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What Made You Happy today?


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We have a central vacuum system in our house (and my office). It is fantastic. The vacuum and the canister is outside in our garage and we have several outlets on each floor of our house. We use just a hose and the vacuumer and all the dirt goes outside in the garage. None of the dirt stays in the house. It cost about $1500 and we will never have to buy a vacuum cleaner again. I was going through at least one a year at my office before we got the central vac system.

Wow. Never heard of that.

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That's how I got the Dyson. Our friends had a central vacuum installed in their home.

I have used the Dyson, and I must say, I think I'm addicted. I have a Kenmore that's about 10 years old (it takes bags), and a Eureka that's bagless, (also about 10 years old). Both work well, and I've never really had an issue with either. The Kenmore was mine, the Eureka was my BF's.

About two weeks ago, we borrowed a friend's Dyson after I vacuumed the house really well with the Eureka. I vacuumed my living room and the furniture for over two hours and cat hair kept coming up! (I have an indoor-outdoor cat who has short hair) I was really shocked at how much dust and other crud came out of the canister after I'd used the Eureka. I thought my house was pretty clean. (Though I'd heard the claims about all of the stuff that they pick up...I was still shocked.)

I paid about $300 for my Kenmore vacuum about 10 years ago. It's been reliable, etc., and so has the Eureka. I've got bad dust allergies, so I really think this can help.

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I subbed today in a special education class. It was a class where all of the kids were pretty deeply affected, so they were in this classroom all day.

I worked with one girl all day, and she was truly a delight. She was so cute and sweet, it really made my day. :D

We did a computer game called "Pay the Jukebox," it's a game that gives you an amount of money (say, $0.65) and you have to insert that much into the jukebox. If you get the amount right, it plays a song. I was told to "make a big deal" out of correct answers to keep her motivated, so when the songs were playing because she chose the correct amount of money, I tried to get her to dance by dancing all dorky.

At first, she was skeptical, but after a few rounds, I noticed her little shoulders started to move up and down. #lol# She got braver as time went by, and by the end of computer game time, we were downright boogieing when she got the answer right.

Edited by manderlyh
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I subbed today in a special education class. It was a class where all of the kids were pretty deeply affected, so they were in this classroom all day.

I worked with one girl all day, and she was truly a delight. She was so cute and sweet, it really made my day. :D

We did a computer game called "Pay the Jukebox," it's a game that gives you an amount of money (say, $0.65) and you have to insert that much into the jukebox. If you get the amount right, it plays a song. I was told to "make a big deal" out of correct answers to keep her motivated, so when the songs were playing because she chose the correct amount of money, I tried to get her to dance by dancing all dorky.

At first, she was skeptical, but after a few rounds, I noticed her little shoulders started to move up and down. #lol# She got braver as time went by, and by the end of computer game time, we were downright boogieing when she got the answer right.

That is so cute!

Did the jukebox play any Led Zeppelin songs? Perhaps Dancing Days?

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When I got up today my 3 cats were all curled up next to each other because it got damned cold last night. B)

What's funny is they usually avoid each other. :lol:

cute!!!...reminds me of a dog and cat i had that would do the same thing!

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Who 'returned'...Levee? I never knew he'd "gone." :blink: But ...cool.




damn, that's as good as having my jerkoff neighbor's toilet fixed Monday morning!!!!!!

I finally slept like a baby last night!!! :zzz:

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None of you were forced to go into the thread. You chose to.

What makes me happy today? My buddy told that woman i am not interested in her. (Because she was obviously not getting the hint.) So i don't have to go on those "group dates" anymore. :D

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None of you were forced to go into the thread. You chose to.

Actually Spats, I chose NOT to. I kept away from "your" thread because if I were to read any more of your self-pitying, never-ending, "for-God's-sake-change-the-record" whining, I swear I would throw something big and heavy through the nearest window. I just kept seeing "your" thread on the list of new posts, sighing to myself and wondering when it would all end. Well, at last it has, and that made me happy.

But now you are all over the board like an unpleasant rash, posting your repetitive whines about your love life anywhere you can - so maybe it would have been better to keep you contained in one place, so to speak. Ah well.

Just realised - this would have been better in the "Pet Peeves" thread. Sorry folks, :offtopic: - well, sort of.

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Actually Spats, I chose NOT to. I kept away from "your" thread because if I were to read any more of your self-pitying, never-ending, "for-God's-sake-change-the-record" whining, I swear I would throw something big and heavy through the nearest window. I just kept seeing "your" thread on the list of new posts, sighing to myself and wondering when it would all end. Well, at last it has, and that made me happy.

But now you are all over the board like an unpleasant rash, posting your repetitive whines about your love life anywhere you can - so maybe it would have been better to keep you contained in one place, so to speak. Ah well.

Just realised - this would have been better in the "Pet Peeves" thread. Sorry folks, :offtopic: - well, sort of.

I haven't done that at all. Go look around.

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Actually Spats, I chose NOT to. I kept away from "your" thread because if I were to read any more of your self-pitying, never-ending, "for-God's-sake-change-the-record" whining, I swear I would throw something big and heavy through the nearest window. I just kept seeing "your" thread on the list of new posts, sighing to myself and wondering when it would all end. Well, at last it has, and that made me happy.

But now you are all over the board like an unpleasant rash, posting your repetitive whines about your love life anywhere you can - so maybe it would have been better to keep you contained in one place, so to speak. Ah well.

Just realised - this would have been better in the "Pet Peeves" thread. Sorry folks, :offtopic: - well, sort of.

Ditto to that---the "I CHOSE NOT TO" part. ;)

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Who 'returned'...Levee? I never knew he'd "gone." :blink: But ...cool.




damn, that's as good as having my jerkoff neighbor's toilet fixed Monday morning!!!!!!

I finally slept like a baby last night!!! :zzz:

What she said ... :goodpost:

I don't often swear, let alone swear really badly, but ... THANK FUCK FOR THAT!

:party: <some smileys deleted from quote due to limit on # of emoticons allowed>

Actually Spats, I chose NOT to. I kept away from "your" thread because if I were to read any more of your self-pitying, never-ending, "for-God's-sake-change-the-record" whining, I swear I would throw something big and heavy through the nearest window. I just kept seeing "your" thread on the list of new posts, sighing to myself and wondering when it would all end. Well, at last it has, and that made me happy.

But now you are all over the board like an unpleasant rash, posting your repetitive whines about your love life anywhere you can - so maybe it would have been better to keep you contained in one place, so to speak. Ah well.

Just realised - this would have been better in the "Pet Peeves" thread. Sorry folks, :offtopic: - well, sort of.

That's exactly why I started 'his' thread... now y'all can enjoy everything all over the place... just like it was before it was more or less kept to one thread.

I hope everybody smiles and parties at every post they come across in every thread that becomes at least temporarily 'jacked.

...and for the record... no, I'm not pissed that the thread got deleted. I didn't go there much at all... but [sarcasm alert] I'm looking forward to all the posts bitching about Spats' posts everywhere, etc. [/sarcasm]. Y'all got what you wanted. Enjoy.

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