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Jimmy Says - NO REUNION


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I think this is just more cloak and dagger.

He didn't come out and say NO REUNION.

I'm just going to wait. Nothing more I can do.

I got nothing but time. B)

I agree with this idea...most good Led Zeppelin children know that patience is a virtue B)

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I have to agree w/ Kentuckygirl. I dont think there will be any definite answer until AK is done this time around. But, if robert doesnt want to do it at all, than why doesnt he just say, NO NEVER, in a public forum so we can all move on with our lives!!!! Persoanlly, I think he is afraid to really piss off all the Zep fans, because I know many who really hate him because of his attitude toward Zep. He wont be making many more albums and he will be relying on Zep stuff for income no doubt. But I really wish he would just say No to the public if he really means NEVER. Honestly, i think Jimmy and JPJ are much more tactful and mature about the whole Zeppelin legacy, I really do see Robert as acting like a spoiled kid on many levels. just my opinion, let the verbal beating begin!!!!

You know lots of Zep fans who really hate Robert? Really? Well, that'll get him rushing back to the fold. :rolleyes:

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Jimmy is not going to say anything as bold as announcing a new project, plans for LZ, or whatever at a press conference for a documentary involving other artists. He was there to answer questions about It Might Get Loud. Of course he knew he would be asked about you-know-what, especially after what Jason has revealed. He would have chosen his words carefully. To answer the reporter's questions, without being to revealing.

In my opinion, Jason wouldn't do something as monumental as leave Foreigner with 2 months left of their tour for nothing. Yes, I am sure he wants to spend time with his family, but why didn't he see the tour out and then leave?

Anyway, time will tell I guess.

Yes. Jason wouldn't just leave with only 2 months left for no reason...

Certainly there is a lot of movement on the Zeppelin front in the last 12 months. Before that, we didn't even think the whole O2 thing was possible, and now we have had the O2 show, JPJ did the Foos Grammy performance, JPJ & JP played with the Foos at Wembley, JP has done this new doco, Mothership/TSRTS re-master etc. This is more output in 12 months than we have had for several years before that.

Something is happening...what that something is, only more time will tell.

We'll just have to wait and see what it is...

Jason "wanting to spend more time with his family," while it may to some extent be true, is also the classic reason given by all famous people who resign from a prominent position and don't want to give the real reason. ;) So I'd guess there's more involved.

"Family" could equal " JP and JPJ", you never know...

Let's wait and see...

R B)

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You know lots of Zep fans who really hate Robert? Really? Well, that'll get him rushing back to the fold. :rolleyes:

Haha! Hate is such a strong and ugly word...Nobody's fault but Robert's should be the name of that song haha

He has his many 'other' adoring fans to keep him happy--the majority of them are females haha! ;)

This is deja vu...but we've been down this road only difference we got a bone and a taste this time around-- before the 02 reunion we even had flat out "nos, nevers and what nots" but it's clear that it's never good to say never and a no can turn into a yes at the right time and place

Thank goodness this isn't the case where a "No!" means no...but what I hope is happening is that the three Js are creating some musical magic and they let Robert take a listen and he gets hooked and slips right into the mix but if history repeats itself...if Jimmy builts it Robert will come :P

We might get someone to stand in for a little while but Robert surely won't be able to resist haha...now that's my dream ;)

Now I have just cracked myself up haha

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Remember, Robert said in Rolling Stone last fall that anything could happen if there weren't "expectations". Seems to me Jimmy would want to keep a damper on expectations, even if they are planning on doing something together...

Alert the media... News Flash: if Zeppelin fans quit having stupid fannish expectations, Plant may contemplate acting like an adult. Otherwise he's going to take his vocal chords and stay in Nashville, so there, neener neener. :P

Come on everyone - get with the program. It's our own fault we don't have an announcement yet. Robert warned us to stop caring about Zeppelin, he told us how humble and patient he would prefer everyone (else) be - and now look what may have possibly happened! Shame on us for having hopes and feelings! Stop it immediately!


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Come on everyone - get with the program. It's our own fault we don't have an announcement yet. Robert warned us to stop caring about Zeppelin, he told us how humble and patient he would prefer everyone (else) be - and now look what may have possibly happened! Shame on us for having hopes and feelings! Stop it immediately!



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Alert the media... News Flash: if Zeppelin fans quit having stupid fannish expectations, Plant may contemplate acting like an adult. Otherwise he's going to take his vocal chords and stay in Nashville, so there, neener neener. :P

Come on everyone - get with the program. It's our own fault we don't have an announcement yet. Robert warned us to stop caring about Zeppelin, he told us how humble and patient he would prefer everyone (else) be - and now look what may have possibly happened! Shame on us for having hopes and feelings! Stop it immediately!


I hope you don't think that was my point. I was explaining one reason why maybe Jimmy wasn't totally straightforward with his answer at this point.

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I have to agree w/ Kentuckygirl. I dont think there will be any definite answer until AK is done this time around. But, if robert doesnt want to do it at all, than why doesnt he just say, NO NEVER, in a public forum so we can all move on with our lives!!!! Persoanlly, I think he is afraid to really piss off all the Zep fans, because I know many who really hate him because of his attitude toward Zep. He wont be making many more albums and he will be relying on Zep stuff for income no doubt. But I really wish he would just say No to the public if he really means NEVER. Honestly, i think Jimmy and JPJ are much more tactful and mature about the whole Zeppelin legacy, I really do see Robert as acting like a spoiled kid on many levels. just my opinion, let the verbal beating begin!!!!

WE Zep fans don't hate Robert, more like respect him for forging his own path since Zeppelin and coming up with some interesting stuff and always a great gig to go too :)

Edited by leddy
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Alert the media... News Flash: if Zeppelin fans quit having stupid fannish expectations, Plant may contemplate acting like an adult. Otherwise he's going to take his vocal chords and stay in Nashville, so there, neener neener. :P

Come on everyone - get with the program. It's our own fault we don't have an announcement yet. Robert warned us to stop caring about Zeppelin, he told us how humble and patient he would prefer everyone (else) be - and now look what may have possibly happened! Shame on us for having hopes and feelings! Stop it immediately!


Nashville will take good care of Robert and his vocal chords. He is hanging out with decent people that apparently care a lot about him. And when he is ready to return to his former mates, he will and his vocal chords will be no worse for the wear.

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I'm taking Jimmy's statement for what it is - that nothing is happening right now.

The way I see it is that I have nothing to lose, anyway. If something happens, great. Wonderful.

If it doesn't? What exactly have I lost? Nothing. I'd still be in the position I was in last year and the year before, and the year before, etc. I wanna listen to Zeppelin? I just put on that CD or DVD. It's more than enough for me.

I try not to put too much emphasis on little gatherings and all that shit, 'cause once I do and nothing comes of it, I'd be absolutely devastated.

So, when Jimmy says 'no reunion', I'll take it as a 'no reunion'...for now.

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Why the hell would anyone hate Robert Plant for his decisions thus far? Personally I admire him for moving on with his career and making music that is challenging to him, rather than going out on the road at the age of 60 playing music that he played when he was 20. I would love to see some new stuff from the Zep guys as much as anyone, but all this Robert-bashing is completely out of line IMO.

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Nashville will take good care of Robert and his vocal chords. He is hanging out with decent people that apparently care a lot about him. And when he is ready to return to his former mates, he will and his vocal chords will be no worse for the wear.

:huh: He's in England at the moment.

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:huh: He's in England at the moment.

He is scheduled to be back here, very soon. And Alison is in London. :)

Edit for clarification: We fans in Nashville do realize he is not ours to keep and he will always return to England. :(

Edited by Kentuckygirl
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Hang in there everyone. Something is in the works. Jimmy has not been this visible in a LONG time. Seems to me he is as motivated than he has been in a long time. Knebby. mean anything by that statement Robert is in England? Could you be cryptically giving us something?

Well Robert does live in England so him being there would not be unusual as well as the fact he and Alison attended the Mercury Prize ceremony earlier tonight.

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