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Jimmy Page to perform at closing ceremony of Beijing Olympics


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Yeah, since it's been announced, it's pretty much been Steve on the rampage, hardly Plant brigade folk!

I think it will be great to see Jimmy representing London and I'm sure he'll do his hometown proud.

I should say that I only took my 'Lady Allison of the Pagettes' title down on the new official board because it seemed a bit silly as a tag for general consumption. Not sure why anyone feels the need to declare for Jimmy or Robert, really, or to see either with an uncritical eye––I think they're both great, and we ALL have our foibles and follies.

Very true. I've never gotten the divided camp of being either a Pagette or a Robette if you will. I know people are more drawn to one or the other but doesn't make one better or worse. They're both amazing musicians and the gifts they bestowed upon us with their music is beyond words. And yes, as you well said, they and all of us have our foibles and follies :D

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That comment is beneath you Steve. As if Jimmy had planned this all along as a publicity stunt. It would be an honour for anyone to be invited to participate at a national ceremony, doing their bit for their country. I certainly would for mine.

I'm not on a rampage and never said he's doing it for publicity, just saying it's all a bit too Barnum & Bailey for the Jimmy Page I remember.

"...Hello, Cleveland!"

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EXCLUSIVE: Jimmy in Beijing


Perhaps... but even if... I'm still gonna watch.

BTW, judging by the links on google, the current phrase to use is 'nuke the fridge'...


I agree you haven't been on a rampage... just dismissive.


Knebby... nice work. B)

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Very true. I've never gotten the divided camp of being either a Pagette or a Robette if you will. I know people are more drawn to one or the other but doesn't make one better or worse. They're both amazing musicians and the gifts they bestowed upon us with their music is beyond words. And yes, as you well said, they and all of us have our foibles and follies :D

:thumbsup: Even more so, I bet it's impossible to like one of the four and not to like another... no matter how different they are.

I'm not British, obviously, and though it is an honour to his country, of course, I think Jimmy's presence would also honour any ceremony, regardless of how large it is. ;)

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I'm not on a rampage and never said he's doing it for publicity, just saying it's all a bit too Barnum & Bailey for the Jimmy Page I remember.

"...Hello, Cleveland!"

Actually, I meant "rampage" in an ironical kind of way all. :rolleyes:

It was supposed to be funny. :rolleyes:

Edited by AllisonAdler
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:thumbsup: Even more so, I bet it's impossible to like one of the four and not to like another... no matter how different they are.

I'm not British, obviously, and though it is an honour to his country, of course, I think Jimmy's presence would also honour any ceremony, regardless of how large it is. ;)

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Sadly I wouldn't bet on it, though. :(

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OMG I hope it's not true... :(

Just ran across this on Classic Rock magazine online:

Jimmy Page and Leona Lewis set for Whole Lotta Love duet

According to Gigwise.com, Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page will play the band's song Whole Lotta Love alongside Leona Lewis this weekend.

The pair will perform together at the closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

Bassist Guy Pratt apparently let slip what song they would perform in a post on his blog.

“You may also be interested to know that when Jimmy Page and Leona Lewis perform Whole Lotta Love at the end of the Olympics, that’s me playing bass on it,” he wrote.

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This will be the ONLY part of the Olympics that I will plan on viewing. Interesting that Guy Pratt will be playing with them - I guess David Gilmour isn't doing anything as of late?!

I do view it as an honor for Jimmy to be chosen to represent his country. It seemed that Led Zep were never treated very respectfully by the UK back in the day. The Stones or Paul McCartney would seem to have been the choice selection, based on how they have been stroked for years.

Go Jimmy go! :)

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I hope it's not true. I'd rather hear Jimmy sing Whole Lotta Love, or just play it, the way he has with Straiway. I doubt if she could sing it. But I want to see him, actually I don't care about her.

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She's an okay singer, I just don't know whether she could pull off WLL. I mean, she can sing, it's just...well, she sounds, I think, very generic. Pretty much every other female singer sounds like her (I think, anyway). Generic's not good enough when you're singing opposite Jimmy Page. Still, as long as it wasn't Amy Crackhouse.

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