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Led Zeppelin fan age


How many years gone?  

913 members have voted

  1. 1. How old are you?

    • 15 or below
    • 16-23
    • 24-30
    • 31-36
    • 37-43
    • 44-48
    • 49-54
    • 55-60
    • 61-65
    • 66-70
    • 71-75
    • 76+

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I'm 16, and no offense but I thought most of the members would be in their 40s or 50s, only because of how many years ago LZ were mainstream.

I'm surprised at how many young people there are, too. I'm 54 and it is kind of disturbing to see how few are older than me. :huh:

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This certainly isn't as hard as picking a favorite album or song from an album.


Ha ha, yeah I hummed and haahd for ages before finally deciding on telling the truth. LOL

The results did not surprise me at all.

We get two main age groups at our gigs, teenagers, and middle-agers.

We reckon the teens love Zep because their parents were into rubbish dance/trance/hiphop/house/whatever so they need to rebel but then Slipnot and Marylin Manson are only good for annoying the parents and when they want something with substance they have to go to the old school stuff.

That's our unscientific take on it anyway.

We all know why the balding paunchy brigade love Zep of course.

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Yippie, I think i may be the youngest!

Im only 12. And i am the biggest Led Zeppelin fan in my family :D .

My dad got me into Zeppelin.

Your only the youngest because my kids haven't started posting in forums yet.

Mine are 11, 9, and 5 all boys and all fledgling zepheads.

They love Immigrant song, Heartbreaker, WLL etc. Not so turned on by the mellow stuff yet.

My baby Ellie is only 19 months and she has not expressed a preference yet.

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I certainly expected the percentage of age range to be higher for the oldsters. I'm surprised that a majority of people that took the poll are younger. However, I suspect that may have something to do with the fact that younger people are more computer savvy.

I, myself, am 44 and have been a Zep fan since I was 15. Unfortunately too young to have seen them perform when they were still together.

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I certainly expected the percentage of age range to be higher for the oldsters. I'm surprised that a majority of people that took the poll are younger. However, I suspect that may have something to do with the fact that younger people are more computer savvy.

I, myself, am 44 and have been a Zep fan since I was 15. Unfortunately too young to have seen them perform when they were still together.

Oh no. So close, yet so far away. :(

Well, I did see them twice, so that means I AM old! :lol:

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I'm 17, been a fan since I was 9. I think there isn't a lot of older people here cuz they dont really use computers. And the majority of the old people that I've envyed cuz they've actually been to a Zeppelin concert, dont remember cuz they were all on drugs, haha. but I just dont think alot of them apprecite it anymore or have just grown out of Zeppelin. What ungrateful jerks anyway!!

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Yeah..my group (37-43) grew up listening to Led Zeppelin. Soundtrack of our lives for most of us, especially my high school years. Old enough to remember the last few albums coming out.......old enough to go see Song Remains the Same at the midnight show every Friday night.......but maybe a little too young to go see them live. I think that's why there's a whole lot of people in our age group on here. We're the ones that caught the tail end of the height of Led Zeppelin, but probably we're the most frustrated since we want the oppty to see them live. I can remember sitting in Spanish class in high school when I heard about the death of John Bonham and realizing I'd probably never have the chance to see them live. I still have hope I may get the chance...since I always thought the midnight show was as close as I'd ever get.

I'm in that age range too and I related to everything you said; Friday night midnight movies, background music and all! I was in 10th grade in 1980; definitely too young when they toured in '77, and also assumed I'd never have an opportunity to see them play live. My fingers are crossed; trying not to get my hopes up though ...

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22 here. Been searching for the music for my soul almost all through my high school years, mostly being inspired by classmates. However, it was dad who 'brought me to the light' as his radio was constantly tuned on a classic rock station ever since that station began to air a couple of years ago and I grew fond of that kind of music. At first, I didn't take any extra notice of Zep, I considered them just a very good band, probably cause the radio station aired only the regular album tracks.

The breakpoint came about...um..maybe year and something ago, when I got my hands on HTWWW and it was like...mind blowing, never felt so much energy just from audio before.

And it was just the beginning. :rolleyes: Well, and at last I found my way here :whistling:

Speaking of the age percentage as shown by the poll, I think it refers more of Internet usage amongst the Zep fans, as the youngsters tend to spend more and more time sitting by the computer(yes, me too :blink: ). I do believe the fans are spread among most of age cathegories evenly as the music is passed on and on to next generations constantly. I think that even at the year 2050 or whatsoever people will still know who Led Zeppelin were and listen to them, their music is...ageless, yeah, the song remains the same.

Just look at the so called 'stars' today, they rise and fall so quickly that when you mention them in two years, people will be like "Who the hell was that? Never heard of them." :huh:

Alright, enough babble for 6 am in the morning (I blame my boss for giving me night shifts thus setting me on inverse sleep mode. I'm somehow unable to revert it into the original 'up at day, sleeping at night' pattern as it should be.)

PS: Pardon my crappy English, typos and possible nonsense sentences :huh: as it's not my mother language.

PPS: Just a thing I've noticed, it applies to about 60% of the users, the lower the age is, the bigger and more colorful the signature is :rolleyes:

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15 here! Most people at my school listen to black/trash metal, I guess I'm the only one there who has really "seen the light", Led Zeppelin! :D It's a shame most people in my area don't appriciate the old, good music, most new music is just crap. Are there any new bands that make music the way Zeppelin did? I doubt it.

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I am 48 and have been a Led Zeppelin fan for over 35 years (started listening when I was about 13 years old).

Since the O2 show I have found a renewed sense of the band all over again and it is just amazing! I even pulled out my old scrapbook that I started back in 1973 and was reminiscing about some of the good old days back then. Man what a great time to grow up - I am so glad I was born at that time to experience it!

Long live the music of the mighty ZEP!

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hi iam 45 my older brother got me into lz when i was 13 he was learning to play guitar then , use to have a les paul sunburst like jimmy, i remember going to the mi d night movies to see tsrts it was boulder colo. on the hill [ hippie hill across from the university] that place was full of pot smoke!!! it was terrific!! best exspiriance ever .i too fell in love with jp moved to cali . heard about bonzo thought i could never see them in concert, hope to have that opp. soon, zep fan for life!!!!

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43 this year. I have loved Zep and Queen since I was a teenager. Kinda late for Zep because JB had already died when I got into their music after I listened to a cousin's vinyl. The first song I heard of Zep was No Quarter, which is still one of my faves today :rolleyes:

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