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Random Facts About Yourself

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*can't cook anything without burning it or the kitchen down*

Stay outta my house then! :lol:

I actually LOVE cooking. My best friend made fun of me when I used my Macy's gift card one year to buy a decent set of kitchen knives. I've never made chicken noodle though...so I think he's going to get it from a can. :D

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I Am not the man some people think I Am. I am kind and thoughtful; respectful of all and compassionate to the pecuiarities of everyone.

I Am in complete control of my passions and dispositons; my urges and faults. I play with those tendencies for the benefit of my personal entertainment .... but never to the detriment of any soul. Leela.

I Am a man of character and humor; of life and sanctity.

I love You ... even if you misunderstand me.

But I am a Good, caring and thoughtful person. I have always been ... even when you have not realized it.

Please care for me; though I will love you even if you do not.

Because You are Me.

We live in the same Household.

I Am You.


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Here are a few things about me:

I talk to myself(strange I know, but a bad habit, LOL)

I love junkfood!!!!

I am 35 years old and single with no kids

Not at work right now(obviously, LOL)

I love Starbucks White Chocolate Caramel Mochas (yummy)

Very punctual, don't like to be late at all

Somewhat a "neatfreak", I can't stand having things not straightened up and in order

I'm a chocaholic big time!

Love Soap Operas

Also love different types of music: R&B/Soul, Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Blues

That is all I can think of right now but that is pretty much me in a nutshell! :)

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Well, I Am---nice to meet you...(I think?)

I keep thinking about going to bed--then I change my mind.

I hope you end up knowing (rather than just thinking) that it's nice that we meet.

It's nice to meet you too, manderyh.

May God bless everything that you do...and I hope everything you do is free of obstacles and brings you satisfaction.

I am very happy today.

Random fact:

I stayed up late last night and I am comfortably tired today. Work is going well, though, and I plan on taking a rest when I end my day. When I awake, I plan on enjoying music and thanking God for all Her gifts.

I cannot express the joy I feel when I take the time to appreciate the fact that She is with me at every moment. I was born to love Her. That is my only reason to be alive.


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^ummm... I don't buy that. :lol:

Random fact about me:

I fell down the f-ing stairs AGAIN!

This time, I was walking down the stairs to do laundry, my sock-covered foot slipped, and I slid down the stairs, on my belly and shins....

I think my booby is bruised. It got the riser straight on. :blink:

Edited by manderlyh
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^ummm... I don't buy that. :lol:

Random fact about me:

I fell down the f-ing stairs AGAIN!

This time, I was walking down the stairs to do laundry, my sock-covered foot slipped, and I slid down the stairs, on my belly and shins....

I think my booby is bruised. It got the riser straight on. :blink:

I hope you're okay. You need to watch those stairs! They're dangerous...


All further comments in this post were deemed "dangerous" and have been completely removed.

-The Danger Counsil


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I never watch television. I almost never watch films. I just don't care about them.

It's amazing how little I connect with most people when you skip out on those things. Tacking on my unique musical taste, and I'm practically an alien to some people. It's like I'm a weird sub-culture of one.

wait, there's more... sports? Meh. I play some, when others want me to. Never watch it. Don't care about any teams. Another mark against me.

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Figure I'll have Angi cut my hair today. It's becoming a pain. It's starting to bug me.

So here's one for the history books! Muhahahahaha! :hysterical:


Momentus day. Wow.

I got a 42" plasma TV today. For cheap. And 5.1 surround sound. I'm living the dream.

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