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Moonmaid Might Get Loud


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I'll see your profile, Zepp-4-Life:


And raise you one Full Frontal:


It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

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I'll see your profile, Zepp-4-Life:


And raise you one Full Frontal:


It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

AWESOME! Way to go. I was waiting for your return from glory.

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It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

Easy there, a quarter of a vicodin is more than enough.

No ODs allowed.

Better yet, chamomile tea can gently lull you off to pleasant dreams.

Thank you for the gorgeous photo.

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It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

Wow. All I can say is WOW!! That is such an awesome picture, Moonmaid!! I'm so happy and excited for you!! :cheer::thumbsup: I'm sure you'll have pleasant dreams tonight! (If you get any sleep, that is! ;) ) I can't wait for your full report tomorrow!

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Thanks Moonmaid ! Must have been a great evening and I look forward to your report.

Damn ! I hope I look that good when I'm 65 :D

He is so good lookin´:wub: :wub: and he looks happy!

I can´t wait ! I´m looking forward to the whole report from you and for more pics! Oh lucky you?! I would be shaking and trembling all over, if I could be so close to him! :faint1:

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It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

Hi Moon-made,

I love it when a plan comes together, the vibes worked them? I'm so happy for you.

When i first read the thread Topic i thought it said "Moonmaid might get laid" :wub:

Well you never know do you? Jimmy is a randy so and so. :lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

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I'll see your profile, Zepp-4-Life:


And raise you one Full Frontal:


It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

BRAVO !!! When we put the two pics together we have a full image of JP watching a film.

I'm happy you felt the " Presence ".


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I'll see your profile, Zepp-4-Life:


And raise you one Full Frontal:


It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

Wow, everybody already said it... Looking forward to your report! Lucky you! I'm sure I will never get that close ^^

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It was magical. He was beautiful. No, I didn't speak to him, but I didn't have to. I didn't want to. I just wanted us "to be." I'll have more of a report tomorrow. It's after 10pm for me and I need to pop a vicodin and try to shut off my mind and go to sleep.

...tks. Moonmaid, I could just feel it, the entire atmosphere must be intoxicating around him...

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Thanks for the kind words regarding the photo and thank you to everyone who calmed my nerves beforehand. It was your good vibes that made it happen.

The report of the night is as follows:

I met my boyfriend at the theater around 6pm. We found the line for ticket holders and I discovered that not a lot of people bought tickets before the night. We were eleventh and twelfth in line. The "standby" line to buy tickets was quite long.

They had us enter the theater before the cast showed up and walked the carpet. We asked if we could come back out but we weren't allowed. So, we were already inside when all those Getty Pics were taken.

The theater wasn't big and they closed off the entire middle section except for the first few rows. We sat off to the left side of the theater. This is the side Jimmy and Jack entered. I saw Jimmy's hair first and leapt out of my seat. I have a bad bruise on my leg from when I smacked into the arm rest of my seat (my boyfriend calls it "the Jimmy button" and presses it to remind me what a silly groupie I was last night..). I waited for him to sit down (which was towards the back, close to the aisle) then made my approach. He was surrounded by fans, friends, and security guards. I found an opening in the entourage and leaned in for the shot. This was not easy as I could feel Ross Halfin burning hatred into my soul. Seriously, that guy knows how to mad-dog a girl. I got the shot, I wasn't too close to Jimmy to be feared, and I went back to my seat very quickly. What's Halfin's problem? And by the way, his fake and bake tan and dyed hair look stupid, but I digress.

I watched the movie in bliss. Seeing Jimmy so big on the screen was magical. And I was rocking out the whole time. Bopping my head, tapping my feat, swaying to the sounds. The film really moves you like that!

The film ended and I stood up hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimmy leaving, but he didn't. Instead, and before I could get the camera ready, he walked right in front of me in the aisle to get to the front of the theater for the Q and A segment. My experience of him walking by me is exactly like those slow motion moments they describe in movies and it's the only time I've ever felt like that. I couldn't process in my mind that he was inches from me!

My boyfriend and I filmed Jimmy and Jack's segments of the Q and A and as soon as we can figure out how, we'll post the footage-probably on youtube.

That's all I can think to tell for now. I let you know when the footage is up.

Edited by Moonmaid
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You lucky girl! Cool pics and cool story. Thanks for sharing!

edited to add: Damn, now I'm reminded of how that could have been me at the Toronto film festival back in September- if only I hadn't literally just moved across the province to university!

DAMN! :(

But still happy for ya anyways, Moonmaid! :D

Edited by songbird
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