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Evster In Hospital With Cirrhosis


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Here's some positive energy from me, Ev--love and hugs across the miles to you and Angi.

By the way, he has now been released from the hospital.

Well, it's actually sort of uncertain news, as they're trying to get him into another hospital. But let's all hope it leads to a good outcome!

(I'm going to be out there in a few weeks, and hope I'll get a chance to go see them.)

Well, please give them both a big hug from me.

Sadly Angi just took him back a while ago :(

Damn. If that's where he needs to be, then I'm glad of it... just a damn shame it's necessary... and poor Angi... it's gotta be pretty tough for her as well.

Get well soon Ev.

And to those who want to argue and fight, take it elsewhere. Thank you.

Thanks, my thoughts exactly.

Just logged back in to make this update. More prayers needed, folks. :(

Damn and double damn.

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If these words reach you Evster, my prayers are with you. I am Rick. The old Icantquityoubabe, as you knew me. I dont know where you are? I last knew California but did remember hearing you went to another state? Anyone care to let me know which one? Anyway, hope you get well soon. You can beat this;. Stay positive. God bless.

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Ev is back home again (he's back in California, Rick), and things sound a bit more hopeful. They're hoping to get him to see a specialist.

Thanks for the info. Prayers are with him. I know what its like as I have had plenty to deal with with those around me that have serious health issues. Hope you get well fast Evster

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Ev is back home again (he's back in California, Rick), and things sound a bit more hopeful. They're hoping to get him to see a specialist.

Thanks for the update Agua. Ev is such a joy, always has a way of making you laugh. I wish him the absolute best and I hope he is back sharing his insightful and fun comments with us soon.

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Sorry to hear this about Ev. Although, he hasn't been on the board much, over the last two years, before that he always made knowledgeable and constructive posts. One of the best on the board. Hoping Ev gets better and my wishes go out to him Angi and all their loved ones.

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Hang in there, dude. Some Les Pauls need to be kept under control. Also, there's a book coming out in October, in which your contributions will be gratefully acknowledged. You'll get a kick out of that for sure.

Show must go on.

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Evster was one of a handful of posters who grabbed my attention when I "enlisted" in the LZ forum a few years back.

His style and insight made for nary a boring post; entertaining and informative simultaneously. A true gift.

I fully expect and hope this to continue down the road.

We swapped a few pm's awhile back and he is as gracious in private as he is among the masses.

I pray to a higher entity which exists in my mind and my spirit, and I send those prayers to Evster for healing and comfort. All the best to you, brother, and let the peace and energy coming from this forum envelop you.

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I've already expressed my wishes for good health and healing for Ev in a private message to Angi.

Ev was one of three people who immediately (without knowing who I was, who I know, or what I've done in my life) contacted me when I first posted on the old, unofficial board, approximately six years ago. I don't know why but I still remember the first conversation I had with each of these three people, all of whom were/are, like me, risk-takers who've often taken leaps of faith throughout our lives. My first conversation with my friends there was about LZ but with Ev it wasn't about Zep at all – it was, oddly enough, about my adventures at the Renaissance Faires on the old Paramount Ranch.


Although I haven't spoken directly with Ev in several years, he knows that I wish him only the best.

And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about. ~ Haruki Murakami

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