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Moonmaid Might Get Loud


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MM, what a beautiful and magical experience! I bet you won't sleep for weeks now thinking about what happened last night.

I am so glad you made it to be at the LA premiere and be able to catch a glimpse of Mr P.

This is the proof that dreams can come true... ;)

Thanks for sharing those photos and vids. He looks a million dollars babe! :wub:

We Aussies were not that lucky to have Jimmy at the Sydney premiere of IMGL on June 3rd, still we happily and blissfully enjoyed his presence on the big screen.

I have just found this vid (sorry if it is a re-post) with a few scenes from IMGL for those who haven't seen the movie yet.


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Moonmaid - thank you so much for sharing your incredible experiences! I know exactly what you mean about the time standing still - I've never been lucky enough to be in the presence of James, but that's exactly how I imagine it would be if ever I were to meet him.

I loved your hilarious description of Ross as well! :lol:

What a wonderful set of memories - I'm sure you will cherish them forever.

Cheers! :beer:

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Vids are here!

.....But the good news is you get to hear my giggles and "Woo!" ;)

....MoonMaid, Or Miss "M" of the Board, well, thank you for the beautiful sighting....I must admit the whole time I was focused on Jimmy....I wasn't concentrating on the other musicians...too hard... :D :D

For Jimmy and Robert are both wise...notice the words..."Community"...."Joined together"....:notworthy:

so here we are in this spirit.... :hippy:

Oh, I almost forgot to say....JIMMY IS BEAUTIFUL :heartbreaker:

and just one more thing, sorry, I have to get this off my chest...that RoSS....His name ends in a DOUBLE "SS".......... :D:tomato:

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Vids are here!

My boyfriend filmed this. It's mostly Jack. Apologies for it cutting out.

I filmed this. The videography is terrible. :bagoverhead: But the good news is you get to hear my giggles and "Woo!" ;)


For your Great Endeavor and at Great Expense and Danger to your Dear self, it gives me great pleasure to award you the order of the Garter, Bra and Knickers, ;)

And a little advice, "Ditch da Bum" you know what i mean. ;)

Most enjoyable my Lovely Sorceress, Very Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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For your Great Endeavor and at Great Expense and Danger to your Dear self, it gives me great pleasure to award you the order of the Garter, Bra and Knickers, ;)

And a little advice, "Ditch da Bum" you know what i mean. ;)

Most enjoyable my Lovely Sorceress, Very Kind Regards, Danny

Which "bum," Jimmy or my boyfriend? Son, I'd ditch you and the boyfriend for Jimmy... ;)

Thank you for my title. I feel so Official. B):thanku:

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Which "bum," Jimmy or my boyfriend? Son, I'd ditch you and the boyfriend for Jimmy... ;)

Thank you for my title. I feel so Official. B):thanku:

Now come on Moon, you know you can read my mind as easy as doing charts, i'll give you a little clue, (I didnt mean Jimmy) OK.

Only kidding, if you can get the BF to go with you to see Pagey then he's OK in my book, just wish i could have taken you myself, so as i could see Jimmy too, what else. :kiss: giggles and "Woo!", i wish. :P

Kind Regards, Danny


Order of the Moonmaid


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YOU ROCK!! :) Thank you SOOO much for posting your detailed recap/your pic/your vids, and letting all of us live vicariously through you. I was so excited to log on and find out what happened to you/for you at the premier...and got WAAY more than i expected! I am SO happy for you that you got to have the ultimate IMGL experience. I can truly imagine what you mean about everything slow motion/etc when JP walked by you. And yes, I DID know exactly what you emant about even with RH it was all as it should be. :)

OK..one last thing..I must admit to a twinge of jealousy..OK, maybe more than a twinge. :D

Again..CONGRATS on such a wonderful experience, and THANK YOU for sharing it with us!!


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Thank you Janet...now go watch the vids! :D

And Slave to Zep...it happened and I think you being in the world helped. :kiss:

One more thing. I seem to be getting credit for this photo:


To clarify, Zepp-4-Life took this at the Toronto Film Festival last year. For me, it was the gold standard for recent fan-taken photos. I really want him to have the credit.

hey, i do what i can, us good witches have to stick together, eh?

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Order of the Moonmaid


I LOVE THIS! Thank you, Danny. You've done it again!

And Sharon, thank you for your thoughts. You totally get it.

S2Z, you and I are so connected, it's scary...but I love it! :witch:

Oh, one more thing. Danny, the next time Jimmy and I catch a flick together, we'll totally invite you. ;)

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You're so lucky, Moonmaid! Thanks for the report (very vividly and only from reading it, one can tell how excited you were!), I'm sure I'm not the only one envying you! But I'm also very happy for you to be that close to him ^^

Neither will I... or do you think, that Jimmy will visit such a dwarf country like Czech republic? I don´t... :boohoo::boohoo: :boohoo:

Do you think that he will visit a dwarf country like Austria? Most people don't know it, and some of those who do, think it is Australia... "Austria? Isn't it the country with the kangaroos?" Austria is the little-little brother of Germany - they get everything and we don't. I don't even know by now, if "It might get loud" is starting in Austria (if not, I'll travel to Munich for it... Or when it is shown in Paris, I'll watch it there).

Oh, I don't want to insult people, who don't know Austria!

If anybody is interested in Vienna, visit my friends deviantArt Gallery: Vienna Oops, I'm advertising here, sorry...

Edited by racchan
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Do you think that he will visit a dwarf country like Austria? Most people don't know it, and some of those who do, think it is Australia... "Austria? Isn't it the country with the kangaroos?" Austria is the little-little brother of Germany - they get everything and we don't. I don't even know by now, if "It might get loud" is starting in Austria (if not, I'll travel to Munich for it... Or when it is shown in Paris, I'll watch it there).

Oh, I don't want to insult people, who don't know Austria!

If anybody is interested in Vienna, visit my friends deviantArt Gallery: Vienna Oops, I'm advertising here, sorry...

Hey I love your country, have been there several times.

And I remember my first time in Salzburg, I saw a T-shirt with "we have no kangroos" and burst into laughter. If you'll come to Munich to see IMGL, maybe we can go together. :wave:

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Hey I love your country, have been there several times.

And I remember my first time in Salzburg, I saw a T-shirt with "we have no kangroos" and burst into laughter. If you'll come to Munich to see IMGL, maybe we can go together. :wave:

Hey, glad you like it ^^ You know, I didn't want to say that nobody knows Austria...

Yeah, in all souvir-shops are these t-shirts :P

Salzburg city is amazing. I once was there as a child. In winter we go skiing to Salzburg.

Last year, I was in Berlin for ten days.

Yeah, when I'll come to Munich, we sure do!

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You're so lucky, Moonmaid! Thanks for the report (very vividly and only from reading it, one can tell how excited you were!), I'm sure I'm not the only one envying you! But I'm also very happy for you to be that close to him ^^

Do you think that he will visit a dwarf country like Austria? Most people don't know it, and some of those who do, think it is Australia... "Austria? Isn't it the country with the kangaroos?" Austria is the little-little brother of Germany - they get everything and we don't. I don't even know by now, if "It might get loud" is starting in Austria (if not, I'll travel to Munich for it... Or when it is shown in Paris, I'll watch it there).

Oh, I don't want to insult people, who don't know Austria!

If anybody is interested in Vienna, visit my friends deviantArt Gallery: Vienna Oops, I'm advertising here, sorry...

And you maybe also know that until 1918 Czech republic (and also Slovakia and Hungary ) was part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy! After the 1st world war Czechoslovakia was estabilished.

Once I sent a package to one friend to Australia. And the woman on the post office asked me: "Where do you want to send it? To Austria?" :lol: :lol:

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And you maybe also know that until 1918 Czech republic (and also Slovakia and Hungary ) was part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy! After the 1st world war Czechoslovakia was estabilished.

Once I sent a package to one friend to Australia. And the woman on the post office asked me: "Where do you want to send it? To Austria?" :lol: :lol:

Yeah, I know! European history is very interesting... Every country in war with another one...

I was in Prague two years ago for sightseeing. It was really great!

:lol: I ordered something from Canada and the USA and was so glad that it didn't land in Australia :lol:

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Thanks for the kind words regarding the photo and thank you to everyone who calmed my nerves beforehand. It was your good vibes that made it happen.

The report of the night is as follows:

I met my boyfriend at the theater around 6pm. We found the line for ticket holders and I discovered that not a lot of people bought tickets before the night. We were eleventh and twelfth in line. The "standby" line to buy tickets was quite long.

They had us enter the theater before the cast showed up and walked the carpet. We asked if we could come back out but we weren't allowed. So, we were already inside when all those Getty Pics were taken.

The theater wasn't big and they closed off the entire middle section except for the first few rows. We sat off to the left side of the theater. This is the side Jimmy and Jack entered. I saw Jimmy's hair first and leapt out of my seat. I have a bad bruise on my leg from when I smacked into the arm rest of my seat (my boyfriend calls it "the Jimmy button" and presses it to remind me what a silly groupie I was last night..). I waited for him to sit down (which was towards the back, close to the aisle) then made my approach. He was surrounded by fans, friends, and security guards. I found an opening in the entourage and leaned in for the shot. This was not easy as I could feel Ross Halfin burning hatred into my soul. Seriously, that guy knows how to mad-dog a girl. I got the shot, I wasn't too close to Jimmy to be feared, and I went back to my seat very quickly. What's Halfin's problem? And by the way, his fake and bake tan and dyed hair look stupid, but I digress.

I watched the movie in bliss. Seeing Jimmy so big on the screen was magical. And I was rocking out the whole time. Bopping my head, tapping my feat, swaying to the sounds. The film really moves you like that!

The film ended and I stood up hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimmy leaving, but he didn't. Instead, and before I could get the camera ready, he walked right in front of me in the aisle to get to the front of the theater for the Q and A segment. My experience of him walking by me is exactly like those slow motion moments they describe in movies and it's the only time I've ever felt like that. I couldn't process in my mind that he was inches from me!

My boyfriend and I filmed Jimmy and Jack's segments of the Q and A and as soon as we can figure out how, we'll post the footage-probably on youtube.

That's all I can think to tell for now. I let you know when the footage is up.

Great report Moonmaid and excellent photo!!! :thumbsup: .

I was also at this screening. I arrived in Westwood around 5:40pm (I'm glad I left early; rush hour traffic was bumper to bumper coming from the beach). No hassle or line to pick up my tix @ will call then I waited in line for about 20-25 minutes before they let ticketholders in. I had enough time to go to the restroom then look for a seat. It was packed; I found a seat on the right hand side, second row, nearest to the wall. A few minutes after I got settled, I heard all the commotion, etc. then noticed a bunch of people hanging around the reserved seating. I got a glimpse of Jimmy for a second then lost view because he was surrounded by fans, media, friends, bodyguards but I did manage to catch him take his seat with his BMF RH. :P.

Davis Guggenheim said a few words before the screening then the film started. After the film ended and standing ovation, Davis Guggenheim, Jimmy, Jack White (who I didn't realize was there), and the rest of the film makers came to the front of the stage. I was literally feet away from Jimmy & Co. Jimmy looked in our direction and smiled. I wished I had given a "thumbs up" at that point. LOL!! Jimmy looked great; he was tanned (as if he just returned from holiday).

The moderator asked a few questions then they had to leave. Jimmy & Co. walked right past me.

The film was very good and I want to see it again when it opens in theaters. Jimmy was great of course and Jack White is an interesting, talented musician but I really came away from the film impressed with the Edge. I also want to applaud the LA Film fest; this whole screening was very organized and moved somewhat smoothly.

Overall, a great night and a chance to see one of my favorite guitarist up close and personal!!

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You're so lucky, Moonmaid! Thanks for the report (very vividly and only from reading it, one can tell how excited you were!), I'm sure I'm not the only one envying you! But I'm also very happy for you to be that close to him ^^

Do you think that he will visit a dwarf country like Austria? Most people don't know it, and some of those who do, think it is Australia... "Austria? Isn't it the country with the kangaroos?" Austria is the little-little brother of Germany - they get everything and we don't. I don't even know by now, if "It might get loud" is starting in Austria (if not, I'll travel to Munich for it... Or when it is shown in Paris, I'll watch it there).

Oh, I don't want to insult people, who don't know Austria!

If anybody is interested in Vienna, visit my friends deviantArt Gallery: Vienna Oops, I'm advertising here, sorry...

Well I've been to Austria. :) Salzburg and Vienna are absolutely beautiful.

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