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New singer for Jimmy, JPJ and Jason?


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Few British papers are reliable pagey. The Mail is the most doom n gloom laden paper here if you have ever read one.

But the reporter still states Robert has yet to decide if he is going to tour so she's out of touch with events.

More lazy journalism. I despair with the press at times. :angry:

If i have ever read one?! no ...never

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If i have ever read one?! no ...never

Wise decision its an awful paper. The Sun is shite we know that but the Mail would have you commiting suicide if you took all the doom n gloom stuff they printed as gospel.

The last one I looked at was on a train a few months back and felt I ought to throw myself under it rather than ride in it. :slapface:

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How about a Jones-Bonham rhythm section with Page and Neil Young (loads of respect and love there) doing "Levee Breaks" and "Down by the River" for a week or two?

I just saw Neil Young last week. While he put on one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen (I was in the front row :)), I don't think he'd fit with Page, Jones and Bonham. Having two lead guitar gods like Page and Young together is a bit too much, I think.

Edited by marmorek
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Miss HD - you clearly signed up for the same Google Alerts as me! :D

Well, it sounds as though, amazingly, The Sun has printed something that's at least vaguely factual for once (pass the smelling salts, please).

To be honest, I am now past caring whether we see a tour from Led Zeppelin, The Js, or the Js plus A N Other ... I'd pay good money just to see Jimmy play - anything, anywhere, with anyone! :thumbsup:

If JPJ and Jason are there too, that's a massive bonus. With an enthusiastic and committed Robert as well would be best of all, but hey, I've been waiting so long now, I'd be happy with whatever Jimmy puts together.

It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time ...

AMEN to every word !!!!

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So, for all the British fans, is the Daily Mail considered a tabloid or credible news source? They claim Page, Bonham and JPJ are jamming with Steve Tyler in a studio in Putney.



Thats the studio they have been using but no official word on Tyler. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they had been jamming but not on a 'we want to hire you' basis.

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Yes, BillyMacQ, but the problem is that the administrators of this forum challenge that this fact of which you're so sure about is indeed fact. The veracity of the sources of the Myles Kennedy rumor was challenged back when the rumor was spun around the net a few weeks ago, and nothing new has come to light since then. The fact is that people who work for Led Zeppelin say that this Myles Kennedy rumor is nothing more than rumor. That's where we're at with this story.

Maybe this means Jimmy's got something up his sleeve more interesting than the Altered Creed singer, maybe not. Whatever the case, the denial of the rumor is no invention of the good folks who take part in this forum. :slapface:

Never heard that 'fact' - there's another fact though, that sources closer than those that 'work' for Led Zeppelin have confirmed that they HAVE rehearsed with him. Whether he will be the final choice is what remains unconfirmed.

Edited by Knebby
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Thats the studio they have been using but no official word on Tyler. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they had been jamming but not on a 'we want to hire you' basis.
Hi yeah I live near Putney (new here :D Hi folks!) and have a mate who works at these studios and you are absolutely right Knebby.
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I hope they bring a few singers on tour and call it "Led Zeppelin and Friends" with the door always open for Robert to come and sing whenever he chooses. He and Allison could show up and do their "Battle of Evermore" and whatever else they could work up -- "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" and "Going to California" come to mind. She'd probably have an orgasm on stage singing over the intertwining loops that Page and Jones do on their acoustic songs.

Page, Jones and Bonham have every right to use the name without Robert, but should never conceive of chaining themselves to one singer and one sound while using the name. I'm hoping for a "Led Zeppelin and Friends" approach. The possibilities are endless.

Now THAT makes a lot of sense.....Led Zeppelin and Friends...they can use the name, not tied to one singer...excellent!

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"I think some of the band really want to go out and do it and other parts of the band need to understand why they're doing it, and if there's no compelling reason to do it, then they shouldn't do it.

"I think that there is an opportunity for them to go out and present themselves. I don't think a long rambling tour is the answer as Led Zeppelin."


How about I don't think long rambling is the answer either Harvey?

Good grief.

If they do it, then they should do it, but if they don't do it then don't do it. If they don't want to do it then they shouldn't do it unless they really want to do it then they should do it.

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"I think some of the band really want to go out and do it and other parts of the band need to understand why they're doing it, and if there's no compelling reason to do it, then they shouldn't do it.

"I think that there is an opportunity for them to go out and present themselves. I don't think a long rambling tour is the answer as Led Zeppelin."


How about I don't think long rambling is the answer either Harvey?

Good grief.

If they do it, then they should do it, but if they don't do it then don't do it. If they don't want to do it then they shouldn't do it unless they really want to do it then they should do it.

For once we agree :D

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OMG, I'm in agreement with Harvey on something pertaining to this band!

What next, cats and dogs living in perfect harmony?

except that he assumes that they don't have a good reason for doing so. I highly doubt they would even consider it without a lot of good thought and purpose.

Edited by kabbalahone
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Ooooh, snigger, now if Jimmy was feeling a bit naughty and wanted to have a dig at Robert, that might be a good one! snigger

A Journalist on BBC TV this morning said the tour would go ahead next year and he was sure that the new singer to play with Jimmy, John and Jason was, Myles Kennedy from Alterbridge.

Heres a clip of Alterbridge doing a cover of 'Kashmir'. A bit more 'Guns & Roses than 'Zep'

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