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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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14 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

How Deep Chinese Influence Pushed Australia Into Astonishing Covid Tyranny

A compromised political elite is responding to a virus likely juiced up in a Chinese bioweapons lab by adopting scientifically unprecedented, Communist-style social controls.

How Chinese Influence Pushed Australia Into Astonishing Covid Tyranny (thefederalist.com)

This source is fine, but the article is misdirected.  No one's more anti-Red than I am, but Western countries can't blame this mess on the Chinese, it's entirely self-inflicted.  (At any rate, modern China is the creation of Western financial elites, if the Frankenstein monster is starting to freelance, you need to blame the doctor who started the problem.) 

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13 hours ago, rm2551 said:

I believe you live in Japan? I'd be interested on your perspective of how that country is handling Covid as I have not looked into it. AFAIK The Japanese culture is significantly more empathetic and respectful of the elderly than the west generally is (some exceptions). I imagine that would be a focus of the Government there.

Yes, I do and overall I rate Japan's response favorably. All along the Government of Japan (or central government) remained extremely reluctant to impose public health mandates and restrictions, issuing instead recommendations and guidance for the prefectural governments to consider. The central government did take the lead of course in shutting down international travel and tracking statistics. An apolitical response to COVID-19 is so much easier to achieve in a homogenous society. The citizens aren't wasting a lot of time and energy politicizing and tearing apart their society for the sake of establishing some hierarchy of victimhood.  

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9 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

This source is fine, but the article is misdirected.  No one's more anti-Red than I am, but Western countries can't blame this mess on the Chinese, it's entirely self-inflicted.  (At any rate, modern China is the creation of Western financial elites, if the Frankenstein monster is starting to freelance, you need to blame the doctor who started the problem.) 

The purpose of the article is not to absolve Western nations for their tyrannical response, rather to illuminate one factor that explains it: Communist Chinese influence.

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2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

An apolitical response to COVID-19 is so much easier to achieve in a homogenous society.

Says it all. I suspect this goes some ways to explaining the differences in Brisbane to Sydney and Melbourne's realities. The two southern cities have a far more ethnically diverse society. Not saying that's good/bad - just that is the only real social factor I can point to to explain the massive difference in infection rates and outbreaks.

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10 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

If we could have anything from an actual new source I might be inclined to believe it. But I have checked every reputable new source and have not seen anything like this. Even on click bait news rags that you certainly wouldn’t agree with. I’ve been able to come up with Quarantine facilities for travelers. And I’m not saying that I agree with that. I don’t. But the headlines and from the crazy’s from Breitbart and the other crazy blogs are just a bit over the top. It’s funny when established news agencies who have been around for hundreds of years have become fake news from the king of fake news. 

To think that publications, and websites, and actual journalists who publish anything that isn’t true and have to do redacted stories, have to have their reputations along side with sensationalist bloggers who don’t have a degree let alone any integrity, is just mind blowing to me. But I guess that is the internet age we live in, where if you have enough Instagram followers, or a YouTube channel, or you are an influencer you can throw your hat into the same ring as people who actually have integrity, morality, and character. 

When someone quotes Breitbart, that’s like quoting the onion. Any source that pushes propaganda, conspiracy theories, and all the utter bullshit that they do is laughable. I’ll start quoting CNN, and MSNBC and see where that gets me. 

the funny thing is, those sources actually have to fact check their new sources, and their stories. And if they report it incorrectly they actually have to correct for fear of liable laws. I actually think of Breitbart and Zerohedge like I think of Weird Al. It’s Parody at best. And dangerous at worst. 

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The QLD quarantine facility is because the mandatory hotel quarantining is not working for ANYONE. The hotels - not really creating a returning customer base and great experience, the staff - copping mad abuse, those being quarantined - sometimes in rooms without opening windows, others staying at the hotels - who really were put in a shit position, the security - which is often an outsourced farce. Plus the cost is insane.

That's all it is.

We are not quite North Korea people.

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1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

It's rife over here. One of my friends has it, as does his partner, my sister-in-law also. Most of the village has it. It's only a matter of time before we get it.:(

Stay safe, my friend.  

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26 minutes ago, Walter said:

Stay safe, my friend.  

Thanks man. A joint, a glass or 2 of red and some good food will hopefully keep us right. My friend who has it says he feels like he has a bad cold but can't taste anything apart from salt and vinegar !! Good job us Brits love our Fish 'n' Chips ;)

Even though we have been jabbed, twice and Mrs CP has had her booster, it's still a worry.

Happy Thanksgiving to you are yours brother:D regards to the Turkey

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This shit is hilarious. A bunch of virgins crowing about good ass while several playas just shake their heads.

You jokers are too much. Unless you live there, I suggest deferring to those who do lest you look the moron. 

Edited by BobDobbs
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Wow, that was fast for a variant we just learned about a couple of days ago. The miracles of modern medicine?  

Novavax developing vaccine that targets new COVID-19 variant | Reuters



Novavax Inc (NVAX.O) said on Friday it had started working on a version of its COVID-19 vaccine to target the variant detected in South Africa and would have the shot ready for testing and manufacturing in the next few weeks.

The company’s COVID-19 shot contains an actual version of the virus’ spike protein that cannot cause disease but can trigger the immune system. The vaccine developer said it had started developing a spike protein specifically based on the known genetic sequence of the variant, B.1.1.529.


Line up for the next spike protein jab.

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On 11/24/2021 at 11:17 PM, Plant77 said:

If we could have anything from an actual new source I might be inclined to believe it. But I have checked every reputable new source and have not seen anything like this. Even on click bait news rags that you certainly wouldn’t agree with. I’ve been able to come up with Quarantine facilities for travelers. And I’m not saying that I agree with that. I don’t. But the headlines and from the crazy’s from Breitbart and the other crazy blogs are just a bit over the top. It’s funny when established news agencies who have been around for hundreds of years have become fake news from the king of fake news. 

To think that publications, and websites, and actual journalists who publish anything that isn’t true and have to do redacted stories, have to have their reputations along side with sensationalist bloggers who don’t have a degree let alone any integrity, is just mind blowing to me. But I guess that is the internet age we live in, where if you have enough Instagram followers, or a YouTube channel, or you are an influencer you can throw your hat into the same ring as people who actually have integrity, morality, and character. 

When someone quotes Breitbart, that’s like quoting the onion. Any source that pushes propaganda, conspiracy theories, and all the utter bullshit that they do is laughable. I’ll start quoting CNN, and MSNBC and see where that gets me. 

the funny thing is, those sources actually have to fact check their new sources, and their stories. And if they report it incorrectly they actually have to correct for fear of liable laws. I actually think of Breitbart and Zerohedge like I think of Weird Al. It’s Parody at best. And dangerous at worst. 

CNN MSNBC are the kings of fake news and misinformation


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On 11/25/2021 at 1:31 PM, chillumpuffer said:

Thanks man. A joint, a glass or 2 of red and some good food will hopefully keep us right. My friend who has it says he feels like he has a bad cold but can't taste anything apart from salt and vinegar !! Good job us Brits love our Fish 'n' Chips ;)

Even though we have been jabbed, twice and Mrs CP has had her booster, it's still a worry.

Happy Thanksgiving to you are yours brother:D regards to the Turkey

Yeah, I know a lot of unvaxxed people who still don’t have their sense of taste back yet, nerve damage tingling in hands/feet and breathing issues. Bad shit…

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9 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

CNN MSNBC are the kings of fake news and misinformation


That is my point. But yet people will quote Breitbart, and other outrageous blogs and some how do not see the comparison. Just for the record, if MSNBC, or CNN report a bogus story, change the facts, or misinformed the public they actually have to do a redacted story and admit their fault. When you are a blogger you are not held to the same standards and practices. For example Fox News is not held to the same standard as those same news agencies I mentioned above. And I’m not saying that I agree or watch them. However, I would take their news reports over the others mentioned any day of the week. 

I have mentioned this a few different times now. The problem is we are all in our respective corners. People are on the red team or the blue team. It is actually the same thing as gang mentality. We need to stop being the crips and the bloods. Goddamn, start being an American and voting your conscious. 

The reason we are where we are is because we have allowed our elected officials to not be responsible for their actions. Sorry to ramble, yes MSNBC, and CNN are not the best. They are miles ahead of Breitbart and Fox News who are just opinionated hacks who are controlled by their financial backers. I really hope that some people check into the differences between the news agencies we are talking about. If not. I guess it is just more of the same shit. 

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16 hours ago, Plant77 said:

That is my point. But yet people will quote Breitbart, and other outrageous blogs and some how do not see the comparison. Just for the record, if MSNBC, or CNN report a bogus story, change the facts, or misinformed the public they actually have to do a redacted story and admit their fault. When you are a blogger you are not held to the same standards and practices. For example Fox News is not held to the same standard as those same news agencies I mentioned above. And I’m not saying that I agree or watch them. However, I would take their news reports over the others mentioned any day of the week. 

I have mentioned this a few different times now. The problem is we are all in our respective corners. People are on the red team or the blue team. It is actually the same thing as gang mentality. We need to stop being the crips and the bloods. Goddamn, start being an American and voting your conscious. 

The reason we are where we are is because we have allowed our elected officials to not be responsible for their actions. Sorry to ramble, yes MSNBC, and CNN are not the best. They are miles ahead of Breitbart and Fox News who are just opinionated hacks who are controlled by their financial backers. I really hope that some people check into the differences between the news agencies we are talking about. If not. I guess it is just more of the same shit. 

Sorry for the length.

cnn msnbc miles ahead???  no way. They are THE most fake news out there.

  For the record, cnn nor msnbc  have never actually retracted ANY of the lies they spewed about trump, as for the other FAKE stories they pushed, (Covington smollett ect)  the retractions or "updates" are more than wanting. 

Ex. Rittenhouse, I saw the video, I know the circumstances because I watched the trial and yet all the people on cnn and msnbc the view and the like still say the trial was, "unjust" "racist" and "people can just shoot protestors with impunity and get away with it" and other ridiculous lies while at the same time trying to make heroes out of a man who had raped 5 young boys and a man who was running around the town himself with an unlicensed gun and yes he's a hero too. You know there were never any gun charges brought against him for that but lets turn the FBI onto regular everyday people who are concerned over the shit they want to feed our kids in school and telling us it's all phony news drummed up by the right all while I see the stuff posted on their own websites and its clear that CRT is a big part of what they want teachers to push.

I watch news that shows the evidence they support rather than news that views their "opinions" as evidence and fact. ex. Because whoopi and joy reed didn't like the verdict in the rittenhouse trial it's now a fact that rittenhouse is a murderer.

I will never ever take one word that comes from cnn or msnbc and all the other left leaning news orgs as even remotely true because they love to distort and twist the actual events to suit their own ideology. ex. Hilary did nothing wrong in deleting 30,000 emails ahead of any investigation.

I don't need anyone to tell me it's right or wrong because I know for myself that it's completely wrong.

Another thing I don't like about the lefty sites is that all their talking heads blame my not taking the vax on trump as if I blindly do what he says or says not to do. I think they should look at their own selves because I have seen so many montages of them all using the exact same language on 20 different shows. Talk about towing a line. 

This country is going to fall because these woke jokes want to change it into something they want. Too bad none of their supporters realize that in the end, if they aren't beautiful enough they themselves will ALL be canceled too. The ultimate goal of the left isn't to raise up the poor and minorities (as they say) but to bring down the middle class to the level of the poor so we can all be more easily controlled.

What would joy behar or whoppi for that matter say if either of them were canceled for being on the wrong side of the next issue. I wonder if they would be so ready to be called a murderer or end up on an fbi watch list for their opinions.

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Just for the record, if MSNBC, or CNN report a bogus story, change the facts, or misinformed the public they actually have to do a redacted story and admit their fault. 

Hummingbird69 beat me to it.  STILL waiting for an apology from CNN or MSNBC for the Sandmann lies let alone the Rittenhouse lies...THAT THEY CONTINUE TO SPEW!

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On 11/27/2021 at 9:57 AM, hummingbird69 said:

don't feel so bad over 250 million people have recovered


Of course, who cares about the 750,000+ dead in the US from COVID. 

That's fine, my hope is the virus mutates to attack only those not vaccinated and makes them impotent and sterile. That's all I ask. Don't want anyone to get sick or die, just want the idiots removed from the gene pool. I tell you this, if the COVID followed such a vector most of the stupid would be purged by 2050. 

Here's to hope 🙂 



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Before this Covid mess started, the U.S. had a 12year run of lowering unemployment that crossed Republican and Democratic eras of control.  That bottomed out at 2.5 - 3% before the pandemic, and after the Great Recession.  Filling jobs and having enough people to work has been recognized as a long-term strategic demographic problem for our country for years.  The biggest source of long-term inflation is a lack of essential workers.  Four years ago people were up in arms because workers in Seattle & Portland were demanding $15 dollars an hour as a living wage. A mere four years and a pandemic later, and it's tough to find anyone to work for that wage.  Now we had 3 million people retire unexpectedly, and we've got a plummeting birth rate to go along with an aging population.  We had families with double incomes who because of the pandemic either can't, or are no longer willing to accept that grind because of quality of life issues.  That includes people who can't find anyone to watch, drive, or teach their kids.  This problem is not going away, it just arrived early because of a pandemic.

Forget what all the talking heads are telling you on this side or that.  This is not the time to stop immigration.  If you're properly screened, properly vaccinated, properly sponsored, and willing to work, OPEN THE DOOR AND LET THEM IN!  The Hmong didn't hurt you or ruin the U.S.  The Chaldeans, the Cubans, and Somalians didn't either.  They work, they earn, and they sponsor their own, just like the Irish Catholics, Italians, and Slavs who were shit on more than a century ago.  Most left home and took a nasty two- week steerage boat ride like cattle to get here.  These people are leaving home and walking 1,500 miles for the possibility of a better life.  Nothing has changed.  They need us, and I hate to break it to you, but we need them. I expect my government no matter who is in charge to do their jobs, screen these people, let them in if they meet the requirements, and put them to work! 

**The opinions expressed above are of a personal nature.  They do not necessarily reflect those of Ledzeppelin.com, The Bong-Man News Network, or any of their owners, management team, or sponsors that may be affiliated with those entities**         


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4 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Of course, who cares about the 750,000+ dead in the US from COVID. 

That's fine, my hope is the virus mutates to attack only those not vaccinated and makes them impotent and sterile. That's all I ask. Don't want anyone to get sick or die, just want the idiots removed from the gene pool. I tell you this, if the COVID followed such a vector most of the stupid would be purged by 2050. 

Here's to hope 🙂 



yep, the wishes of a leftist.   hurt all those who do not think like you do. No job, no friends, no life, just rot for not being woke.  The joke is on you though, the fact is, no one person not you, not biden, not fauci,  no one on this earth knows what long term effects may happen because there have been absolutely no long term studies done on this so called vaccine.  So in 20 years it may be you who ends up sterile and boy will I laugh and laugh.

Edited by hummingbird69
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