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What Made You Happy today?


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I do too.

Which is why I'm super-excited that I'm going to have one of my very own!


I need to decide where I'm putting it now.

I have a few different places I'd like to put it--just have to make the executive decision.

Good luck to you Ms.Manderlyh! Hoping for the very best for your honeysuckle ^_^

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I wish I could get attention from a certain boy.

Stupid men. Pffft.

I'm happy becuase I have finished all of my finals and I'm done with school for the year. I'm actually done with my degree--other than my one-semester long internship!

Ten long years it's taken me to get to this point! I've been a senior for three semesters!

Yay Manders!


Not to mention that I'm sitting here, being lazy with nothing in the world to do other than be lazy. Ahhh....what a day. And tomorrow's Saturday. :D

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His Holiness The 17th Karmapa's arrival in the US makes me happy. :cheer:


Young Spiritual Leader Arrives in New York, Ready to Teach and Be Taught

May 16, 2008

The 22-year-old living Buddha seemed joyfully aware to feel no jet lag whatsoever. So far. “Maybe tonight,” he said in English on Thursday. “But not yet.” He had just arrived at a Midtown hotel with his security detail after a 14-hour flight from New Delhi to Newark.

Ugyen Trinley Dorje, 22, widely admired as an enlightened being, arrived in New York to start an 18-day American tour.

“It is the first time I’ve ever visited the United States, and it’s a bit like a dream,” said His Holiness, the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ugyen Trinley Dorje, one of the most important leaders in Tibetan Buddhism.

Despite his youth, he is revered by followers as a master teacher, and on Thursday he began his whirlwind tour of the United States, an 18-day visit to New York, New Jersey, Boulder, Colo., and Seattle.

Yes, he is that Karmapa: the young master who made headlines across the world at age 14 with his daring escape from China to India across the Himalayas in 1999.

His followers regard him not only as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, who died in 1981, but also as the 17th incarnation of the first Karmapa in the 12th century, in an unbroken lineage going back 900 years. They revere him as leader of the Kagyu sect — called the black hat or black crown sect — one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

*source: NY Times*

:cheer:Eh Ma Ho!! [How Wondrous!] :cheer:

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I had to stay home today with my child because he's not feeling well. And since he was resting, I though what the heck, might as well go get the mail. So, I get the mail, and in it is my annual letter from work, informing me of my pay increase. It was better than I had expected!

Edited by ~Bonnie~
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Went to Ameristar to eat at the buffet with my mom and I tried some stuffed shells and it was kinda good. I mean, it was alright, but the second one I had, I acted like a surgeon and was gonna cut it and then my mom said "it looks like a vagina :P" and I did something that would offend some people I sure, but it was just so damned funny. :D

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I wish I could get attention from a certain boy.

Stupid men. Pffft.

I'm happy becuase I have finished all of my finals and I'm done with school for the year. I'm actually done with my degree--other than my one-semester long internship!

Ten long years it's taken me to get to this point! I've been a senior for three semesters!

Yay Manders!


Not to mention that I'm sitting here, being lazy with nothing in the world to do other than be lazy. Ahhh....what a day. And tomorrow's Saturday. :D

I happy that i won't be getting attention from a certain girl. Buddy told me that this girl i have no interest in has interest in me. Ugh. I Told him to get the word out to her somehow that i am not interested or available, etc. And he did. :D

I also had a really good sushi dinner today. :D

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My 17 month old Grandson is visiting Me for the weekend. I will play Him some Zep. He already has a Zeppelin shirt and a Skynyrd shirt.

For your sake I hope he doesn't turn out gay

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I'm a psychic who has saved lives of missing and kidnapped children across the planet even while they were in the hands of their kidnappers.

I don't want to rudilly fill out a lot of this page butt if you'd like to know little more of what I have done

ckick the link


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...watching my kids marching in the norwegian independence day parade with their classmates from 43 countries...beautiful sight!!! :)

...Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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