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Zeppelin Mysteries Hosted by Steve A. Jones


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Thank you one and all for the confirmation on these gigs. I thought both were in 1985, but one in 1986 as well. I remember seeing news clips of the 1985 show years back.

Hang on a sec. I'm not sure if I misread what Ross replied correctly or I'm mistaken.

I'm almost positive The Beach Boys ( and JP) played both cities on the same day in 1985 or D.C. was the following year.

Or The Beach Boys could have played both cities in 85 and only D.C. in 86.

I am certain that there's video of Jimmy riding on a tour bus from Pa. to DC. in 1985 because I've seen it. That implies they played both cities in 1985 on the same day.

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Ross is spot on. They played both Philly and D.C. the same day-taking the bus down I-95.

I was not close to the stage at all,actually. I could just BARELY make out Pagey on the stage over the 300,000 people in front of me. I'd also heard there were 1/2 million or more there that day too.

Mr. T played drums-either before or after John Stamos.

Thanks also to Ross for helping my Alzheimer moment. Hope you had binoculars Mr. Smith, and that's funny about Mr. T, drums, that suits him-that brawny fella.

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Crap. I was hoping YouTube would have footage of this, but no dice.

For those of you who've seen it: was Brian Wilson with the group for the Jimmy Page shows? Thank you.

I once had footage of Jimmy jamming with the Beach Boys from that time. My daughter, who was a toddler then,recorded a Disney movie over that footage.

I remember Brian Wilson not being on stage with them and Jimmy Page using a massively flanged guitar sound for those songs.

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They played both cities on July 4, 1985.

Correct. Pro-shot video is from a Beach Boys tv special titled 'Bring On The Summer'.

Philadelphia Art Museum - Philadelphia Freedom Festival

Page joins Beach Boys "From Sea to Shining Sea" set for an unrehearsed rendition of 'Lucille'…1,500,000 in attendance

The Mall Washington D.C.

Page joins the Beach Boys for unrehearsed renditions of 'Surfin' USA' and 'Barbara Ann'…750,000 in attendance

The June 21st 1985 edition of the 'Houston Chronicle', among other sources, reported Page was among several artists to perform with The Beach Boys in Philadelphia on the fourth of July. A promotional flyer from WAVA FM Radio in Washington D.C. confirmed

he would be joining them there. So both of his jams were publicly known ahead of time.


This concert was broadcast on FM radio in Philadelphia. It is unconfirmed if it aired in its entirety. Joan Jett, Christopher Cross, Jimmy Page, and the Oak Ridge Boys were special guests for this concert and performed one song apiece with The Beach Boys.

Beach Boys:

Mike Love

Al Jardine

Bruce Johnston

Carl Wilson

Backup band/guests:

Mr. T (drums on #16-20)

John Stamos (drums on #13-15)

Joan Jett (on "Barbara Ann")

Jimmy Page (on "Lucille")

The Oak Ridge Boys (background vocals on "Come Go With Me")

Christopher Cross (lead vocal on "Good Vibrations")


1. California Girls

2. Getcha Back

3. Sloop John B.

4. Wouldn't It Be Nice

5. Do It Again

6. Little Deuce Coupe

7. I Get Around

8. Surfer Girl

9. God Only Knows

10. Come Go With Me

11. Rock & Roll Music

12. Good Vibrations

13. Rockin' All Over The World

14. Lucille

15. Help Me Rhonda

16. Surfin' Safari

17. Surf City

18. Surfin' USA

19. Barbara Ann

20. Fun Fun Fun


Washington D.C:

It was Mike Love’s idea to perform free Independence Day concerts on the grounds of the Washington Monument in the nation’s capital beginning in 1980. After a national uproar following Secretary of Interior James Watt’s ban of The Beach Boys for this event, they returned on July 4, 1984, by a personal invitation from First Lady Nancy Reagan. On July 4, 1985, The Beach Boys played to an afternoon crowd of one million in Philadelphia and the same evening they performed for over 750,000 people on the Mall in Washington. The day’s historical achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.



Edited by SteveAJones
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That's correct. The Beach Boys played a concert in Philadelphia where Jimmy Page ( John Stamos and Mr. T) joined them onstage in July just prior to the Live Aid show. It may have been on the 4th of July but I'm not certain. I KNOW it was the July 4th celebration but not certain if it occured on that day or not.

I was there on Ben Fanklin Parkway-along with reportedly 300,000 other people. It was hot as hell that day. 95F or more.

They also played in Washington D.C. I have video of both concert sand snippets of them travelling by bus from Pa. to D.C.

It was on the 4th. I was there too! Right up front. Fuckin' roasting hot. Interesting story though. I almost got to meet Jimmy Page. I went with my girlfriend and we were up front. All the sudden she got overtaken by heat and passed out. The staff up front took us under the rope and backstage to the medical area. I was standing there while they were putting ice packs on her her neck and all the sudden I turn around and Jimmy is stepping of a trailer! I don't recall but I may have soiled both the front and back of my shorts. LOL

Anyway, I started towards him, yelled "Hey Jimmy!". He looked and gave me "the grin" and a thumbs up. I kept walking towards him and then two guards grabbed me under each arm and carried me backwards!

Total fate except I didn't get to meet him. My girlfriend ended up ok and they actually let us back in the front where we were initially. Someone groaned and the guards told them we were there first.

A week later I was at Live Aid........

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Hang on a sec. I'm not sure if I misread what Ross replied correctly or I'm mistaken.

I'm almost positive The Beach Boys ( and JP) played both cities on the same day in 1985 or D.C. was the following year.

You are correct. Jimmy played "Lucille", "Barbara Ann" and "Fun Fun Fun" in Philly during the afternoon, then played on "Surfin' USA" and "Barbara Ann" at the Washington show that night.

You can see a clip of the Washington show here

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Jimmy Page & The Beach Boys-4th July 1985,Philadelphia.


Surfin' U.S.A

Barbara Anne.

Jimmy Page and The Beach Boys-4th July 1985,Washington.

Surfin' U.S.A

Barbara Anne.

Apologies for the mistake people.The dates have now been changed from Washington '86 to '85. :)
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You are correct. Jimmy played "Lucille", "Barbara Ann" and "Fun Fun Fun" in Philly during the afternoon, then played on "Surfin' USA" and "Barbara Ann" at the Washington show that night.

You can see a clip of the Washington show here

He played Help Me Rhonda with them as well.

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Here's one for ya... Tried to search to see if I could find a topic concerning Zep ever being billed as the New Yardbirds? Remember that discussion Steve, on FBO? Either way I think the concensus was no they were never billed that way... till now...

here's something to chew on...



That definetvely sheds some light into their early naming, the term New Yardbirds may actually have emerged in England, as they were billed as The Yardbirds back in Scandinavia. The New Yardbirds may actually have been billed

Nice find Nech.

Edited by Sibh23
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Is it somebody here bidding on this, I wonder?


An interesting piece that seems to have fuck-alll to do with Led Zeppelin - from what I can read they aren't named on there, and we all know the true status of those dates!

Its a little sickening that someone is about to make over £100 for a document confirming a Terry Reid gig under the pretence that it confirms a Led Zeppelin gig.

Edited by Knebby
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Is it somebody here bidding on this, I wonder?


An interesting piece that seems to have fuck-alll to do with Led Zeppelin - from what I can read they aren't named on there, and we all know the true status of those dates!

Its a little sickening that someone is about to make over £100 for a document confirming a Terry Reid gig under the pretence that it confirms a Led Zeppelin gig.


FWIW, anytime I see bogus Zep stuff on Ebay, I email the buyer to let them know what's up and that they can retract their bid should they so choose. I also email the seller and give him a fine written beating. Think Peter Grant in TSRTS. :buttsmack:

Makes me sick too. It happens mostly with fake concert posters and "signed" memorabilia. :mad:

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FWIW, anytime I see bogus Zep stuff on Ebay, I email the buyer to let them know what's up and that they can retract their bid should they so choose. I also email the seller and give him a fine written beating. Think Peter Grant in TSRTS. :buttsmack:

Makes me sick too. It happens mostly with fake concert posters and "signed" memorabilia. :mad:

I always find the copies of CODA signed by Bonzo to be the most amusing.

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There was also a "Vintage 1975 Led Zeppelin Mothership T-Shirt" in the long list I looked at.

These scammers will try to get away with anything, just for a buck. It's just too bad that there are so many naive people out there who just fall for it without an education on what they're buying. They accept everything as being genuine.

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It doesn't take a twink to appreciate the good feeling of a drum fill. Grins and frowns come and go, but if you're an idiot, that can't be helped.


Keep on getting that fillin' !

I'M with you. The last time I listened to it my sink overflowed and I flooded the whole bathroom. Took me 2 hours to get up all of the water. Bonzo is infectious even in spirit.....like he was in life! ( I hope infectious is a word......also spelled right). If not Spank Me!!! Bad Girl

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OK, here is one that may have been asked before, but can we get a timeline of when each member had a beard? I've started seeing a bunch of photos of them having beards and it looks like the pattern was them growing beards between tours and keeping them on during the initial european gigs and getting rid of them when they hit the states.

Also, I'd like to know the origin of Jimmy's Zoso sweater vest and a listing of gigs he wore it :)

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These scammers will try to get away with anything, just for a buck. It's just too bad that there are so many naive people out there who just fall for it without an education on what they're buying. They accept everything as being genuine.

Very true and I don't know what Ebay would do in cases where you buy something that's fraudulent.

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Very true and I don't know what Ebay would do in cases where you buy something that's fraudulent.

I guess you just assume the risk. I know certain items come with certificates of authenticity, but even those can be faked. If the source is a reputable one, than that might be something to go by.

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