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Led Zeppelin - Straight from Hell!

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Led Zeppelin - Straight from Hell!

by David J. Stewart

Led Zeppelin is Satanic to the core. In the song "Houses of the Holy," Robert Plant (lead singer) speaks of Satan's daughter and making her garden grow (a sexual reference). The album cover displays naked women crawling towards the top of the temple. It's sickening in the name of decency. Anyone who denies the occult inspiration of Led Zeppelin's music is woefully deceived.

The children on the cover of HOTH have nothing to do with a temple, this cover was inspired by Arthur C Clarke's book "Childhood's End" in which all the children are taken up to be reborn as spiritual star children.

Led Zeppelin also introduced personal occult symbols on one of their albums. Guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as "The Beast 666." Aleister Crowley was also a 33rd and 97th Degree Freemason and is recognized as the master Satanist of the 20th century. In 1971, guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley’s Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his Hellish, Satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices.

Crowley never proclaimed himself "The Great Beast 666". There is no evidence he ever did human sacrafice. From what I can tell most of Crowley's rituals involved taking drugs and having orgies - not something unfamiliar to Zeppelin but also not a 'Satanic Ritual'.

Guitarist Jimmy Page actually performed Crowley magical rituals during their concerts.

I thought he was playing guitar in concert - guess I was wrong.

Led Zeppelin even went so far as to command their fans to sell their souls to the Devil in their concert film, “The Song Remains the Same.”

I have no idea what this could be referring to and it's strange that they weren't more specific here in exactly HOW this was done.

Page had inscribed in the vinyl of their album Led Zeppelin III, Crowley's famous "Do what thou wilt. So mete it Be.’

Hardly a satanic chant - this mantra has more in common with New Age than Satanism.

Page and Robert Plant claim some of Zeppelins' songs came via occultic "automatic handwriting", including their popular "Stairway to Heaven."

Maybe it is inspiration from a higher source - if you believe in that sort of thing - but it doesn't follow that it must be Satan who pushed the pen....maybe it was an angel?

Anyone who has ever heard "Dazed and Confused" by Led Zeppelin has taken a spiritual journey into Hell. The song is evil.

Maybe just the violin bow part...

As with all occultists, Led Zeppelin promotes occult symbols. The photo to the right displays Zeppelin’s "personal symbols" which are etched in occult images. For instance, "Zoso" was Jimmy Page’s personal symbol and according to Stephen Davis in The Hammer of the Gods (p. 253), it is a "stylized 666."

I think this has pretty well been disproved by others. Page himself hinted that the symbol is more to do with Thor (Hammer of the Gods), along with the Capricorn symbol.

Tragically, the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible uses this same Satanic symbol on the cover (pictured to the left).

Tragically, the symbol on the NKJV is NOT the 'Zoso' symbol and is in fact John Paul Jones' symbol - thus your link between Zoso - 666 - NKJV is tenuous to say the least.

This site is full of inaccuracies and fails to make any convincing links between their 'evidence' and the intentions/effects of the band towards their audience.

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lol thats great. Dazed and confused is probably my favourite. In The song remains the same maybe he's talking about the freaky bit at the start where Jimmy's eyes go red, or maybe the bit where he turns into like a wizard and then back to his normal self.

Anyway ill go down into hell everytime i listen to Led Zep then. Oh well.

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Where does a Stairway To HEAVEN lead!?!?!?!?As a Catholic i'm shocked to find that i've been barking up the wrong tree.And he doctored the photo with the "Angel",it's Apollo for christ's sake!He took the ascending Apollo and turned into a fallen angel by making it a negative.

He only believes that there are 2 religions in the world,Christians and Satanists,he forgets Norse,Greek and Roman mythology that influenced Zeppelin.Here's a crazy thought,the "lady who's sure" in STH,The Virgin Mary?Anyone?And IMTOD,"Oh Gabriel let me blow your horn",the horn Gabriel will blow at the Judgement day and whatnot.And the "666" in JPJ's symbol,how about it being a "999" maybe,just as possible as 666,and what about "Symbols are evil,rosaries are a blasphemy friend",i think this guy might just wean me off religion!If i can't worship god and go to heaven then i might as well have fun down here and pray like hell on my deathbed,there's strong evidence St. Peter was gay so maybe i'll just flirt with him and get in.I was pretty damn (Yeah,i said it) sure Page played guitar somewhere in the middle of all this filthy acknowledgment of the existence of other religions and had the odd concert or two in there that didn't involve sodomy.He goes on to confuse Satan worship with Lord Of The Rings references,"Ramble On" feature's "Mordor" being screamed quite loudly,"No Quarter" is the hobbits traveling over the mountains,so s MMH,"Battle Of Evermore" is Minas Tirith,TSRTS is about how universal music can be,STH has heaven in the title,ALS is Robert's carcrash,"Kashmir" is about (Get ready for it) The KASHMIR region,NFBM is about the MYTH that Robert Johnson sold his soul,the list of mistakes and holes in his research is endless.So throw out your crucifix everyone,your going to hell anyway.

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First of all,I don't wish to offend anyone.I am only printing my experience.

Sorry for the lenght!

I come from a non religious family, but in 1981,my older brother,whom I love and look up to, became a "Born Again" Christian.

This is what he told me in 1983.when I was 15.Word for word.

I have a long memory,trust me!. :)

"Led Zeppelin play music very well!.Too well!. They play with a skill that obviously doesn't come fom the Lord, and have been very successful.Anybody who is popular and has followers that do not exhalt God are of Satan.they use backward masking on thier records to entice young people to Satan, and glorify sex as a thing of lust rather than for procreation.The guitarist is a follower of the Great Beast Crowley -a leader of Satanism!.Every time you hear him play a guitair solo, it is a siren calling the the souls of the damned to Hell!"

My brother was serious, and still is, but I think you have to put things in perspective.

His words were inflamatory and full of hate,something you would more expect these days from the mouth of a fanatical suicide bomber perhaps.I put that very thing to him recently and he denies it!.He's much more mellow these days, but I suspect him of endlessly pinching all of my Iron Maiden Records (to Protect me).

But that is the nature of HIS passion and world view, not mine!.

I have always loved music, although have never competently been able to play it myself.I take solace in my knowledge of who, what where and when and even why.My study of music has told me that what my brother said is nothing new.Even from the earliest times in the West, music has been acknowleged and damned for its power;feared,ignored, and even banned!.

This has gone on for centurys and it usually effects the best of music because of the very reason that it is so good!.

One well known example is the 19th century composer/violin virtuoso Paganini who was denied his own burial on holy ground because his playing was mesmirising, and he looked funny to boot! (It didn't stop many young woman swooning at his feet though!).Paginini was never a threat to God,just like Led Zep,but the church, for there own arcane reasons thought/thinks them a threat!.

Really, I would say to the starter of this thread, that to be a lover of great and important music,you have to trust your own judgment,your own ears,and most of all your own heart!.If you look to others to tell you what is great, poor or "safe" music,then you are truly lost to yourself!

Edited by Gervox
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Really, I would say to the starter of this thread, that to be a lover of great and important music,you have to trust your own judgment,your own ears,and most of all your own heart!.If you look to others to tell you what is great, poor or "safe" music,then you are truly lost to yourself!

Nicely put their mate. :beer:

Music is a truly personal experience and it would be an incredibly dull world if we all listened to the same type of music. My musical experience is wide and varied and I listen to and try to understand every kind of music before I dismiss it, regardless of other people’s opinions. I have sat both my kids down when they were younger and played them many kinds of musical genre and styles which allowed them to make up their own minds about what they think is good or bad. Now their older they both have a very positive view about different types of music and, like me, are prepared to listen to something before dismissing it. We regularly have music swaps or one of them will bring something to me and say 'Old fool, listen to this'. Afterwards we'll discuss it. Because of this attitude I listen to a lot of 'newer' music and they listen to 'older' stuff, and overall it increases your outlook and attitude towards accepting change.

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Nicely put their mate. :beer:

Music is a truly personal experience and it would be an incredibly dull world if we all listened to the same type of music. My musical experience is wide and varied and I listen to and try to understand every kind of music before I dismiss it, regardless of other people’s opinions. I have sat both my kids down when they were younger and played them many kinds of musical genre and styles which allowed them to make up their own minds about what they think is good or bad. Now their older they both have a very positive view about different types of music and, like me, are prepared to listen to something before dismissing it. We regularly have music swaps or one of them will bring something to me and say 'Old fool, listen to this'. Afterwards we'll discuss it. Because of this attitude I listen to a lot of 'newer' music and they listen to 'older' stuff, and overall it increases your outlook and attitude towards accepting change.

I have exactly the same thing going with my kid. I have tried to ensure that she has been to many and varied gigs (the O2 will be hard to beat) and she drags me along (kicking and screaming -not) to see her faves too. It is a wondeful thing to share. Cheers mate!

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I have exactly the same thing going with my kid. I have tried to ensure that she has been to many and varied gigs (the O2 will be hard to beat) and she drags me along (kicking and screaming -not) to see her faves too. It is a wondeful thing to share. Cheers mate!

It's fantastic that you go to gigs with your kid. I go with my two all the time. They we're a bit unsure to start with (you know the 'being seen with your dad' syndrome) but they know now that I'll be in the mosh pit and they can do whatever they want. I'm going to the Nottingham Dot-to-Dot festival soon with my eldest (21) and his mates for two days of music and beer. They asked me to go. I love it. :D

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  • 3 months later...

oh haha yeah i saw this site. Pretty stupid. but i guess its no doubt that Pagey is into this stuff, and some of the lyrics in songs are a bitty, i dunno, some people may say 'satanic' or whatever.

Im kinda one of those people who gets obsessed with the whole band and NEEDS to find out more so if this is them then ok thats fine, im not gonna stop liking them lol. B)

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Oh, but it MUST be true!

Look at the evidence!

William Rimmer's painting (read the commentary below)



Jimmy's symbol in the Grand Grimoire (a book alleged to raise the devil)



Robert's secret alliance with the Lollipop Guild


It all adds up to something I tell ya!! :beer:

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:hysterical: Oh! Too much. Evster, I was about to post something like Wayne and Garth saying "I was not aware of that!" (to Alice Cooper) in response to the fascinating information.......but then I saw the Robert pic and all was revealed. I am now in the light. :P
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:huh: That was just so creepy. I'm sick to death fundamentalist whackos, SO SICK of them.

Could not agree more, Suz. These nutcases are cerebral terrorists that pray on the weak and tear minds to shreds. This particular whacko will know what a living hell really means if he ever comes anywhere near my property.

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Oh man! I ALWAYS felt that Dazed& Confused is the devils work... :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Is there really someone believing that stuff? I know some americans are some kind of...er...strange with their religion (no offence meant) but THIS?!?!?

I had to laugh hard!

And Pagey: I already sold my soul to you in the moment I saw you the first time :wub:

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Evening or the Fall of Day depicts the god Apollo rising from the earth at sunset — pretty much everyone who sees it seems to think it's Icarus, an angel or various christian devils.

William Rimmer is one of history's more obscure painters, but I like him. He's also my great-great-great-uncle — someone has to keep the family name alive. William Rimmer was a self-taught painter, and he had an eye for the details of anatomy. In addition to painting, he was a gifted sculptor. His sculpture is monumentally heroic. At various times in his life, he practiced medicine, worked as a shoemaker and painted signs, as well. He taught art on and off for most of his life, and wrote two books, Elements of Design and Art Anatomy, which are still in use today. I'm told that his work lives on in a somewhat modified version of this picture that appears as the logo of a record label founded by the band Led Zeppelin.

—Steven William Rimmer

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One well known example is the 19th century composer/violin virtuoso Paganini who was denied his own burial on holy ground because his playing was mesmirising, and he looked funny to boot! (It didn't stop many young woman swooning at his feet though!).Paginini was never a threat to God,just like Led Zep,but the church, for there own arcane reasons thought/thinks them a threat!.

how about tartini?

who, you say?

1749, a song was written by a violinist named giuseppe tartini called "the devil's trill".

while asleep (when else?) tartini dreamt the devil stood at the foot of his bed, trying to bargain for his soul. tartini challenges him to a musical duel-of sorts. (crossroads? charlie daniels even?) "how great was my astonishment," tartini wrote, "when i heard him play with consummate skill a sonata of such exquisite beauty as surpassed the boldest flight of my imagination." when he awoke, tartini, attempting to reproduce the netherworldy music of his dream (but having trouble as he had just woke up and was still dazed and confused), wrote "the devil's trill," a sonata in g minor that is one of the finest pieces of music ever written. what he had written was "so inferior to what i had heard, that if i could have subsisted on other means, i would have broken my violin and abandoned music forever."

you decide

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