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Can you guys fall asleep listening to Zeppelin?


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Yesterday I was exhausted because I always think it's a good idea to stay up until two in the morning for no reason and then wake up at 8 AM for class or work. Anyway, I laid down in bed for a minute with Physical Graffiti playing at like 3 in the afternoon, and I was out almost immediately. I woke up about two hours later when Bonzo was going ape shit on the drums in Rock and Roll. This is after PG had finished, III had been played all the way through, and IV had started. I thought it was a bit odd that I was able to sleep that soundly and long with it as loud as it was.

Then I realized that PG has been putting me to sleep a lot lately, and when my roommates are being loud when I'm trying to sleep III always gets the job done. I think I have Zeppelin-induced narcolepsy. :o

Does anyone else find it easy to fall asleep to Zeppelin? Or should I head to a sleep study to find out why loud drums and a wailing voice are soothing to my sleeping mind?

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:lol: That's pretty impressive you managed to sleep through 2 whole albums! To be honest...no I've not slept with Zep on before! For III, I guess it's the most mellow music they made so that sort of puts you in the mood to sleep. or you could just be really tired! :D Maybe you could test each album to see which album you best fall asleep to. Doesn't that sound like fun!
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I've drifted off watching Jimmy, if I'm really tired but I try to stay alert as I don't want to miss anything he does even though I've seen it so many times. I could fall asleep to Jimmy's demo of Swan Song on Brutal Artistry. It's so restful. But they are relaxing. I'm happy I am not the only one that thinks that.

Edited by aen27
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i can't fall asleep to zep at all. i have tons and tons of zep live recordings on my ipod and i'll try to fall asleep to live zep...

...but then i'll hear a performance and i'll start thinking, "hmm...that wasn't as good as the japan '71 versions" and then i'll listen the japan '71 versions of the tunes. then another song will come on and i'll think "hmmm...the europe '73 versions are more interesting" or "damn, that's a great version - i need to listen to the rest of this show".

in the end, i have a terrible time falling asleep.

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I fell asleep in the car (no, I didn't drive laugh.gif) listening to the first album with headphones. I think it happened during "Dazed and Confused". I was surprised myself because normally I don't doze off listening to music.

Edited by OLiJJ
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I try to, but can't. I have a digital alarm clock which I can plug my iPod into. I set it to 30 or 45 minutes "sleep" at night, hoping I will drift off whilst listening to Zeppelin. No chance. I end up lying there in the dark, jiggling my feet about in time to the music, air drumming and air guitaring, miming the words to myself. I must look like a total nutter! :lol:

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Back in college, I used to listen to Zeppelin to unwind from studying; I would put on any one of the first 3 albums with headphones, turn out the lights and zone out. I probably dozed off once or twice, but it was more of a relaxation thing. My suitemate used to call me Led, lol. And I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I did doze off once or twice in the theater at the end of TSRTS midnight movie; although there were adult beverages beforehand...

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  • 1 month later...

I had once slept for about 3 or 4 hours with my headphones on and listening to All my love by Zepp on repeat. The same song over and over again for 3-4 hours. The following day I just kept humming the song, couldn't get it out of my head.

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I can't sleep while listening to music, I really can't! It doesn't work even if I'm completely worn out. Once I tried, but I just finished singing along with the music :beer:

Edited by Bea
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To tire me out, I put on side three of Physical Graffiti (or the first four songs on the second disc). Bron-Yr-Aur and Ten Years Gone do the trick very well.

Bron-Yr-Aur and Down By the Seaside put me to sleep, but I'd always wake up after the first 30 seconds of Ten Years Gone, when the loud guitar parts come in.

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Yeah! I can!

It remembers me when I was younger, I bought my first Zeppelin album ( Led Zeppelin I), and used to hear It in the afternoon, and fall in sleep! Good memories... Try to sleep hearing Ramble On! Is good, but It must be low, of course... :lol:

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I ALWAYS listen to Bron-Yr-Aur before turning off the light. I would fall asleep with the CD on repeat but I don't want to use that much power. Besides, now that I don't have an iPod anymore, if I rolled over the headphones would come out and my brother would come in and tell me to turn it off because he can't hear his Ozzy....

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Wow i thought i was the only one that ca fall asleep listening to them. yes i can fall asleep, (especially stairway to heaven). i have sleeping problems(i have a lot of probs with myself) and all i do is listen to them and off i go, except i have to share a room with my sis and she can hear the music becuase i am going deafer each day and as i get deafer i listen to my music louder.

anyway enough of blabering, yes i can.

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  • 11 months later...

When i was twelve i started listening to Zeppelin at bedtime on many nights. I most often would put on Led Zeppelin I and be asleep somewhere early on.... and when the eight track would change sides about a minute into "You Shook Me" (yes, eight tracks switched sides in the middle of songs, and i believe You Shook Me was at least the fourth song because eight track songs were sometimes in a different order than albums) it would always wake me up :) but then i would fall back to sleep. I used to love falling asleep with music on... now i use a fan.

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