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Yep, it happened...I met the lovely Jason this afternoon at Drummer Live 08. And I am ecstatically happy :D:D I haven't stopped smiling since I got home and I have made a few phone calls along the lines of "I met him! I met him!" :D

At first, I didn't think it would happen as Jason was running late and did not have time to do his scheduled meet & greet at midday but after his drum show, he stayed to sign autographs. It was a bit of a scramble as naturally a lot of people wanted him to sign for them so it was a bit crowded and wasn't as one to one as a personal signing session. However, I managed to get a signed photo (saying "To Sarah....Jason Bonham" and grab a photo. I had wanted to ask him a few questions and have a chat, which probably would have happened if he had done the original signing session but I was so pleased that I got what I did. I did manage to say to him that his dad would have been proud of him and he thanked me for that. Oh, and he apologised for being a bit sweaty when we had our pic taken as he'd just finished his peformance. As though I was bothered!! :D

He did a great set, starting with The Song Remains The Same, then Heartbreaker and then he went on to do some stuff that has influenced him along the way..The Who (Baba O'Riley, Who Are You..brilliant!), Phil Collins, etc and he ended with Kashmir...which was superb. He was so nervous, bless him, as he'd never done anything like this before. I got some great video which I will put up on YouTube and I will post links. I bought a VIP pass which meant I was on the front row, so I got some good close ups.

Anyway, here are some of my photos...As you can see, I am rather happy to meet him! Links to the videos I did will be up in due course. I am really pleased with them.






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I am so happy for you! :D What an exciting moment! Thanks for sharing the details and your beautiful photos with us. You look gorgeous in that photo with Jason. I know that your meeting Jason is something that you will remember for the rest of your life. How nice of you to mention his dad to Jason. Your photos of him look great and, when I look at them, I see that sweet "teddy bearishness" that Bonzo had. :)

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Thanks to everyone for all your lovely comments. It was indeed a very special day for me, I'm still somewhere between the moon and the stars :D ...I might comeback down to earth tomorrow.....

Maybe. :lol:

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