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y'know you're a zep-freak when....

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QUOTE (MadScreamingGallery @ Jul 19 2008, 11:15 PM)

I've posted these (and others) before:

You’re at a business meeting and when someone says, “It appears that there was a communication breakdown between the two departments”, you inadvertently smile and, as you glance across the table at your friend, he gives you a knowing wink.

QUOTE (MadScreamingGallery @ Jul 19 2008, 11:15 PM)

I've posted these (and others) before:

You’re at a business meeting and when someone says, “It appears that there was a communication breakdown between the two departments”, you inadvertently smile and, as you glance across the table at your friend, he gives you a knowing wink.

OR....start humming the tune and tapping the drums out on the table, LOL!

Hey! ILoveJimmy....would LOVE to know how to convert a YouTube song into an mp3...I would LOVE to have Jimmy's early solo song and a few others on my iPod!! PM please!!! TIA!

Edited by Medhb
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*when one of the RAs on your housing staff makes an eggplant door dec (the name plates on dorm doors) for a resident named Robert and you laugh for the rest of the day.

*when you saw Robert Plant in concert, he played a Zeppelin song, and you bruised your cousin's shoulder by slapping him in your excitement. (my poor cousin...)

*when your nine year old sister asks to hear the "cough" at the end of In My Time of Dying several times a day. Then she goes into how great the guitar riff is in that song. Then your parents wonder what you've done to their baby.

*when your dad, who actually saw them in concert, knows less about what their sets were like than you do.

*when you made a trip all the way back from California (11 hours) and you listened to nothing but Physical Graffiti the entire way. You replaced roughly 18 batteries.

*when you secretly want to slap (or you actually blatantly slap) anyone who insists that Hendrix was "clearly far superior" to Page.

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MSG yours were all great but this one was my favorite :) Here's my list:

enough said? :lol:

Aw, yours were great too! Zep scrapbooks! I have one from when I was young too. :wub:

I thought I was so cool when I used one of those old "magnetic pages" photo albums and now all of the articles are permanently attached to the plastic.

Or, on the flipside, you leave the concert early so you can go back to the hotel that they are staying at, just so you can watch them all walk through the lobby (all hot and sweaty after playing their ASSES off!!!) :blush::bagoverhead:;)

Me too! :D But you knew that about me already. ;) Sometimes I cringe at some of the stuff I did but other times I'm glad I did it. :)

QUOTE (MadScreamingGallery @ Jul 19 2008, 11:15 PM)

I've posted these (and others) before:

You’re at a business meeting and when someone says, “It appears that there was a communication breakdown between the two departments”, you inadvertently smile and, as you glance across the table at your friend, he gives you a knowing wink.

QUOTE (MadScreamingGallery @ Jul 19 2008, 11:15 PM)

I've posted these (and others) before:

You’re at a business meeting and when someone says, “It appears that there was a communication breakdown between the two departments”, you inadvertently smile and, as you glance across the table at your friend, he gives you a knowing wink.

OR....start humming the tune and tapping the drums out on the table, LOL!!

I've done that too. :bagoverhead: That reminds me: when I was young and bored in class, I used to kill time until the bell rang by writing out every Zep lyric I could remember in my notebook. They had to be in order, not only by album order, but by track order.

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You’re at a business meeting and when someone says, “It appears that there was a communication breakdown between the two departments”, you inadvertently smile and, as you glance across the table at your friend, he gives you a knowing wink.

LoL- my ceLL phone tune is Communication Breakdown. Everytime it rings- I Listen the song and Laugh at the irony instead of answering.


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Aw, yours were great too! Zep scrapbooks! I have one from when I was young too. :wub:

I thought I was so cool when I used one of those old "magnetic pages" photo albums and now all of the articles are permanently attached to the plastic.

:lol: That's too funny about your magnetic pages - I actually taped all mine into a scrapbook and now 35 plus years later a lot of the pages stuck together (I of course fixed it recently though ;))

Me too! :D But you knew that about me already. ;)Sometimes I cringe at some of the stuff I did but other times I'm glad I did it. :)

Ditto to that!! :)

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I could say, make an elaborate scrapbook, over half with pictures I've printed, etc. of Jimmy and Zep.

Want so badly to be at this exhibit, though I'm sure I don't have the money for a ticket to fly over 'the great pond', and my passport not renewed in time.

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You say "Cool Shirt" to a complete stranger that walks by with a Zeppelin T-shirt on. (esp. if it's one you have never seen).

I smile and nod at them :)

I've giggled at the argyle sweater display at JC Penney, and giggled upon hearing the term "Biological research" used at work :)

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you smile to yourself while doing a crossword at work in your lunchbreak, one of the clues is " trampled underfoot". then, when said lunchbreak is over, ( at 7pm ), you realise that you will be then working from seven to eleven............

yes, its a drag........... :rolleyes:

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LoL- my ceLL phone tune is Communication Breakdown. Everytime it rings- I Listen the song and Laugh at the irony instead of answering.


Classic! I have 'Immigrant Song' as my ring tone and every time my wife hears it she says "that guy is screaming on your phone again!!!"


I know I'm a Zeppelin fanatic... I just shelled out $80 on eBay for a sealed copy of the vinyl re-release of the first album. Am I going to unseal it and listen? You better damn well believe I am!!!

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Re-post from the other thread:

You listen to them (or a Zeppelin-related song) 24/7 for the last 7 months. And when you listen to another song by another band it just doesn't seem "right".

When you're not listening to them, you're watching them on DVD or on your iPod, and when you're not doing that, you're reading about them in any sort of biography that mentions Zeppelin.

You buy Zeppelin shirts that prominently display the band members faces or name and purposely don't wear a jacket outside so you can show off.

You spend a small fortune on concert tickets to get the best possible seats just so there's a chance a certain band member may look at you.

In more than one conversation during your day you mention the words "Led Zeppelin" or "Robert Plant".

I uh... know someone like that. :blush:

I´m doing almost all those things-only instead of Robert there is Jimmy... recently my daughter told me, that I´m already boring and if I don´t have an other theme for conversation... :lol::lol:

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I´m doing almost all those things-only instead of Robert there is Jimmy... recently my daughter told me, that I´m already boring and if I don´t have an other theme for conversation... :lol::lol:

That totally happens to me if I try to listen to another song it feels so different/wrong and I've even had someone offer to pay me like $50 just to listen to another band.

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- you have a screen saver on your computer that is all Zeppelin photos (which is now almost to 1,000 pictures, and counting...) your kids laugh when the speedo pictures of Jimmy come up :bagoverhead: luckily they are adults so it's ok :blush:

:lol: so true! Especially if the screensaver is also on your pc at work and the pics are only Jimmy's (millions of them!!) and you have male work colleagues sitting behind your desk! So embarassing...The looks they give me! :bagoverhead:

My worst has got to be getting off three train stops after mine coming home from work. While listening to D&C on your ipod and being so absorbed into it , all of a sudden you start to realize that it is taking too long to get home. :blink: Then you watch out of the train window and realize that you don't remember that brick bulding to be there, and what's up with all these trees and gardens!!!! and that big park??? :blink: Finally you see the stop sign and you just go S..T!

Then there is also the time when you forget a paper bag with inside your cds of the Zep's first four albums on the train (always happening on the trains... :rolleyes:). And you find out that you are missing them only a couple of days later when you search for the cds to play. S..T again!

You literally start to cry like a child and curse the day you decided to take the cds to work. :rant:

So you go and put a claim with the lost property office but you think: "No way they are going to find my cds and return them back to the lost property." So, you buy them again rightaway to find out that a couple of days later the lost property office rings at work and informs you that they found your bag, and yes with all the Zep cds inside!! So you cry again for being so happy, but hey now you have cd doubles! S..T again! :rolleyes:

And then, of course, the most recurring one in the last few weeks.

Having a new client at work whose name is Jimmy but it is not you who takes care and talks to him about his upcoming shipments/freights. So you say to your mate: " Don't worry about him, he is such a pain in the neck. You take care of my client and I will handle yours."

And all this just because you only want to say his name as many times in a day as possible when you call him :wub: : "You know, Jimmy, your shipment has been shortlanded in Kuala Lumpur, but Jimmy don't you worry we are taking care of it. I will keep you posted by e mail as soon as it lands in SYD, actually Jimmy better if I call you..."

If this is not crazy....

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