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Love Her Or Hate Her?


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I could take her or leave her, she's just another MTV-manufactured idol for the masses to adore.

I could leave her. I agree that she is another MTV hyped "superstar". Yes she sells alot of records but I think that alot of that comes down to pure marketing and not pure talent. To me kinda like Madonna back in the early 1980's, although I have to give Madonna some credit. I do admit that I do like some of Madonna's mid 1980's songs.

I look at it this way: In less than 5 years time, there will be another "artist" that will have the same kind of appeal for the masses to adore.

Longevity and artistic and musical talent is what really defines a performer.

This is just my opinion.

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I do like her music. I know what you're thinking, but she's my guilty indulgence (ha ha!). I really do think she has a great voice and enjoy her music, which is obviously not going to stand the test of time, but as they used to say on American Bandstand, "I like the beat and it's easy to dance to."

I tend to not look at her live performances because she's so weird. I thought her performance on American Idol was good until she was joined by a male dancer and they simulated sex acts on a "family" show. Too over the top for me with that audience.

Edited by imPLANTed
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Love her, like her message and respect the fact that she writes her own music/lyrics. I can see the comparisons between her and Madonna, as that is what I thought when she first came around and she is influenced by her among many other artists + fashionable icons. However, to only label her as such is a bit short sighted as no one is a direct replica of another. B)


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I have no real opinion of her. I don't listen to her music, I don't watch any of her videos or live performances, and I have no interest to see her live. That's not because I hate her or anything, I just don't care about her. I've seen pictures of her in blogs or on websites, and I think she looks nuts.....but hey. If she's got the business savvy to take money from people and look like that while doing it, good for her.

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Writing your own lyrics does not necessarily mean making GOOD songs:):);:!!!!

She writes the music as well, she's an actual musician. She started out as more of a rock musician but was convinced by her producer/mentor at the time that women have absolutely no chance in rock music and she should switch to dance/pop. Not my cuppa tea, but she's alright. One of the few artists who's selling millions these days.

Here's young Stefani covering Led Zep!

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Don't much like her image or her blatant Madonna rip-offs (never liked Madonna), not at all into the whole sexual video/stage show thing that she and Rhianna seem to be perpetuating these days - parents who encourage young kids to be fans/go to their gigs should really take a look at themselves - but she's very talented and some of her songs are great - and I DO think they will stand the test of time - bloody hell, "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" is still being played isn't it? x

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I haven't downloaded any of her stuff, don't want to see her in concert and don't deliberately play her music; because the whole theatrical thing isn't for me. But if one of her songs comes on the radio or the kids' iTunes, I will generally get up and dance around the living room. :) I do think she is very talented and has a great voice. And she is a very smart and savvy marketing genius. I agree 100% with all the Madonna comparisons too.

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I kind of like her.. None of her songs have jumped out at me .... at all... But she's a gutsy performer. She definately has talent.

I see the obvious Madonna Influence. But I also see Dale bozzio, from Missing Persons, and some Marilyn Manson as well. I wouldn't call her a rip off.

She says she's a huge Iron Maiden fan.. I would like to see her do something very heavy..

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She writes the music as well, she's an actual musician. She started out as more of a rock musician but was convinced by her producer/mentor at the time that women have absolutely no chance in rock music and she should switch to dance/pop. Not my cuppa tea, but she's alright. One of the few artists who's selling millions these days.

Here's young Stefani covering Led Zep!

so this is what she really looks like!

man, if she still played this kind of music, just performing with a " normal " band, and lost the whole idea of trying to make herself look more outrageous ( i call it rediculous ), each time she appears anywhere, i might just give her music a chance.

she apparently does have musical talent.

but the persona she portrays, the act she puts on, the clothes she wears ..... are a complete turn-off for me.

maybe i'm just too old.

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Don't really devote a lot of time thinking of her one way or another. Not because I hate her, but mostly because I'm not part of her demographic so it would be foolish to expect her music to speak to me.

That said, what I have heard, while obviously owing something to Madonna, it's not the worst dance music I've heard. And I get a kick out of the crazy costumes. Every generation of kids needs a pop princess and now that Madonna is too old for the part, there's nothing wrong with Lady Gaga taking over. Better her than Britney Spears or Miley Cyrus, IMO.

Funnily enough, I went to Yoko Ono's concert for John Lennon last year and Lady Gaga came out and sang, and you see that she has a great voice. She's a better natural voice than Madonna...why she chooses to hide it behind that awful autotune is beyond me.

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