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Montel Williams speaks his opinion, loses job

Jarlaxle 56

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Shortly before Fox-owned and operated television stations in major markets terminated Montel's talk-show contract, Montel appeared in an interview on Fox News Channel's Fox and Friends, and was asked to discuss Heath Ledger's death. He used the interview to point out that TV networks had continued to extensively cover Mr. Ledger's death while ignoring the deaths of 28 US soldiers in Iraq since the beginning of the year. Montel expressed sympathy for Mr. Ledger's family and remorse for his passing but also encouraged the three interviewers to recognize the absence of coverage for the US soldiers killed in Iraq. The interviewers sought to point out that their audience wanted celebrity news and it was more interesting than soldier deaths. Montel suggested that US news networks had the capacity to lead the country's attitudes by placing more importance on US deaths in Iraq than the deaths of celebrities. Montel noted that he had awoken that morning very saddened by the unknown names of those slain in Iraq and was further saddened when he could not find their names on the web.

Three minutes into this awkward segment on Fox, one host cut off Montel in order to go to a commercial. Montel did not return after the break.

Four days later, after 17 years as a television host, Montel lost his job.

Gotta love censorship

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Fucking assholes.

I'm with Montel on this one. He understands the big picture. And I'm sick to death of celebrities being put on a pedestal constantly while the real heroes of the world put their life on the line every day. Sure, I feel bad for Heath. But he's not the only issue we have in the world, now is he?

America is spoon-fed this crap every damn day, all day.

No wonder other countries laugh at us. :rolleyes:

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Right on Montel!

I just read a mainstream news report online concerning the death of actor Roy Schieder

and at the end of the article was a two line sentence mentioning his appearance at an

anti-war rally in 2003. Completely irrelevent to his death and further evidence that the

mainstream media is pushing their own agenda.

Americans can fawn over their dead B list celebrities all they wish thanks to those who have served and died in America's armed forces over the past 232 years. Freedom!

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Right on Montel!

I just read a mainstream news report online concerning the death of actor Roy Schieder

and at the end of the article was a two line sentence mentioning his appearance at an

anti-war rally in 2003. Completely irrelevent to his death and further evidence that the

mainstream media is pushing their own agenda.

Americans can fawn over their dead B list celebrities all they wish thanks to those who have served and died in America's armed forces over the past 232 years. Freedom!

I am what would be called a conservative American, and couldn't agree with you more.

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When I was a kid I remember many mornings waking up to find my father was not home.

I would ask my mom "Where's Dad?" she would tell me they came in the night to pick him up. Then months later with less than 18 hrs notice we would be contacted to inform us the boat was coming in. I remember standing at the end of the pier waiting and watching. Man what an awesome sight!


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I agree with Montel. I mean, a human life is a human life. Heath Ledger was a human life, so yeah, we should mourn another's loss. But we should also mourn those who lost their lives for something stupid like the "war". I mean, if one of my favorite celebrities died, I'd feel like shit, but I wouldn't drag on it. If something big happened like a bomb at my school and killed 15 kids, and the same day another one of my favorite celebrities dies? I'd be more concerned about the kids who died.

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Hi all,

Agree 100% with the above comments.Not an excuse but this sort of crap has been what I will term: 'human nature' for more years than we can count. Most people want to avoid the stark reality(s) of life,and death.

Well,Montel,ex-Marine,taking no BS,your chin can be held high and I Sir admire you stating the truth.

KB :blink:

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Wow, I hadn't seen that story yet. Dead on that yes, we do worship the celebrity's in this world far more than those who have actually DONE something to be recognized.

If every actor dropped dead tomorrow life will go on.....good luck if that were to happen to the doctors in this world.

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Hopefully, Montel will be picked up by somebody else.

It's not like he even got into a big rant or anything for folks to be offended about. At least one of the interviewers started out kinda agreeing with him, but I guess Montel didn't fall into line fast enough.

Funny, but wasn't Fox one of the channels that was beating the war drum just a bit? Yet, when Montel asked about the 28 US soldiers killed so far this year, one of the guys replied [paraphrased]that soldiers have been dying since 2003 so they're old news. I hope folks give Fox hell about all that.

Yay Montel.

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Fucking assholes.

I'm with Montel on this one. He understands the big picture. And I'm sick to death of celebrities being put on a pedestal constantly while the real heroes of the world put their life on the line every day. Sure, I feel bad for Heath. But he's not the only issue we have in the world, now is he?

America is spoon-fed this crap every damn day, all day.

No wonder other countries laugh at us. :rolleyes:


It's too bad he lost his job over that, but alas, that is to be expected today. Everyone is corrupted by obsession over materiel and market share, so don't rock the boat, eh? Political correctness...the new fascism. It used to be about not throwing around a handful of selected epithetical terms, but it has become so much more.

Just about on a daily basis I see shit that makes me say that same thing, that it's no wonder we have no credibility anymore, and other countries' people laugh at us and call us idiots. Watch "Jaywalkers" on Leno - I used to, but I was more saddened than amused, and I don't really watch late-night television anymore anyway, or much television at all.

It's not confined to that, that's just one example, and one really doesn't need to have it illustrated by television shows. It's pervasive in the news, and I go to school with it every day - college students who want to be 24-hour party people and won't dress appropriately for the weather because they have so much of a fucking superiority complex (even though Mommy and Daddy paid for everything), that they think they're impervious to the elements!

That's just the small stuff.

I have a relative who just got married deploying to Iraq next month. Hopefully, he will live to see his first anniversary, and be home long enough for the second. If it doesn't turn out that way, Montel will probably scoop them all....

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Montel is trying to sell a book right now. He chose to be 'controversial' and his company fired him. But I would have expected Williams to have known at least one of the names of the soldiers that he seemed so concerned about before he got up on his soapbox.

Montel is just as much a part of the media circus as the rest of them. But since he chose to try and embarass the hand that feeds him.... looks like he ain't getting any more food now is he.

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Out of all the lame talk shows, I always thought he and Oprah at least had some integrity. Glad to see I was right.

One thing that my short life has taught me is to understand your surroundings. That's why my homepage is a news page - I won't say which, because I don't wanna get into an argument on that. You have to understand your surroundings because you have to see if something going on in the world will affect you directly, indirectly, or won't affect you at all. Sadly, many people fail to realize this. I recently had somebody ask me what a recession was (AND HE'S A BUSINESS MAJOR!!!!!) the other day.

Edited by Deezer
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It's really stupid to end his contract over that kind of statement.


Kudos to Montel for taking a stand. Makes me wonder what would happen if Oprah did the same thing......

Agreed again!! There is just way too much celebrity coverage these days, especially over little petty things and it has all gotten out of hand. When Heath died it was a shame how many reporters and paparazzi were crowded outside of his building.

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If it's a publicity stunt, then he deserves whatever he gets. Sometimes I don't even know; I prefer to insulate from most people "of note" or semblance thereof. I got tired of style over substance a long time ago, though perhaps that implies I liked it at some point in the first place. I never did.

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The media sucks. They spend way too much time on Britney, Anna Nicole (before that), Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton (a bunch of no-talent losers) and never about the important issues (like Montell attempted to do before losing his job) or more talented artists like Led Zeppelin (Plant and Krauss got little or no mention at the 50th Grammys this year). JPJ conducted the Foo Fighters and they didn't interview him or anything. One quick glance and they showed the back of his head or something.

I hope Montell gets a better job and writes a book about the media and shares what really happened.

R B)

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I agree that far too much attention on "celebrities" than reality. Notwithstanding, Montel is hypocritical as he been part of that entertainment he now chooses to criticize. It seem it in the news that his show was not going to end even prior to that actor's death.


Anytime I've I have seen Montel Williams' show, he has got on that habitual liar/deceiver of people in grief --"psychic" Sylvia Browne (http://www.randi.org/sylvia/index.shtml, http://www.quackwatch.com/11Ind/browne.html). Anything noble coming out his mouth now is undervalued by his endless bowing to this purveyour of bullshit over many years.

Good riddance Montel. Good riddance Sylvia.


"Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010, they will not harm us, they simply want to see what we are doing to this planet. They will teach us how to use anti-gravity devices again, such as they did for the pyramids."

- Sylvia Browne
, prediction #40


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Unfortunately in this country people are too concerned with what happens with celebrities and forget about some of the important things in life, I am sooo sick of hearing about Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, etc. and yes, there is more importance placed on a death of a celebrity then those poor souls who are dying to give us our freedom, but until the day comes when we stop watching tabloid tv and buying all the "rag" magazines, then the media will continue acting the same way.

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I agree that far too much attention on "celebrities" than reality. Notwithstanding, Montel is hypocritical as he been part of that entertainment he now chooses to criticize. It seem it in the news that his show was not going to end even prior to that actor's death.


Anytime I've I have seen Montel Williams' show, he has got on that habitual liar/deceiver of people in grief --"psychic" Sylvia Browne (http://www.randi.org/sylvia/index.shtml, http://www.quackwatch.com/11Ind/browne.html). Anything noble coming out his mouth now is undervalued by his endless bowing to this purveyour of bullshit over many years.

Good riddance Montel. Good riddance Sylvia.


"Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010, they will not harm us, they simply want to see what we are doing to this planet. They will teach us how to use anti-gravity devices again, such as they did for the pyramids."

- Sylvia Browne
, prediction #40


I've seen some of her on-air blunders on youtube. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she isn't psychic.

Montel has defended her, after she made such stupid remarks as well.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out montel and make sure you take her with you.

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