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Robert Plant - Official Statement


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I was just saying it's a sad day in Zepdom when Jason leaving Foreigner is construed as the second coming of Led Zeppelin, because it isn't. For a band whom have something

concrete in mind there is no single, no album, no tour dates, and no publicity. Call the band Just Jams, cause that's where it's at and it'll satisfy those who apparently harbor a fetish for the letter J.

You've changed your tune since the BREAKING NEWS thread days haven't you?

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Jimmy and JPJ play them to original styles in their solo gigs?

Hard to tell--they don't play them very often, do they?


I'm sure that when Jimmy and Jonesy play the material they wrote they don't have to refer to the old songbooks to relearn their parts. They do improvise quite well as we all know but maybe they want the songs to remain recognizable and they use the proper guitar tones that don't irritate.

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Jimmy and JPJ play them to original styles in their solo gigs?

Hard to tell--they don't play them very often, do they?


I'm sure that when Jimmy and Jonesy play the material they wrote they don't have to refer to the old songbooks to relearn their parts. They do improvise quite well as we all know but maybe they want the songs to remain recognizable and they use the proper guitar tones that don't irritate.


Maybe it's just because I've listened to them so often, but I've recognized every Zep song Plant has done. ;)

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I was just saying it's a sad day in Zepdom when Jason leaving Foreigner is construed as the second coming of Led Zeppelin, because it isn't. For a band whom have something

concrete in mind there is no single, no album, no tour dates, and no publicity. Call the band Just Jams, cause that's where it's at and it'll satisfy those who apparently harbor a fetish for the letter J.

Hmm, how about Just JamEs :)


Judy, Judy, Judy lol

Edited by kabbalahone
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Three of them are adults. Plant's a spoiled brat who wouldn't know how to behave as a gracious adult if his life depended on it, IMO. YMMV.

Never said "Raising Sand" wasn't a success.

Funny thing, Led Zeppelin records just keep on selling, decades later.

I'm a Zeppelin fan. I'm not a Plant fan.

I keep saying how I feel. This is in contrast to, and to balance out, the treacly view of several people who constantly make the man out to be blameless, stainless, wonderful, delightful, regularly saves kittens from trees, etc.

Would Zeppelin have been as great without him? No. I can also say unequivocally that it's not as great without Jimmy, Jonesy, and Bonzo, no matter how many times Plant tries to stand on a stage without them and make hay out of it.

The truth for me is, his singing is the weakest part Led Zeppelin. I'll grant you that's saying something because his singing is far from weak.

His lyrics were often either "borrowed" or downright laughable, although some of them were great and I enjoy them. But my internal joy listening to live Zeppelin goes down several notches when Plant starts singing. I know I am not alone in this response, no matter how much the net cops on this site try to squelch people from saying so outloud.

Occasionally he makes me smile. There's no "occasionally" about how I feel about Page, Bonzo, or Jones.

Brain surgery is hard. Comedy is hard. Publicity is easy. Either whoever's doing his publicity now sucks donkey balls, or they have one of the hardest jobs on earth, because he makes kind of an ass of himself in public on a pretty regular basis. Maybe he thinks that shows spontaneity and honesty - hey, he's just one of the guys - but it's kind of ridiculous in a man of his years and accomplishments.

Well, lady, do YOU know how to behave like a gracious adult?

I'm not gonna arguing with you, but you're on a zeppelin board, you claimed to be a zeppelin fan, Robert Plant was one of the four band members, please respect him, at least.

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You watch; Jimmy will email Robert various MP3's of what they've been up to and the tour will be announced.

I really really really really really really really really really really really hope you're right.... :D

But, we'll just have to wait and see. (as I said on page one of this and other multimillion paged threads)...

R B)

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Three of them are adults. Plant's a spoiled brat who wouldn't know how to behave as a gracious adult if his life depended on it, IMO. YMMV.

Never said "Raising Sand" wasn't a success.

Funny thing, Led Zeppelin records just keep on selling, decades later.

I'm a Zeppelin fan. I'm not a Plant fan.

I keep saying how I feel. This is in contrast to, and to balance out, the treacly view of several people who constantly make the man out to be blameless, stainless, wonderful, delightful, regularly saves kittens from trees, etc.

Would Zeppelin have been as great without him? No. I can also say unequivocally that it's not as great without Jimmy, Jonesy, and Bonzo, no matter how many times Plant tries to stand on a stage without them and make hay out of it.

The truth for me is, his singing is the weakest part Led Zeppelin. I'll grant you that's saying something because his singing is far from weak.

His lyrics were often either "borrowed" or downright laughable, although some of them were great and I enjoy them. But my internal joy listening to live Zeppelin goes down several notches when Plant starts singing. I know I am not alone in this response, no matter how much the net cops on this site try to squelch people from saying so outloud.

Occasionally he makes me smile. There's no "occasionally" about how I feel about Page, Bonzo, or Jones.

Brain surgery is hard. Comedy is hard. Publicity is easy. Either whoever's doing his publicity now sucks donkey balls, or they have one of the hardest jobs on earth, because he makes kind of an ass of himself in public on a pretty regular basis. Maybe he thinks that shows spontaneity and honesty - hey, he's just one of the guys - but it's kind of ridiculous in a man of his years and accomplishments.

Why is Robert a spoilt brat? Because you want him to reunite with Zep and he has chosen not to? Good grief it's his life and he can do with it as he pleases. Besides this, you show me where he's acted this way in the past and hasn't been gracious.

I never said Robert was a saint but I love Zep and I love all FOUR members because it was their talent that made the band. I don't see how you claim to be a Zep fan when you find Robert so offensive and the least talented and I do think you stand on a very small island on that thought - how can you listen to Zep and love them and "squelch" when he sings and you seem to have this deep rooted anger against him I can't for the life of me figure out. For all your attacking others on being Plant apologists, your attacking and ranting against Robert is the behavior of a child. It's exhausting and you seem to take great pleasure in doing so. Being disappointed they won't reunite I think is something many feel. But most of us aren't whining and hurling insults at Robert in the process. We're happy he's happy, we're happy Page is ready to get back to work and that's that.

This is pointless - you will carry on this ridiculous argument forever.

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It's over RIP Led Zeppelin! I am glad I got the chance to see you live a couple times and greatful I got to go to London for your last performance. If they do tour under the name it is WRONG and is not Led Zeppelin! Good luck JP JPJ and JB I hope you don't ruin your legacy it would just be a shame. For all you Robert Plant bashers out there I hope your happy. Keep the good stuff coming Robert Plant no one could ever replace you! Keep true to yourself and I can't wait for the next RP AK project you are truly the best at what you do. LONG LIVE THE REAL LED ZEPPELIN! and good for Robert Plant for sticking to his guns and doing something different just like they did in the 70's.

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Either whoever's doing his publicity now sucks donkey balls, or they have one of the hardest jobs on earth, because he makes kind of an ass of himself in public on a pretty regular basis. Maybe he thinks that shows spontaneity and honesty - hey, he's just one of the guys - but it's kind of ridiculous in a man of his years and accomplishments.

Makes an ass of himself in public on a regular basis? That's just ridiculous. Robert just did a gig that benefitted victims of Hurricane Ike, many of whom are still without power and living in misery. I would call that showing "class," not "ass." Man, some of you people need to get over your Plant Derangement Syndrome.

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That's what ledded1 and nine lives think is cool :They think its cool that Robert rejects playing old led zeppelin songs the way they are played by Jimmy or john Paul Jones when they do them on solo gigs .Like,jimmy and john Paul try to play them to original styles that they've always played them .Robert on the other hand likes to rearrange /butcher/rehash etc to make them sound sluggish hill billy style tunes.Robert has laid down the gauntlet now and said "thanks but no thanks" to jimmy and j.p.j. but wished them the best in any future projects.So ledded1 and nine lives would be really,really happy about Robert coming out of the wood work within 2 years with (wait for it) led zeppelin songs rearranged /rehashed ,part 4; just to fill the new gig set list because the "new album"(recording etc)has only 10 new songs. so (hey) Robert to fill the set list do some of your solo work. Robert has got a massive back catalog from which to choose :hysterical::thumbsup::wave: .

So we have a mind reader in our midst who knows exaclty what I think or believe.

You quote -"They think its cool that Robert rejects playing old led zeppelin songs the way they are played by Jimmy or john Paul Jones when they do them on solo gigs"

Now I don't quite remember using these words anywhere and would welcome you quoting the post where i did.

!So ledded1 and nine lives would be really,really happy about Robert coming out of the wood work within 2 years with (wait for it) led zeppelin songs rearranged /rehashed ,part 4; just to fill the new gig set list because the "new new album"(recording etc)has only 10 new songs.

Did i say this? I think not cos none of us know what Robert will produce within that 2 year timescale. Unless you know different of course cos it seems you are the font of all wisdom all of a sudden.

It seems that I am being made to apologize for liking Robert Plants music. Music generally is an objective issue is it not? So I do believe that its up to me who and what I like.

Its interesting that we have the conversations about how Robert reinterprets Zeps music which he helped to create. I remember some people having problems with an Egyptian orchestra playing Zeps music. I don't recall complaining myself cos it brought a new and different light and shade to the music I love.

Thats why I have less problems with either Robert Jimmy or Jonesy reinterpreing Zeppelin. Neither they or I force anyone to like it. I haven't liked every RP track or every P&P track or every Jonesy track. But it doesnt mean that they have to play it note for note as it was originally played/recorded, in fact Zep never did live anyway.

It's never shaken my allegence to them all and I don't cry about the fact that someone feels Zep songs are so pure and sacrosanct that they can't be reinterpreted. Get real.

I now go back to an ages old argument I have had on different sites when people seek to trash RP's solo years.

Apart form Phil Collins's solo career and perhaps of late David Gilmour ( the live RAH show being far better than On an island) how many other artists from bands have had any sort of solo success. None of the Stones have, none of Floyd really cos their live shows rely on PF making up a large chunk of them.

Perhaps DG is thinking of doing a banjo version of Shine on you crazy diamond. :D

So mistymourner I enjoy RP's music, sorry if that offends you and a couple of notable others around here. Its the way i am B)B)

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If someone has such feelings about Robert, they should be thrilled he IS NOT going to go where he doesn't want to....

To Jimmy!

You can have him alllll to yourselves!! :)


Do I detect a hint of bias and favouritism their Hotplant? :D

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Robert is expressive and very much in the public spotlight. He's sensitive at times, but he does very well. There is no need to be overly parental toward him. He is a grown man, maybe with some adolescent moments, but we all have them.

Agree with you entirely.

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So we have a mind reader in our midst who knows exaclty what I think or believe.

You quote -"They think its cool that Robert rejects playing old led zeppelin songs the way they are played by Jimmy or john Paul Jones when they do them on solo gigs"

Now I don't quite remember using these words anywhere and would welcome you quoting the post where i did.

!So ledded1 and nine lives would be really,really happy about Robert coming out of the wood work within 2 years with (wait for it) led zeppelin songs rearranged /rehashed ,part 4; just to fill the new gig set list because the "new new album"(recording etc)has only 10 new songs.

Did i say this? I think not cos none of us know what Robert will produce within that 2 year timescale. Unless you know different of course cos it seems you are the font of all wisdom all of a sudden.

It seems that I am being made to apologize for liking Robert Plants music. Music generally is an objective issue is it not? So I do believe that its up to me who and what I like.

Its interesting that we have the conversations about how Robert reinterprets Zeps music which he helped to create. I remember some people having problems with an Egyptian orchestra playing Zeps music. I don't recall complaining myself cos it brought a new and different light and shade to the music I love.

Thats why I have less problems with either Robert Jimmy or Jonesy reinterpreing Zeppelin. Neither they or I force anyone to like it. I haven't liked every RP track or every P&P track or every Jonesy track. But it doesnt mean that they have to play it note for note as it was originally played/recorded, in fact Zep never did live anyway.

It's never shaken my allegence to them all and I don't cry about the fact that someone feels Zep songs are so pure and sacrosanct that they can't be reinterpreted. Get real.

I now go back to an ages old argument I have had on different sites when people seek to trash RP's solo years.

Apart form Phil Collins's solo career and perhaps of late David Gilmour ( the live RAH show being far better than On an island) how many other artists from bands have had any sort of solo success. None of the Stones have, none of Floyd really cos their live shows rely on PF making up a large chunk of them.

Perhaps DG is thinking of doing a banjo version of Shine on you crazy diamond. :D

So mistymourner I enjoy RP's music, sorry if that offends you and a couple of notable others around here. Its the way i am B)B)

Apparently, MM doesn't read (minds) any better than she writes.

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Apart form Phil Collins's solo career and perhaps of late David Gilmour ( the live RAH show being far better than On an island) how many other artists from bands have had any sort of solo success?


Here's a few:

Eric Clapton- Cream, Yardbirds, Derek and the Dominoes

Paul McCartney- The Beatles

Rod Stewart- The Jeff Beck Group, The Small Faces

Steve Winwood - The Spencer Davis Group, Traffic

Jeff Beck - The Yardbirds

Carlos Santana - The Santana Band { original line-up}

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Apart form Phil Collins's solo career and perhaps of late David Gilmour ( the live RAH show being far better than On an island) how many other artists from bands have had any sort of solo success?


Here's a few:

Eric Clapton- Cream, Yardbirds, Derek and the Dominoes

Paul McCartney- The Beatles

Rod Stewart- The Jeff Beck Group, The Small Faces

Steve Winwood - The Spencer Davis Group, Traffic

Jeff Beck - The Yardbirds

Carlos Santana - The Santana Band { original line-up}

I'll give you those :D

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