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Here in the UK, it snowed at Easter for the first time in years. And it's the deepest snow we have had for a while. This is my youngest pictured experiencing her first time playing in the snow. Her face was full of wonder the whole time :D


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Me and baby Matthew today, on his first Easter!


He's getting so big! He's just so sweet.

Here in the UK, it snowed at Easter for the first time in years. And it's the deepest snow we have had for a while. This is my youngest pictured experiencing her first time playing in the snow. Her face was full of wonder the whole time :D


That picture is so cute. It reminds me of the pictures you see on the Kodak commercials. She's precious.

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I made it to 42 and had to get the specs for reading news paper print :blink:

so far 1.25 is just fine. B)

I have needed glasses since i was around 15. Wore them once and never again. My eyes are pretty bad now. I am lousy with distances.

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I have needed glasses since i was around 15. Wore them once and never again. My eyes are pretty bad now. I am lousy with distances.

Spats!! If you need glasses, wear them, silly boy!

Don't like the look of glasses? Let me tell you about these nifty little things they have now....they're called contact lenses. You put them directly on your eyeball in the morning and go. No one can tell they're there. Pretty neat, huh?

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You guys here look really cool! Then again, what do you expect with Zeppelin fans!? By the way, did you know there is a symbol that combines a question mark and an exclamation mark, called an interrobang!? Best word ever, and I could really do with one now...

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Spats!! If you need glasses, wear them, silly boy!

Don't like the look of glasses? Let me tell you about these nifty little things they have now....they're called contact lenses. You put them directly on your eyeball in the morning and go. No one can tell they're there. Pretty neat, huh?

Not to mention that men can look really, really HOT in glasses... ROWR!


You guys here look really cool! Then again, what do you expect with Zeppelin fans!? By the way, did you know there is a symbol that combines a question mark and an exclamation mark, called an interrobang!? Best word ever, and I could really do with one now...



Sounds a little dirty to me...

Norwich, looking good! :D

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You guys here look really cool! Then again, what do you expect with Zeppelin fans!? By the way, did you know there is a symbol that combines a question mark and an exclamation mark, called an interrobang!? Best word ever, and I could really do with one now...

Great pic!! :D

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Not to mention that men can look really, really HOT in glasses... ROWR!



Sounds a little dirty to me...

Norwich, looking good! :D

You wouldn't think that if you saw me in glasses when i was 15. Is there an emoticon to show vomiting? Because that would best describe it. :o

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Spats!! If you need glasses, wear them, silly boy!

Don't like the look of glasses? Let me tell you about these nifty little things they have now....they're called contact lenses. You put them directly on your eyeball in the morning and go. No one can tell they're there. Pretty neat, huh?

I tried contacts. They were a pain in the ass to deal with.

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You wouldn't think that if you saw me in glasses when i was 15. Is there an emoticon to show vomiting? Because that would best describe it. :o

You should post your "horrible" 15-year-old-spats-wearing-glasses pic, and let us be the judge.

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You should post your "horrible" 15-year-old-spats-wearing-glasses pic, and let us be the judge.

I wore them for less than 30 minutes in one class. Heard a couple snickers and that was it. My mother was pissed because she was the one that paid for them. Thankfully no pics exist with me wearing them.

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Here in the UK, it snowed at Easter for the first time in years. And it's the deepest snow we have had for a while. This is my youngest pictured experiencing her first time playing in the snow. Her face was full of wonder the whole time :D



She us so cute. Was she catching snowflakes with her tongue? I remember doing that as a kid and feeling the snowflakes hitting my eyelashes.


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Ooh, I know! My next one will be a pick with me wearing my replica of the pendant Jimmy war on The Song Remains the Same and at Earl's Court in '75! You know, the one with the tear-drop shape and the green stone in the middle?

I'm actually wearing it on the photos of me as Jimmy Page, but... well... yeah... :D

So here's the pendant:


In case you're wondering...



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