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Random Facts About Yourself

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Last night. Not sure what exactly was said that got the entire thread deleted but a particular member now has the distinction of being on the 'banned' list. His partner in crime shoulda went with him in my opinion but that person hides their true demeanor behind a fake smile. You had to be there....

who was it?

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who was it?

A classically trained actor huh Beatbo? Too cool!! I hope you get to practice your profession!

Ummm...ByeBye LedBaby....hopefully his little girlfriend will be right behind him but...she's clever enough to keep her claws concealed...

Random fact about me: I am never 100% in control...there has to be a small part of me that is out of control all the time! Ahahahaha!

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A classically trained actor huh Beatbo? Too cool!! I hope you get to practice your profession!

Ummm...ByeBye LedBaby....hopefully his little girlfriend will be right behind him but...she's clever enough to keep her claws concealed...

Random fact about me: I am never 100% in control...there has to be a small part of me that is out of control all the time! Ahahahaha!

Ya Baby :D

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oh she doth teach the torches to burn bright

did ever my heart feel love, forswear it sight

for i ne'er saw true beauty till this night...

i attended a workshop by jonathan miller while i was rehearsing 'othello'. he asked me to read a scene with another actor and when i got onstage, he noticed that i had all my lines highlighted in my script. he said "what's all that, then?"

i said "uh, mr. miller sir....i just, uh highlight my lines so that it's easier to learn them..."

he said "what about everyone elses lines? do you know anything about them?"

to this day, i never highlight my lines in my script...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm Sophia in real life, 15 years old, german student and sick of not being 16!

Everyone in my class are 16, watch the cool movies, go to the cool parties but not me! It is so annoying.

I play in a band since yesterday, I told you before :rolleyes: , and we're having a gig on monday and I'm horribly worried if I get it allright!!!!!

Some other facts:

-I play 4 or 5 instruments

-My dad has got 20 guitars, 10 basses, 5 synthesizers and lots of other instruments and infected me with music.

- I'm a horrible girl: besides of Jimmy Page I fancy a class mate AND Keith Emerson AND lots of other guys (time I get a boyfriend to keep me off this)

My secret passion: THOSE FABOLOUS FURRY FREAK BROTHERS! (oops; not secret anymore)

Please don't think I'm a always stoned hippie- that's just partly true becuse I hate drugs.

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At first a question to oyg: what happened to your "L"?

I noticed it it big in every of your posts...

I'm Sophia, a 15 year old German student.

- My secret addiction (oops not secret anymore) are the "fabulous furry freak brothers"-comics which my dad gave me.

- I love to wear my parents clothes from the Seventies, f. ex. my dad's old armee parka.

-I hardly ever write a post without... and ()

- Up to now I never had a real boyfriend but I have a new crush every week, in the moment Keith Emerson (Jimmy is always the number one!)

- My class mates call me Hippie, but I never smoked cannabis or was drunk, and i take a shower every day.

- I like the Beatles since I am 8 and know pretty much of their songs by heart.

And I love this forum!

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At first a question to oyg: what happened to your "L"?

I noticed it it big in every of your posts...

- I like the Beatles since I am 8 and know pretty much of their songs by heart.

oh, those damn "L"s. They're becaming an issue everywhere I go. It's time to get rid of it. :D

No, I'm not gonna hide that they're expression of my perverted feeLings. :lol::rolleyes:-_-

I started to Listen beatLes Like you, my mum Loves beatLes :) But I wasn't obsessed, then someday I had became obsessed, and then I finished. -onLy the obsession part:) -

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oh, those damn "L"s. They're becaming an issue everywhere I go. It's time to get rid of it. :D

No, I'm not gonna hide that they're expression of my perverted feeLings. :lol::rolleyes:-_-

I started to Listen beatLes Like you, my mum Loves beatLes :) But I wasn't obsessed, then someday I had became obsessed, and then I finished. -onLy the obsession part:) -

I love your "L"s!

Makes your post unique!

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i Have one cat.

I live in a apartment by myself

My favorite food is hamburgers and fries. Bento Box

My favorite drink is grape juice.

I eat way too much fast food.

I go the movies pretty much every weekend.

I love rainy days more than sunny days.

I wanted to be a hockey player or an actor when i was a kid. Gave up on that because i could not skate or act.

I went to a christian camp one summer when i was a kid. it was The only time i have ever read the bible.

I hated camp. Especially camp where you slept over in cabins or tents.

When i was a kid i fell from the top of the swings at school and landed on my back. Thought i was gonna die. Had the wind completely knocked out of me. Couldn't even talk. Took me a half hour to get to my feet.

Edited by spats
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My first post on this thread:

I love the beach, the ocean, swimming, snow skiing, taking walks, sleeping, relaxing.

I love my parents, my sisters, my nieces and nephews, my best friend Shy, and most precious of all, my daughter.

I hope to find a partner to love and share my life with someday soon.

I can be very loyal and very forgiving.

I love my two cats and loved my grey cheek parakeet who passed away over two years ago.

I am a true animal lover. I am a Leo. I love to garden, especially with perennials and evergreens.

I am independent and have a good career.

I love rock music. I have loved Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Bruce Springsteen since 1977. I have loved The Beatles and Genesis since 1978. I won't list all my favs...take too long.

I loved Robert Plant from age 12 until into my mid 20's.

My idol is Bono. I love rock star Philanthropists. I love concerts.

My all time fav sitcoms are The Honeymooners, Fawlty Towers and Who's the Boss?

My favorite movies are "The English Patient", "The Bridges of Madison County", "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", and "Bird on a Wire". I have been a Clint Eastwood fan since i was ten. I love Emmanuelle Beart.

I love shellfish, especially lobster tail and snow crab legs. I love fruit and unsweetened iced tea.

I'm a bit nervous about flying with all the troubles the airlines are having...planning to fly this week.

I can't fly without my Walkman and favorite CD's (maybe it's time for an IPOD, lol).

I"m meeting a new friend, i hope we have a great time together:)

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new ones that occurred to me whilst reading some of yours....

i build steel and iron buildings for a living. sometimes i tear the old ones down. i find doing them both exhilarating.

i collect books and have over two thousand-a library i am proud of. even though i have read all of them, i find i still read a select few over and over (and over).....sometimes 20-30 times.

i spend more time during the day worrying about 50 years from now than ever before....by 100%.

i love to ride a bicycle.....and i always have.

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i love children and work as a nanny.

i think that is very cool.

it's amazing how hard it is for random adults to have a positive impact on a child's life.

i also think your job is a essential opportunity to affect the air around you in a positive way.

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My baby is due today!!!! :unsure: Both my daughters went 9 days overdue so i'm hoping, because this one's a boy, he'll be on time! I've got Zep cd's packed for the labour and a tiny Zep t-shirt for when he arrives, all the essentials!!! :lol:

A Zep tshirt, that's gonna be one cool baby in the nursery. Best of luck to you!

Random fact about me: i have always been a night person, and it's at least a couple hours past my bedtime now. The sun will be rising soon.

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