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Page, Plant, & Jones Press Conference: Friday, September 21


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Thanks to all for the links to the actual press conference. Just my opinion, but after reading some of the comments on here, I think I understand why the members of Led Zeppelin were always so relunctant to do interviews or press conferences. I mean, so many nuances were scrutinized and conclusions made on something as simple as to the distance between chairs. Amateur socialogists analyzing body langauge and facial gestures - and coming to conclusions as to how the members feel about each other. Talk about being under a perpetual microscope - by the press as well as the fans It's my understanding that all three members are very private people, and as one myself, that would drive me crazy.

Just be grateful that the boys continue to give us the wonderful of gift of music that they...and through their generosity, WE.....enjoy!

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And knowing them, a very small portion indeed. Not a band known for the philanthropic gesture....

Blow it out your ass, troll!

What do you know about where and how much they've donated over the years? Because Led Zeppelin wasn't the type of band to blab everything to the press like certain other pop stars I could mention, there's no way of telling how much they've given without calling attention to themselves a la Sting and Bruce Springsteen and others.

They just quietly go about their business and it's often not until years later that you find out the good works the band has done.

Also to the band's credit, they didn't just give their time and money willy-nilly to every fly-by-night organization that came calling cap-in-hand. Lots of stars got burned by giving money and playing benefit concerts for shady organizations.

Led Zeppelin, as far as I know, never embarrassed themselves in this way.

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Thanks to all for the links to the actual press conference. Just my opinion, but after reading some of the comments on here, I think I understand why the members of Led Zeppelin were always so relunctant to do interviews or press conferences. I mean, so many nuances were scrutinized and conclusions made on something as simple as to the distance between chairs. Amateur socialogists analyzing body langauge and facial gestures - and coming to conclusions as to how the members feel about each other. Talk about being under a perpetual microscope - by the press as well as the fans It's my understanding that all three members are very private people, and as one myself, that would drive me crazy.

So, you can express your opinion but others are dismissed as "amature sociologists"? This is a FORUM for people's thoughts and opinions to be posted. If you don't like that, don't read them. :rolleyes:

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I think the reason why this was "analyzed" so closley (including myself) is because its a VERY rare occasion to have these three guys on the same stage at the same time. I mean it hardly ever happens. And when it does IMO its only natural that people will pay close attention and maybe read things into it that may or may not be there. I dont think its because their being jerks or something.

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Well said Superstatic. And I certainly didn't mean to give the impression that the people that gave their opinions were jerks. It's just that we all know they are VERY private people and I believe they DO occasionally read stuff on here. And for them to read comments or opinions about thier feelings based soley on the distance of a chair or a glance or lack of one certainly isn't encouraging for them to do more public appearances!

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Well said Superstatic. And I certainly didn't mean to give the impression that the people that gave their opinions were jerks. It's just that we all know they are VERY private people and I believe they DO occasionally read stuff on here. And for them to read comments or opinions about thier feelings based soley on the distance of a chair or a glance or lack of one certainly isn't encouraging for them to do more public appearances!

i have wondered if they read our forum .... i know that i would, if i were them, and if i had the time. i reckon they may rely on others, perhaps sam, or other family members, friends etc to let them know if anything is written that they need to know .... what that would be, i have no idea, but maybe stuff about bootlegs etc ?

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There were a couple of hidden clues in the press conference if you're a good listener. Everyone know's that a chance of a future reunion is basically a pipe dream, but Robert said a couple of things that were interesting to my ears which nails this point home if you will. He subtley mentioned his current musical taste or direction when asked about his thoughts of performing the gig that night, and what to make of his "Innuendo" comment and looking directly at Jimmy when asked "What do you do when y'all get together? There's always a little innuendo when we do get together is what Robert said, translation....Jimmy likes to drop hints that he wants to play more gigs?

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Robert is sitting back in a chair, while a crowd of mostly moronic reporters are studying their every word and move. A mix of being uncomfortable and being irritated has him leaning to a certain side, that just happens to be towards Page. Imagine if he had been closer to JPJ...the shit storm of him and page having a serious fallout would be huge. Get over yourselves and rest on your hands until after you see Celebration Day on the 17th.

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He subtley mentioned his current musical taste or direction when asked about his thoughts of performing the gig that night, and what to make of his "Innuendo" comment and looking directly at Jimmy when asked "What do you do when y'all get together? There's always a little innuendo when we do get together is what Robert said, translation....Jimmy likes to drop hints that he wants to play more gigs?

I took the "innuendo" comment to mean that when they get together a whole lot of "boys being boys" conversations take place.

When my husband and his high school friends get together and talk, Watch Out!

A lot of "yeah, we know what you and Betty had going on" type of conversations happen.

Or "remember when you drove your truck thru Ms. Mary's flower bed!"

It is all in good fun, and there is no end to the teasing and put-downs!

We can only imagine what they share.

I know both times I have seen Robert, once with BOJ and in Clarksdale with the SSS, he alluded to Jimmy as his good friend.

Once in mentioning about him and Jeff Beck having a mutual "good friend" and once in saying his "good friend" had produced a John Mayall song (Witch Doctor) that he was about to sing!

I don't read anything into any of this, they are long-time friends who shared a lifetime in a whirlwind of 12 years as the biggest rock band in the world!


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