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Jimmy Page Says...


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Outside of "it happened on this day" the site is pretty lame IMHO considering I guess the anticipation and thoughts of what it could or should contain. So few pics and poor quality at that! No multi-mediaa, vids, etc. Certainly not worth the wait and hype. I was really let down by the errors and ommsions as well. On the positive side they have been responsive to correcting things and there is hope the site will grow; just a bit let down. As far as new music goes its hard to say, but based on the past 31 years I truly do not see much of anythng coming in the form of a new CD, band, tour, etc. I just don't think Jimmy has it in him; the motivation. He is such a private man I guess sometimes I wonder how he spends his time - what does he do on a daily basis? Anyway, sorry if I sound a bit negative. I am just disappointed in Jimmy since the 02 show. I thought that would get him going and it did for a while, but its clear that its Zeppelin or nothing for him. It's his choice and I need to respect that in the end.

Don't feel bad Mud...I think more than one of us here feel your pain! It is frustrating. However, I DO believe Jimmy will put out something new musically before the end of the year.

I do, really, despite the slow start with his web site. He seems to be in no hurry for anything these days but we love the guy and we stand by him. Right?

Edited by nirvana
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Didn't he say in the interview in may 2011 that he will first do the website and then some new music to put it on the site? :unsure:

The bottom line for 2011: his output as a solo artist hasn't changed unless you count that insignificant 30 second clip ('The One That Got Away') on the new website.

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I have confidence that Jimmy will get something going. He is a very motivated and creative guy . And yes, we do love him and stand by him.

Don't feel bad Mud...I think more than one of us here feel your pain! It is frustrating. However, I DO believe Jimmy will put out something new musically before the end of the year.

I do, really, despite the slow start with his web site. He seems to be in no hurry for anything these days but we love the guy and we stand by him. Right?

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Don't feel bad Mud...I think more than one of us here feel your pain! It is frustrating. However, I Do believe Jimmy will put out something new musically before the end of the year.

I do, really, despite the slow start with his web site. He seems to be in no hurry for anything these days but we love the guy and we stand by him. Right?

Without a doubt! Looking back to the early 70"s I have no regrets with the band I fell in love with! I would do it all over again today and will stand by Jimmy until my last breath.....Who knows, I might even see if I can leave this world with a few of my favorite Zeppelin recordings.

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I know some folks were a bit let down by the website. However the "This Day" feature is fantastic and different than any of the other sites. Jimmy is not able to do anything that doesn't get hyped, in the beggining the media couldn't say anything nice about him or Zeppelin (RS); now if he walks out of his home theres speculation. In terms of "Will He" or Won't He" play music and when; thats obviously up to him. What I do know is he 's a perfectionist and if that means delaying something he will, the website is new terrain so it has its lumps and bumps but, musically I think he is always playing. If you have "it Might Get Loud" there are some new songs featured in the extras Embryo 1 & 2, I beleive, very nice. Jimmy is the Alfred Hitchcock of the Rock world, he can weave, suspense and intrigue better than anyone. It should be noted that many Zep albums other than the first were delayed, dates annouced then changed; but I think we would all agree the wait is always worth it in the end when it comes to Mr. Page and his music. I have a dream that my Power trio of Jimmy, JPJ and Jack White is in the works.

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I'm a bit surprised about the negative reaction to Jimmy's website in some quarters. I think it can and will get better, and I think he will eventually use it to introduce new music.

Having said that, I think "On This Day" is fantastic. It's clearly in his voice and it's warm and humorous much of the time. And frankly you're lucky if you get anything on Robert or Jonesey's sites that are written in the first person directly to the fans. On Jimmy's site you get a little something every day, and I think it's cool. Let me put it this way; I make sure to check Jimmy's site every day, and I don't do that with Robert or JPJ's.

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I'm a bit surprised about the negative reaction to Jimmy's website in some quarters. I think it can and will get better, and I think he will eventually use it to introduce new music.

Having said that, I think "On This Day" is fantastic. It's clearly in his voice and it's warm and humorous much of the time. And frankly you're lucky if you get anything on Robert or Jonesey's sites that are written in the first person directly to the fans. On Jimmy's site you get a little something every day, and I think it's cool. Let me put it this way; I make sure to check Jimmy's site every day, and I don't do that with Robert or JPJ's.

Me too...I "hit" Jimmy's home page every morning before moving on to reading the "news" of the day.

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There should be music featured on his website by now. Why isn't there any? Surely there must be tons of private JP recordings that could be posted. I would think that should have been the main focus all along?

When Pete Townshend had his personal website operational he posted tons of music there and people loved it all. Page should be doing the same.

Page's website is beyond disappointing to me.

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My biggest fear was (still is) that the site will be a marketing venture to sell "exclusive" crap. Anything that does not include the selling of stupid "exclusive" "limited" personally signed crap, is ok with me.

I will stick with Led Zeppelin.com, but signed/inspired by Jimmy is not the way forward. a album would be nice.....
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There should be music featured on his website by now. Why isn't there any? Surely there must be tons of private JP recordings that could be posted. I would think that should have been the main focus all along?

When Pete Townshend had his personal website operational he posted tons of music there and people loved it all. Page should be doing the same.

Page's website is beyond disappointing to me.

I totally concur with this post. He hyped up the website for so long and it has failed to deliver anything.

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I submitted about 30 corrections to the live chronology last night, but it will need more substantial content to remain interesting over the long term.

I have also submitted corrections regarding the omission of a couple of Houston dates but so far, they have not put them in place. Very annoying. angry.gif

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Really? Jimmy Page has always been a recluse in his personal life and with his music post Zeppelin. You think that a web site will change him? Everyone needs to dial back their expectations. Stop being selfish. Good Lord, just accept that he is moving forward, stop with the "oh, he needs to put out music" bullshit. Let him work at his pace. The world will not change if he releases new music or not. Stop the unneeded criticism. This is major step forward for Jimmy Page. Accept that. Everything else will happen in due time. He is playing music. He has shown in person that he is playing music. WTF you want, a hours worth of new music. News Flash - IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And one more thing, anyone who bashes Jimmy Page for his site being boring or nothing new after only one month needs to reassess if they are true fans of Jimmy Page and his music. How come noone is bashing the Led Zeppelin website? The same fucking intro has been there for what, 3 years? Get a grip people. I doubt anyone will stop being a Jimmy Page fan just because after one month he has failed to deliver on your expectations. True fan, huh. Fuck off

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Fandom is blinding isn't it. Ok we'll go with the recluse angle then even though I doubt seriously that a recluse needs a website. All of these demo recordings compiled over the decades just don't matter a bit and now I realize none are worthy for release now or forever and ever. Amen.

Thanks for the clarification, I feel a lot better now.

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I declare--they should re-name this forum the Whinging Corner!

@KDH--I agree with you about the JP site partially satisfying HIS needs. And what might those needs be Dazed Cat might ask? Well it's a fair question. I think the kernel of what the JP site is had its roots in the experience JP had in compiling the book. He is looking over all this material and comes to realize that he has a half century in the biz. Only a fifth of that was with LZ. I think the site is about broadening the perspective of his work. A look at the larger context. For me, it has forced me to reexamine my narrow view of him as a musician, as a sideman, as a promoter, an arranger, and a host of other musical roles. The extended discography alone was eye opening for me--and on some level has to be for him as well.

I have never been a fan of music museums or halls of fame. The vibe of retrospective is dead. But what makes jimmy's retrospective the exception to that rule is the different lens put on the look back. Insight into the folk scene, what it was like to share a bill with Vanilla Fudge, The feel of the Harper Collaboration, 11 minutes of Bow and Theremin in Seattle, Bridging the gap between cultural factions in Morocco, Fleshing out the Yardbirds experience, even the Puff Daddy thing which at the time almost felt like a violation of something sacred to me--it has all been fascinating to me and though old, it has a feeling of freshness to it. I love the site. And I vastly prefer the tone he is building with it to some Zep-centered, pining-for-the-glory-days-hackery. Now before you get your back up--I like zep as much as the next guy (well not as much as the next guy in this forum!). I am not saying Zep was hack. It was forward thinking. It was innovative. It was about finding the spirit of a moment and then riding that spirit and shaping it and moving it around. The JP website is IMO about re-evaluating ALL of the spirits/moments that JP has had a hand in.

I am delighting in seeing JP take pride in so MANY of the projects he has been involved with, and that even in retrospective there is a freshness about Mr. Page. It seems a re-ordering of his and our perspective. It has me listening with fresh ears. If I were Jimmy, and I most certainly am not, and i were about to put out new material, I would want the whinging lot of LZ fans to be listening with fresh ears. I would want my new material to be evaluated on its own. As long as the spirit is fresh and innovative with that man he will have me as a listener.

There are moods left to evoke, and tricks up that sleeve yet. I'd bet my last buck on it. And my favorite Jimmy is the Jimmy that confounds. Confounds all of you. but especially me.

Make me think and feel and experience bigger and better, Mr. Page. Just once more?

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