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Do we really want this?


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to be fair, the whole thing is pretty much being reported as a Led Zeppelin Reunion Tour, that's why the majority of people believe such a thing would taint LZ's legacy: because it's being touted by the press as a full-fledged Led Zeppelin tour, not as a project separate from LZ. I highly doubt any professional musicians believe that JP and JPJ should pack it in for good, they're commenting on what they're hearing, and what they're hearing is that LZ are going to tour with a "Plant replacement."

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There has been no confirmation - ANYWHERE - that they will call themselves Led Zeppelin.

Again, Knebby says it all right here. For anyone who doesn't want to see Page, Jones and Bonham on stage with whomever - the stay the f*ck home. More tickets for the rest of us who want to hear a long jammed out version of No Quarter, etc. Unlike the 02 show. I don't care what they call themselves at this point, I just want to see them perform, create and amaze as they have done before.

Not one of the 3 have said this is a LED ZEPPELIN reunion. Just some great musicians getting together to play, well. Enough already Chris Cornell, etc. :slapface:

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A Zeppelin by any other name...

In the case of Led Zeppelin, there is a question as to whether Page and Jones can even use the name Led Zeppelin.

The band is believed to have been set up as a four-way partnership, which means Plant would have to give his permission for the others to use the band's brand name on a tour. But years have passed and documents may have scattered, and that is an issue lawyers would have to sort out if it came to that.

"I honestly don't know," said Marc Reiter of Q Prime management, which represents Page. "We've been working with Jimmy for the last year and a half. We haven't seen all of the original paperwork from their original deal."

Of course, permission can sometimes be granted for the right price.

There is also the issue of the band's manager, Peter Grant, who died in 1995. "Is Peter Grant's estate a factor?" asked the L.A. Times' Powers. "Who owns the name? It's a business, not just an artistic unit."

Reiter confirmed that Page is keen on getting the band back on the road, although he said there are no plans to tour as of now.

"I get the impression he'd like to work again," Reiter said. "You can't really say something like that is possible if one of the three remaining members of the band doesn't want to do it. But I know he'd like to work."

If Led Zeppelin tours without Plant? "It would just depend on what they called it," Billboard's Cohen said. "I think it would sit pretty poorly if they used the Led Zeppelin name with a different singer."

If Led Zeppelin tours with Plant? "It would be the biggest tour in the world that year, if they did enough dates," Pollstar's Bongiovanni said. "They would sell as many tickets as they wanted to."

Courtesy Newsvine via MSNBC

Full Story: http://www.newsvine.com/_news/2008/11/11/2...it-could-happen

I really don't think whoever is going to tour will call it Led Zeppelin without everyones permission. After all they did do the 02 without Bonzo. Many said that shouldn't be called Led Zeppelin. But when it got under way, who really cared.

Perhaps too much is being made of what they call it.

It's about the music....well without legal issues anyway.


Edited by Mary Hartman
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I would pay any amount of money anywhere, anytime to see any one of them all or apart on stage, and they can call themselves whatever the hell they want to. I don't care. They can be Led Zeppelin or Pieces of Zeppelin. Who cares!!!!

to see and hear Jimmy Page's LIVE guitar on stage would be a real treat for me, no matter who the singer is or is not-more power to them, I say....bring it on however they choose.

We are all not getting any younger and neither are they. I'd love some good live music from JP,JPJ and JB.

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I would pay any amount of money anywhere, anytime to see any one of them all or apart on stage, and they can call themselves whatever the hell they want to. I don't care. They can be Led Zeppelin or Pieces of Zeppelin. Who cares!!!!

to see and hear Jimmy Page's LIVE guitar on stage would be a real treat for me, no matter who the singer is or is not-more power to them, I say....bring it on however they choose.

We are all not getting any younger and neither are they. I'd love some good live music from JP,JPJ and JB.

Though it looks like they will not be a reformed Led Zeppelin( as stated by Page's rep), the same opinion would go for me. I am just happy to see the three J's continue on................I look forward to (hope for) an official announcement.

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Though it looks like they will not be a reformed Led Zeppelin( as stated by Page's rep), the same opinion would go for me. I am just happy to see the three J's continue on................I look forward to (hope for) an official announcement.

According to them anyhow. I think they don't really know yet. They haven't picked a voice either....so even that addition will have some sort of influence on what they should be called. At least I would think so.

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According to them anyhow. I think they don't really know yet. They haven't picked a voice either....so even that addition will have some sort of influence on what they should be called. At least I would think so.

If they don't know, who does? I doubt Jimmy or Jonesy will pick a new name based on someone's voice. Or hair color. Or shoe size.


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Don't forget Ed Shurmer on keys and Phil Andrews on keys/mandolin in '98! Man, Jonesy is a one man army!

You could definitely tell how much JPJ was miised on the P/P tours. As good as it was it was a little lighter. He plays one heavy bass and not too shappy on the keyboards either.

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As a lifelong, die hard zeppelin fan, I just cant get excited in the least about this if Plant isnt there.

i am soooo with you on this. how-some-ever, that does not mean i would not buy a ticket to the show. i'm so conflicted!! :slapface:

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I feel the same way. Its like, Im tellig myself, its Page! Page is there! But how the hell can the singer get over doing Zeppelin? We are talking about a group that is super human. Legend like the Beatles and Sinatra. Cant just replace the guy that sang "Stairway to Heaven."

or the rain song. i know, and then i think, well, what if its the last chance for me to see page and jpj???? i don't want to live with that regret, right? i mean, i saw plant play bluegrass in hopes he would throw me a LZ bone (and he did). why wouldnt i go see a show gteed to deliver all LZ music by most of the actual band....? i know the vocals are important, and I know its not truly LZ without plant. ya see?...i am very conflicted!

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I passed over seeing Page w/ the Crowes and it's been haunting me ever since. I will pay to see Page play with anybody.

come to think of it...so would i. i guess i'm not conflicted anymore.

so, when do tickets go on sale?

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I really don't understand the "conflict" angle. I mean, Jimmy has confirmed that it isn't Zeppelin, and HE is going out on tour WITH JPJ.

Where is the conflict? Jimmy and JPJ are touring with Jr. on drums. They will have a vocalist. They will have a name, it won't be Led Zeppelin.

Put away the melodrama and enjoy living legends while they are still amongst us. The "inner conflict" will make your collective asses sore if you don't.

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The thought of Led Zeppelin touring, giving my generation a chance to experience one of the most influential bands of all time just gives me butterflies!! I may only be 28 but my father's musical influences have produced a hardcore fan in me. I am a fan, a HUGE fan and I don't care who knows it!!!

So bring it on Boys! I have seen almost all my favourite bands and this would be the icing on the cake! It's really frustrating to be a fan of so many great groups/bands of the 60's and 70's and know that you will never get to see them perform live on stage. This is my chance and I'll be there front and centre if it happens.

Young 'AUSSIE' Zep FAN!!

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If they want to do it, they have every right. I am completely onboard for any sort of reunion. What they call themselves is totally out of our control. We have no say & our opinions don't count for anything unfortunately. I have been watching this very topic go round & round for four years w/ the Queen+Paul Rodgers collaboration. It's been a divided camp w/ all the Freddie was Queen, w/out Freddie Queen is dead. But Freddie was not Queen. He was the voice. Brian May & Roger Taylor spent as much time energy building the Queen name into what it became. They own its rights & can do what they want with it. Its out of our control. We may not like it, but we can't do a damn thing about it. I'm not crazy about the use of the Queen name but it sure as hell didn't stop me from seeing two of my idols performing the music I grew up to & loved since 1981 being played at the volume it was meant to be felt & listened to.

Thats how I feel about this. Should it be called Led Zep if Robert decides to remain uninvolved, probably not. It's not for me to decide. But it won't stop me from going. I will be there w/ bells on! I wanna hear JP along w/ JPJ & Jason play those songs again.

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I have been covering the reunion on our website.

Did a piece here on why the english love a reunion

Led Zeppelin Reunion

and I also am crazy about Boot Led Zeppelin - sure you guys have seen them. I think the singer Luke Ward should be Robert P;ant's replacement if he refuses to tour.....

New vocalist for Led Zepp?

Enjoy and feel free to ridicule me on the comemnts section. also let me know if there are any things you'd like to see more of on our site....more led zepp obviously but Im always pushing for that one;)

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