd- he would not be where he is today if not for Jimmy Page.

One final thing on the name- they could just go out like Page Plant did with just their last names. Everyone knows what the situation is, it is not Led Zep, but hey it was mainly Robert who didn't want John Paul Jones involved in the Page Plant projects- so I say Touche.

Maybe they could call it Triple Threat :D

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One final thing on the name- they could just go out like Page Plant did with just their last names. Everyone knows what the situation is, it is not Led Zep, but hey it was mainly Robert who didn't want John Paul Jones involved in the Page Plant projects- so I say Touche.


Or is this just the "Big-bad-Robert-Jimmy-can-do-no-wrong" stuff again?

Page and Plant was a project of equals. They had equal say in everything and that was overseen by their manager at the time.

Funny how one minute Robert would be nowhere if it wasn't for Jimmy and the next Jimmy is totally subservient to his wishes.

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Or is this just the "Big-bad-Robert-Jimmy-can-do-no-wrong" stuff again?

Page and Plant was a project of equals. They had equal say in everything and that was overseen by their manager at the time.

Funny how one minute Robert would be nowhere if it wasn't for Jimmy and the next Jimmy is totally subservient to his wishes.

I am just telling what I have heard over the years. I also heard that Michael Lee was the drummer Robert said they would use no matter what and Jummy kinda gave in on tha decision as well. Sometimes you do what you have to, to be able to play. Just like what Jimmy is doing now. You are either with us or not and with the spirit of the whole thing. I say 'Get the lead Out' I would much rather have JPJ working with Page than the other option of plant and Page together again by themselves. I saw both '95 and '98 tousr and don't get me wrong, they were great. But again I would much rather the JPJplus Jimmy and you gett he bonus of Jason Bonham. I have drummed for 30 years and Jason is doing a wonderful job.

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I think I'm more looking forward to anything Page does now versus his Firm,Page/Plant, Outrider,or

Coverdale?Page projects, mostly because his playing seems to be better than at any point in the last

35 years, and that he just seems different now.

I can't put a finger on it, but maybe its his sobriety.He just seems more full of life these days

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Not a fan of Myles Kennedy. Don't think he would do the Zep catalogue justice.

Maybe Jimmy can recruit Alisson Krause

Not sure who Alisson krause is JM. :blink:

Its about trying to get our heads around who could move through Black Dog to Kashmir to WLL to No Quarter to Achilles last stand to When the levee breaks to Rock n Roll to Babe Im gonna leave you to whatever they decide to play and do it all justice.

Only one man can do that B)

Many of th ebig named guys I just can't get my head around how they would, Grohl certainly couldnt, Jack White, some songs perhaps but not a Zep onslaught, Cornell again maybe some but not all and i would like acoustic stuf in there too. This Myles kennedy I don't know enough of but I don't think he killed the two Zep tracks I have heard him do. Maybe he could do them justice but does he have the range and pace?

None of us know but we will have to wait and see, as I have said Plant is such a hard act to follow. But I have to believe that Jimmy and Jonesy would pick someone who would do it justice and bring something new to the table.

In the USA donto they say "In god we trust" well lets change that to "In Jimmy we trust" :D

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That's a shame. He used to belt it out. I haven't heard him live recently.

Well he hasn't sung Child in Time since about 1987, They just do not do it anymore to save his voice. Well thats the last time I heard him sing it, and I last saw Purple a few years back...

This Alter bridge fellow seems to be gaining momentum, It will be just very good to see JP and JPJ doing something together.

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It's Myles Kennedy. Apparently they have reached a point where they dont even care if Plant joins them or not. This kid will bring energy and excitement

Err no, they've reached a point where Robert says he isn't joining them. Big difference.

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