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Happy Birthday Jimmy!

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:wave: Hey Jimmy, I hope that you have a fantastic 65th birthday!! :yourock:

Thank you so very much for your incredible library of music. It has been such an important part of my life & I have enjoyed and cherished it for almost 4 decades ;) I wish you nothing but the best of health & happiness in the future!!

Love you Pagey!! :kiss::birthday:

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Dearest Jimmy,

Wishing you great joy, peace, and vitality on your birthday and all your days ahead. The contributions you have made to life go beyond your special and unique talent on a stringed instrument. You are one of a kind and the world is a better place for all those who you have touched in so many different ways.

Much Love and Light to you James.

Sincerely yours....Medhb

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Happy Birthday!!! :guitar_mood:

It's impossible to say what you mean to me and how much you've changed my life,so I'll keep it short & sweet.

Thanks for all the great music, inspiration, and good times. :stereo:

:toast: So heres to you, my darling Jimmy! :angel:

Love always

Edited by ms_zeppelin94
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Dear Jimmy,

Best wishes for a wonderful birthday and many more years of good health, love, happiness, and peace.

Although my friends and I have wonderful marriages, children, and careers and are no longer the young girls we once were, we will always feel a special affection for you. We all look back on the Zep years with fondness, without regret, and realize how privileged we were to have had those experiences.

Jimmy, thank you for everything. I am deeply grateful for all of it.

“The best, the best, the best…”

May God bless you for eternity.

Love always,


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I wondered that myself -- I guess the poster wanted to be the first one out of the gates with the birthday wish. Oh well, Happy early birthday to Jimmy Page.

Well, usually I am a day late and a dollar short, so to speak..but this time I am a day early!! LOL!!! I was CONVINCED in my mind this AM when I wrote this that it was Friday already. I started laughing when I realized mid-morning that it was THURSDAY!! LOL!! :)

Oh, well, I sure don't mind being the first one out of the gate, as you say, to wish JP a happy birthday!! Get things started early and extend the celebration..why not??!! :) After all, with what he means to all of us, he deserves at least 2 or MORE days of good wished for his birthday!!


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Happy Birthday with love and admiration for you, Jimmy. :birthday:

Thank you for your genius and contributions to us with your music, and for all that you mean to us. :thanku:

Cheers :toast: and best wishes to you on this special day of your 65th birthday.

I hope that you enjoy all the best that life has to offer today on your birthday and for years to come!

All my love and prayers for you,


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I thank you for all the great music, riffs, solos and concerts you have blessed us with over the years. Hopefully, you still have something for us and aren't ready to call it a day. :thanku:

Here's to a great 2009 for you! :toast::yourock:

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