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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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1 hour ago, Strider said:

Obviously, the Pope is in on the conspiracy.

Pope Francis on Twitter:

"Vaccination is a simple way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable."


Obviously the good Pope is part of the conspiracy, have you not read any Dan Brown books lately šŸ˜‰Ā 

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7 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

US health officials call for booster shots against COVID-19

NEW YORK (AP) ā€” U.S. health officials Wednesday recommended all Americans get COVID-19 booster shots to shore up their protection amid the surging delta variant and evidence that the vaccines' effectiveness is falling.

The plan, as outlined by the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other top authorities, calls for an extra dose eight months after people get their second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. The doses could begin the week of Sept. 20.

Health officials said people who received the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine will also probably need extra shots. But they said they are awaiting more data and have yet to work out the details.


The overall plan is awaiting a Food and Drug Administration evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of a third dose, the officials said.

In a statement, health officials said it is ā€œvery clearā€ that the vaccines' protection against infection wanes over time, and now, with the highly contagious delta variant spreading rapidly, ā€œwe are starting to see evidence of reduced protection against mild and moderate disease.ā€

ā€œBased on our latest assessment, the current protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death could diminish in the months ahead,ā€ they said.

That pretty much removes all doubt they are completely full of shit and cannot be trusted. I will never line up for a booster shot. Herd immunity is the ONLY way forward.

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4 hours ago, Strider said:

Obviously, the Pope is in on the conspiracy.

Pope Francis on Twitter:

"Vaccination is a simple way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable."

Pumping experimental, non-FDA approved poison into your veins for "protection" that lasts about as long as a Duracell battery does a lot less for common good than advertised.Ā Ā 

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1 hour ago, Charles J. White said:

I'm double jabbed, my penis grew an extra 4 inches to an even 16 now and my hair has suddenly gotten really soft and full again, and my wrinkles have faded!

Alright, thatā€™s weird. Same exact thing happened to me with the inches!Ā 

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20 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Well that's the rub right there John. SoĀ here at least, the overwhelming majority DO follow the science in that our elect leaders take their advice from top experts in their respective fields. So yeah, 100% the virus disproportionately affects certain demographics. And I 100% agree with you that it is a reasonable assumption/position to take that:Ā the focus should be on safeguarding those demographics "while getting on with it". But neither me or you are the medical experts, or modelling/statistical experts, or the top scientists trusted and chosen to advise governments, or the vaccine research experts - or most importantly, the ELECTED leaders who then take all the advice given, and decide upon public policy. So me,Ā you or anyone else can think we haveĀ a "better idea" or plan on what to do, but we ain't the ones working on these problems non-stop with a specific and hard earned set of skills and knowledge that puts us in the frame.

So I hate wearing the damn masks and lockdowns like most people, but at the end of the day, the policies in place are from a majority electedĀ Government with agreement from all state leaders (as to NOT turn this into a political-partisan shit-show).

So what you call lunacy (when you reference policies adopted by fairly elected Govt's in AU and NZ) is the result of our elected state and federal leaders (mix of conservative/progressive, the AU Prime Minister and governing party right now is conservative) taking the approach that they would transparently listen to their top medical/scientific advisers that THEY chose, and meet, and formulate policy that all State Premiers accept and support. The advice received is often given direct to the public at press conferences along with reasoning. I'd say that's reasonable. They have also shown flexibility when the data set changes. Like you'd EXPECT from scientists - no ideological position, no dogma, work with data and adapt when the data changes.

I fully appreciate you most likely will vigorously disagree with this John and welcome alternative views, it is just my view from here. Others views are always interesting.

The fact that a pandemic right down to basic mitigation/safety directives is so partisan now is astonishing to me. Thank fuck it is not like that here.

This is NOT a political post. It should not be interpreted as such.


Following advice from "experts" unthinkingly is no different from following the dictates of the Church, i.e. it's more akin to faith than science.Ā  Whatever happened to getting a second opinion?Ā  It's rather naive to think that politicians are tirelessly working on this with our best interests at heart, as opposed to exploiting a crisis for their own gain (which politicians have done as long as they've existed).Ā  And it's hard to believe that someone like Fauci, an 80- year old bureaucrat who's been on the public dole longer than I can remember, is a top expert in virology.Ā Ā 

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2 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Alright, thatā€™s weird. Same exact thing happened to me with the inches!Ā 

Damn it, the Elf & Steve were right. My penis is now inverted, my hair fell out except for my nose, ear, and pubicĀ / butt hair which is as thick and coarse as steel wool šŸ˜žĀ 


Edited by BobDobbs
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2 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

Following advice from "experts" unthinkingly is no different from following the dictates of the Church, i.e. it's more akin to faith than science.Ā  Whatever happened to getting a second opinion?Ā 

Nothing like "faith". My doctor is an "expert" - my believing his medical advice is nothing to do with faith. It is reasonable and logical that accepting medical advice from a doctor is in my own best interest. I guess the key in your statement is "unthinkingly". And yeah, IĀ agree, you still need to consider, process, and question things. "faith" is often the result ofĀ laziness.

The second opinion thing - absolutely!!! If my mechanic wants 3 grand to fix that noise I occasionally hear in my car, I might go to another qualified mechanic for a second opinion. The problem here is I don't see any credible reports of a real split in the virologists and medical/scientific community world wide that would lead me to think that the advice being given is some kind of conspiracy or deception. I just don't see it. Some do, IĀ don't.

Having said that, like Steve points out, the "extra booster jab"Ā seems suss as fuck given big Pharma's track record of pushing (And I mean with aggressive marketing and kickbacks) drugs onto populations driven practically fully openly for PROFIT only. Drugs that often solve problems that are an invention of those companies, or worse, opioid painkillers KNOWN to be problematic but pushed hard regardless. They simply cannot be trusted for their own cunty, morally void behaviour.

I'm glad I get my second Astra jab next week, QLD has so far stopped the horrible outbreak in NSW at the border, but that won't last...

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11 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Pumping experimental, non-FDA approved poison into your veins for "protection" that lasts about as long as a Duracell battery does a lot less for common good than advertised.Ā Ā 


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16 hours ago, Strider said:

Obviously, the Pope is in on the conspiracy.

Pope Francis on Twitter:

"Vaccination is a simple way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable."


Pope Francis is a fake Pope, he was put in because Pope Benedict was forced to step down, because he wasn't going to allow or go along with what the Vatican has planned in agenda to accept homosexuality because they're losing money because of it.

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1 hour ago, RainbowElf said:

Pope Francis is a fake Pope, he was put in because Pope Benedict was forced to step down, because he wasn't going to allow or go along with what the Vatican has planned in agenda to accept homosexuality because they're losing money because of it.

You wouldnā€™t happen to get your news from your drunk uncle? Or from a homeless guy in front of the local Wal-Mart.Ā 

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5 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

Pope Francis is a fake Pope, he was put in because Pope Benedict was forced to step down, because he wasn't going to allow or go along with what the Vatican has planned in agenda to accept homosexuality because they're losing money because of it.

You should research how the Catholic Church approached homosexuality within its ranks from the middle-ages to the 18th century. You will be VERY surprised indeed. Check out the link I provided below. It's a good start and from a reputable, scholarly, peer reviewed source.


A thousand years ago, the Catholic Church paid little attention to homosexuality (theconversation.com)


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