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Sammy Hagar band to rival Zep

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This is an article I picked up on from a local radio station in New Orleans. I have always liked Sammy Hagar, as he is a huge Zep fan. In this recent article/comment he says that his new "band" could rival Zep.....I'd have to hear it to seriously consider that, but I guess he feels that it's that good...check out the story below -

Sammy Hagar Part of New ‘Supergroup’

Filed under: Classic Rock News — Dale @ 6:02 pm

Sammy Hagar is back in the news as a result of his recent plans to form what some people are calling a new supergroup.

Hagar is teaming up with drummer Chad Smith of Red Hot Chili Peppers, guitarist Joe Satriani and former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony. Hagar and Anthony hanging out is nothing new since the two seem to have become close friends since their days in Van Halen.

It appears that Hagar has high hopes and great expectations for this new group. When asked what fans can expect, Hagar compares the sound to Led Zeppelin and says “it’s as good as that.” He goes on to say, “We could rival Zep.”

Hagar says that the new group has eight or nine songs ready to go and are planning to enter the studio on September 1.

Rock fans who long for the days of Van Hagar may have a while to wait, if they are fortunate enough to ever see those days again. Hagar says he loves Eddie Van Halen but Van Halen does not feel the same way about him.

“I heard that he (Van Halen) got cleaned up again. Hopefully he stays that way and doesn’t die, because before we both die we have to be friends again,” Hagar says.

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This is an article I picked up on from a local radio station in New Orleans. I have always liked Sammy Hagar, as he is a huge Zep fan. In this recent article/comment he says that his new "band" could rival Zep.....I'd have to hear it to seriously consider that, but I guess he feels that it's that good...check out the story below -

Sammy Hagar Part of New ‘Supergroup’

Filed under: Classic Rock News — Dale @ 6:02 pm

Sammy Hagar is back in the news as a result of his recent plans to form what some people are calling a new supergroup.

Hagar is teaming up with drummer Chad Smith of Red Hot Chili Peppers, guitarist Joe Satriani and former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony. Hagar and Anthony hanging out is nothing new since the two seem to have become close friends since their days in Van Halen.

It appears that Hagar has high hopes and great expectations for this new group. When asked what fans can expect, Hagar compares the sound to Led Zeppelin and says “it’s as good as that.” He goes on to say, “We could rival Zep.”

Hagar says that the new group has eight or nine songs ready to go and are planning to enter the studio on September 1.

Rock fans who long for the days of Van Hagar may have a while to wait, if they are fortunate enough to ever see those days again. Hagar says he loves Eddie Van Halen but Van Halen does not feel the same way about him.

“I heard that he (Van Halen) got cleaned up again. Hopefully he stays that way and doesn’t die, because before we both die we have to be friends again,” Hagar says.


It's been proven time and time again that assembling great musicians doesn't guarantee great music.

Rock fans who long for the days of Van Hagar may have a while to wait, if they are fortunate enough to ever see those days again.


I don't think too many people are crying over not seeing him with Van Halen anymore.

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I can't stop.....laughing..........long enough to comment :D

Anything with Sammy can't be taken all that seriously. Maybe the day he wakes up in his second life and actually discovers he has something called talent then...just maybe. Until then, he'll always be a hack.

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it's a cry for help. he posted this as an anonymous poster on another board

puff the magic waborita

mixed with peyote seeds

a bottle of gin

and some other crazy shit

my brains out on the sea

i'm morphing into ringo starr

then when i want i'm paul

led zeppelin or a girl in a flower dress

stoned and bloated on the beach

in a land of what?



who cares about that now?


i'm dave lee light again

:cryy: :huggss: :thewavve:

Edited by zero
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Anything with Sammy can't be taken all that seriously. Maybe the day he wakes up in his second life and actually discovers he has something called talent then...just maybe. Until then, he'll always be a hack.

He's not that bad. The man can actually sing and has a decent range. The problem is that his solo work on the whole is fairly bland, and there's no way he could ever replace Roth, who while not quite the singer Hagar is in technical terms, had a cooler sounding voice and was 50 times the frontman.

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Sounds like a fantastic lineup. Three out of four are tops in their field. They just need to replace Sammy.(Did I say that?).

Noone will ever touch Zep. It's not possible. Music has evolved where there's not that much "new" technique even possible like what Jimmy was able to do.

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Sounds like a fantastic lineup. Three out of four are tops in their field. (Did I say that?).

Michael Anthony is not tops in his field. I would even venture to say that he is among the worst bass players to ever ink a record deal.

Sammy Hagar was a good singer. Dunno if he can still belt it out.

At least Van Halen played more than one style of song when he was in the band. It must've sucked for Ed, sans his bank account, to crawl back to DLR. That guy can't sing at all, and he struggles to do what he used to do.

Edited by ArmsofAtlas
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sammy hagar singing "rock candy"....that was good.

he does love to sing zeppelin live.

big as zep-never (my opinion, without hearing a note)

secret weapon-joe satch....who is one badass guitar player.

second secret weapon-chad smith, who swings funkily, and i think is a great beatmaster for satch's boogie.

micheal anthony on bass-adequate at best. his secret weapon is back-up harmony singing.

good luck, sammy.

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Van Halen was a super group before Hagar. The Red Rocker had his chance, after David Lee Roth's departure. He should have hung up his mic with his release of Can't Drive 55. He can't sing past 55 either. Maybe could start a super christian group with his cousin Ken Tamplin and they can sing duets about NASCAR.

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Any band Satriani is in would be worth listening to, as far as I'm concerned. But Hagar should have just mentioned who was in the band and said to let the music speak for itself.

Didn't George Michael say he wanted Wham to be bigger than the Beatles? It is just not a bright idea to make statements like that.

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I responded to basically the same story in the Other Bands section a couple of weeks back, and in thinking about it I've come to the conclusion that anybody Sammy's age putting together a band with a guitar hero, and a funky drummer is always going to hold up LZ as the benchmark for their new project.

As they should.

Is he going to seriously rival Zeppelin? No, but if I was Sammy Hagar I would have that lofty of an expectation.

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Well, I've never been that big a Sammy fan, I can't- I'm a Roth fan.. and a proper one at that. But I think this sounds good! And you can't knock him, he IS a good singer, but he just didn't fit with Van Halen.

And what has this got to do with Led Zeppelin? They aren't reforming, so how is it gonna rival them??! :huh::rolleyes:

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It's been 20+ years and there's been too many bands to list that have made that claim of being the rival of Led Zeppelin... (Kingdom Clone, etc....)

First of all, there's only 1 Led Zeppelin... (no one will Ever be able to do what they did, except them)...

R B)

Edited by reids
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Well, I've never been that big a Sammy fan, I can't- I'm a Roth fan.. and a proper one at that. But I think this sounds good! And you can't knock him, he IS a good singer, but he just didn't fit with Van Halen.

And what has this got to do with Led Zeppelin? They aren't reforming, so how is it gonna rival them??! :huh::rolleyes:

I love Sammy and have seen him in concert with Van Halen and out on his own. His material may be a tad bit on the superficial side (Mas Tequila anyone?), but the man is a great performer and knows how to put on a show for the fans. He absolutely blew Dave off the stage when I saw the two of them do that tour together. Dave was a shell of his former self...unfortunately because I do like the Roth-VH-era. I would add that I think it is unfair to say Sammy didn't fit in with Van Halen since he was in the group longer than Roth was.

On this new project, shoot for the stars, Sammy... and you can't get much higher (if any) than Zep!

Edited by cabal200
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ya know I gotta a totally different vibe outta that statement-like sammy really wants to see a reunion too!!!

like come on guys we are gonna rival ya!!

btw I am a hagar fan and van halen fan as well

three lock box rocks and ice cream man....among my favorites

my kids say everthing is your freakin favorite and well its true, what can I say...

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Sorry, but Sammy never had much of a voice so he's getting way ahead of himself. He's just trying to get extra press and hype for his new band.

Maybe we just all have different taste on what a "voice" should be, but I think the guy sings pretty good...raspy, but it's rock n' roll..right? If your going off of the VH era, Dave was the original so people tend to like him more and he was also a showman above and beyond his voice, but Sammy was a better singer/musician then Roth, just my opinion...

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