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Jimmy's manager confirms tour?


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Does anybody remember..........the Van Halen reunion go around? Not the same exact situation but was probably just as unlikely as this one. Eddie comes out and says there are no plans whatsoever, Roth says "Hope springs eternal", fan buzz starts, message board memberships triple..then Eddie says he's going to rehab, all hope is lost and nothing is heard for months. THEN, Eddie shows up at a NASCAR pre-show and says nothing about the reunion(although they were already rehearsing with Roth PRIOR to "rehab" stint"). I get word from a source that runs into Alex at a restaurant in CA where he says they're getting along better than ever with Roth and they're gelling perfectly and "never say never".

Two weeks later, press conference, tour dates, World tour. They were just buying time until they were ready to make the announcement and the leaks were causing them to comment sooner than they wanted so they squashed the rumors completely although we now know much different. Obviously tour dates had to be planned MONTHS before any announcement was made.

Not making any specific predictions other than don't believe everything you read here and in print. It's all a spin and those "experts" here are spinning as well and throwing us off the scent(as well they should as would I if I were in their exalted position).

Remember we were told by the insiders that Myles Kennedy was in all along and when the press reported he was out, we were told said he was never in to begin with. This is why I read more than I post.

The only prediction I will make is that we will see Led Zeppelin again and will not be with Jason. If I'm wrong, I'm no more wrong than the insiders.

We are being worked my friends. But it's a good thing...........

Great post -- I am along your lines: few postings, but enormous readings on the net and elsewhere. I too feel that the band tends to try to lead us astray. For Page's manager to speak about the tour with a new singer, then come out later and say everything is off makes me think that he "slipped up" somehow and was told to cover his tracks. There clearly is something afoot. This is similiar to Plant saying in June of 2007 that there wouldn't be enough doctors to support Led Zeppelin, then magically they were performing in December. Were they able to find enough doctors -- doubtful. Was Plant twisting the truth -- very probable. The way the press spins things and flip flops from day to day, it is difficult to believe anything that is printed. I still wouldn't count out Led Zeppelin or at worst, the three J's uniting to record a new album and/or tour.

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Does anybody remember..........the Van Halen reunion go around? Not the same exact situation but was probably just as unlikely as this one. Eddie comes out and says there are no plans whatsoever, Roth says "Hope springs eternal", fan buzz starts, message board memberships triple..then Eddie says he's going to rehab, all hope is lost and nothing is heard for months. THEN, Eddie shows up at a NASCAR pre-show and says nothing about the reunion(although they were already rehearsing with Roth PRIOR to "rehab" stint"). I get word from a source that runs into Alex at a restaurant in CA where he says they're getting along better than ever with Roth and they're gelling perfectly and "never say never".

Two weeks later, press conference, tour dates, World tour. They were just buying time until they were ready to make the announcement and the leaks were causing them to comment sooner than they wanted so they squashed the rumors completely although we now know much different. Obviously tour dates had to be planned MONTHS before any announcement was made.

Not making any specific predictions other than don't believe everything you read here and in print. It's all a spin and those "experts" here are spinning as well and throwing us off the scent(as well they should as would I if I were in their exalted position).

Remember we were told by the insiders that Myles Kennedy was in all along and when the press reported he was out, we were told said he was never in to begin with. This is why I read more than I post.

The only prediction I will make is that we will see Led Zeppelin again and will not be with Jason. If I'm wrong, I'm no more wrong than the insiders.

We are being worked my friends. But it's a good thing...........

Yep, I remember all that recent banter between David Lee and Eddie. It was part show, part truth. They also looked like they could have cared less about each other at the press conferences, but they pulled off one hell of a tour probably because Eddie took rehab seriously this time around! :rolleyes: With that said, it was refreshing that THEY [Eddie and David Lee] did the spinning- not their friends, managers or PR people.

I don't know about your Jason prediciton- he's like family. Why do you think he'll be out of Led Zeppelin? Even Robert said he wanted to "keep it in the family" for the O2 show (but I guess his opinion doesn't matter anymore).

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From Rolling Stone today:

The plan for Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham to tour and record an album with a singer other than Robert Plant is “completely over now,” Page’s manager Peter Mensch tells Music Radar. In what could be considered a tirade, Mensch said, “Led Zeppelin are over! If you didn’t see them in 2007, you missed them. It’s done. I can’t be any clearer than that.” Robert Plant, who will continue working with Raising Sand partner Alison Krauss, previously told fans it would two years before he’d even consider touring again with Zep, so Mensch’s announcement that the band is “over” is distressing to those willing to be patient.

Thankfully, however, it looks like Creed won’t be reuniting either as plans to draft Alter Bridge singer Myles Kennedy — or any singer for that matter — for Plant’s spot look dead as well. Mensch admits the band auditioned some new frontmen, but “no one worked out.” “That was it. The whole thing is completely over now,” Mensch added. “There are absolutely no plans for them to continue. Zero. Frankly, I wish everybody would stop talking about it.”

We would stop talking about it, but just yesterday Mensch was making headlines after telling BBC6 radio that the band planned to reunite with a new singer. “They decided that if they could find a singer that they thought would fit their bill, whatever their bill was at this stage in their career, that they’d make a record and go on tour,” Mensch said. Still, Mensch might not exactly be in the loop, as he responded to Jimmy Page’s possible 2009 plans, “Fuck if I know. I’m waiting to hear.”

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Wait a minute! Waaaaaitaminute!

Why not have Jimmy sing?..or maybe J.P.J. or Jason. How bad could it be. Seems more palatable than some new guy that noone will be satisfied with. And if its so bad....maybe Robert will have some sympathy and join in.

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its time something came out in concrete, us fans deserve to know IF there IS or ISNT anything going on. Why keep us in the dark? Sadly without Robert it AINT Zeppelin, they all had instruments and Roberts was his voice. Hopefully very soon we will find out and a statement will be released along with the DVD of the O2. Hurry up Jimmy the wait is killing us man.

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Let's face it. Jimmy is hitting retirement age and has been acting as if he's retired since dropping out of the Crowes tour over 8 years ago. He may have been waffling over recording a solo album for years, but the fact is he has not pulled the trigger on it. Each month that goes by with him not writing new material or touring is another piece of evidence to indicate that he'd much rather sit on the couch with the remote control, as it were. So I would say it's safe to say that rehearsals broke off some time after JPJ's appearance at the Manson show and this is their "statement" until either Jimmy or JPJ says otherwise. Even so, it's Jimmy's standard operating procedure to hint at future activity when pressed, only to have nothing come of it. It's like he doesn't want to openly admit that he's retired, but he treats his career like it's an old hobby he keeps putting off and putting off. So even if he did say something, it maybe shouldn't be taken seriously until we see the finished product.

Edited by mos6507
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its time something came out in concrete, us fans deserve to know IF there IS or ISNT anything going on. Why keep us in the dark? Sadly without Robert it AINT Zeppelin, they all had instruments and Roberts was his voice. Hopefully very soon we will find out and a statement will be released along with the DVD of the O2. Hurry up Jimmy the wait is killing us man.

I think the question has been answered. B)

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Having just seen Chuck this past year I would say his show teetered on the edge of becoming a trainwreck the entire time and ventured into that territory a time or two when one song morphed into another. I'm glad I got to see him and that he's still out there touring but sadly his age is definitely a factor. The show I saw was free but anyone thinking of going to go see him be forewarned, he plays a 30 minute show and that's it.

But then I saw him in 1973, and he did less than 45 minutes. I think it's the way he's always been as a live performer, not his age.

Oh, and with regard to the question of whether there is or isn't anything going on--there isn't. Sadly. It's not just a cunning ploy to make us believe otherwise.

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There's a retirement age for musicians? Guess someone forgot to tell that to Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Van Morrison, Keith Richards and and endless amount of other musicians who continue to tour and record well past what most folks consider "retirement" age.

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There's a retirement age for musicians? Guess someone forgot to tell that to Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Willie Nelson, Van Morrison, Keith Richards and and endless amount of other musicians who continue to tour and record well past what most folks consider "retirement" age.

Or how about that Les Paul guy that's in his 90s and still doing weekly gigs.

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But then I saw him in 1973, and he did less than 45 minutes. I think it's the way he's always been as a live performer, not his age.

I should have been clearer about that, I didn't mean to imply that Chuck performing for only 30 minutes had anything to do with his age. I was just trying to give folks a heads up that may be interested in seeing him in concert. Anyone that's every seen Hail! Hail! Rock n' Roll is well aware of his business practices when it comes to his performances. If anyone hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it, especially the newly released 4 DVD deluxe edition.

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