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Jimmy Says - NO REUNION


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I just finished watching the press conference for the movie. It was on one of the Bell stations for the TIFF. George Stombolopalous (sp?) did a good job of redirecting the few Zep reunion questions that were asked but for the final question, a reporter for MSN got an answer from Page, which has already been shown. The thing that I got from watching him answer is that I swear he had a grin on his face as he said it. It may be wishful thinking on my part. Anyways he said that they have jammed but not recorded. As a ray of hope, he didn't look pissed off but rather looked content.

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I just finished watching the press conference for the movie. It was on one of the Bell stations for the TIFF. George Stombolopalous (sp?) did a good job of redirecting the few Zep reunion questions that were asked but for the final question, a reporter for MSN got an answer from Page, which has already been shown. The thing that I got from watching him answer is that I swear he had a grin on his face as he said it. It may be wishful thinking on my part. Anyways he said that they have jammed but not recorded. As a ray of hope, he didn't look pissed off but rather looked content.

Jimmy knows all. And all will be revealed eventually. :rolleyes:

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They did it last year, and they did a damn good job of it too.

don't i know it, i was there 30 foot away from them.

but they done it for a special friend, these guys are well into their sixties, prancing around like a 20 somethings, churning out music from a lifetime ago.

people have been clamouring for them to get back together since the day they split up.

the one off, they'll do, a gig every 5 years or something. that's it.

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don't i know it, i was there 30 foot away from them.

but they done it for a special friend, these guys are well into their sixties, prancing around like a 20 somethings, churning out music from a lifetime ago.

people have been clamouring for them to get back together since the day they split up.

the one off, they'll do, a gig every 5 years or something. that's it.

64 isn't really well into one's sixties B) I wasn't there but the videos I've seen of the show I thought they rocked out but in no way were trying to pretend they were still 20 somethings.

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I reckon Jimmy must be a hell of a Texas Hold 'em player!

Like all the others he refuses to confirm nor deny, just keeps his cards close to his chest.

I get a kick out of the speculation both positive and negative.

At the end of the day he and the others were there to attend the showing and promote the film, nothing more.

No offense but I'm sure if he / they were to announce a new album or tour it would not be in a cinema in Toronto Canada.

Most likely it would be in London, possibly a press conference with all members present(whomever they may be), at the old Swan Song offices, perhaps?

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don't i know it, i was there 30 foot away from them.

but they done it for a special friend, these guys are well into their sixties, prancing around like a 20 somethings, churning out music from a lifetime ago.

people have been clamouring for them to get back together since the day they split up.

the one off, they'll do, a gig every 5 years or something. that's it.

if you were 30 feet away from them, how come you saw them "prancing around like 20 somethings.."? they did nothing of the sort! they played music, their music, TODAYS music, the worlds best music, for our enjoyment and entertainment. thats what musicians and entertainers do. if you thought it was " music from a lifetime ago " why did you even go? :angry: seems to me you diidnt appreciate what you were lucky enough to see. sorry, but when i hear stuff like that, i just get really angry. they did not prance around at all.....they moved to the music, how could you not? if zep music doesnt move you, well then i feel very sorry for you, and just wonder why the hell you went. i woulda loved your ticket, and baby i woulda been movin. and i aint 20 something.

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I'd rather have "prancing around like a 20 somethings" than a live performance with no stage presence. That's what made (and still makes) Zeppelin great. You can feel their energy radiating throughout the arena, making the fans more energetic too.

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Although, we don't know exactly how things will play out, I feel something will definitely happen. Great to stay positive. I have always been an optimist.

I like your points, Kentuckygirl and SuperDave. Jimmy is a very intelligent man, and, most important, he knows what he wants and where he is heading :thumbsup: Love him, and thanks for making it clear. At least, we shall stop worrying our minds out about replacement for Robert :lol:

Hope is alive. :mellow: I would love to see (read about) him more often, and, ultimately, hear what he is up to musically.

Still it amazes me. In 2000 something Robert mentioned in an interview that he tried to get the rest of the band members together and it did not work. He even said that he run into Jonesy, they started a sort of conversation, but when he turned away for a second to write JPJ's coordinates (or whatever), Jonesy would be gone.... Sort of different story now (or not?...) I was upset that they did not go for a drink after GQ's award, Knebby :whistling:

Oh, I think we have to wait and see.

Edited by Vega
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Jason "wanting to spend more time with his family," while it may to some extent be true, is also the classic reason given by all famous people who resign from a prominent position and don't want to give the real reason. ;) So I'd guess there's more involved.

EXACTLY.Jason's dad might be gone ;but when your got 3 famous "UNCLES";from a famous band who want you to occasionally play with them, then why wouldn't you want to spend more time with your "family". :thumbsup:

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You people are silly. Really. Did you think, in any certainty, that Led Zeppelin were touring........ever? I mean, pipe dreams are much different than reality. Some of you seem downright depressed over this, and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I love this band as much as you all do, but be realistic please. They're old. They're not the Stones (thank God). They have other interests outside of something they did moons ago. These things are not conducive to them just up and deciding to tour, as opposed to other groups.

In the words of the Beatles.......let it be.

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You people are silly. Really. Did you think, in any certainty, that Led Zeppelin were touring........ever? I mean, pipe dreams are much different than reality. Some of you seem downright depressed over this, and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I love this band as much as you all do, but be realistic please. They're old. They're not the Stones (thank God). They have other interests outside of something they did moons ago. These things are not conducive to them just up and deciding to tour, as opposed to other groups.

In the words of the Beatles.......let it be.

:wtf: We are silly? That's like saying; Jimmy was asked to play at the Beijing games ;but only did it cause he had some spare time away from his other "interests".You mentioned OLD have you seen the Rolling stones lately ?NOW THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL OLD.

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don't i know it, i was there 30 foot away from them.

but they done it for a special friend, these guys are well into their sixties, prancing around like a 20 somethings, churning out music from a lifetime ago.

people have been clamouring for them to get back together since the day they split up.

the one off, they'll do, a gig every 5 years or something. that's it.

They prance circles around 20 year olds and the music from a lifetime ago is music that has stood the test of time and still enjoyed by people of all ages.

They are one of the greatest rock bands of all times and that is why millions of people tried to get tickets for the 02 concert, and why so many are clamoring for a tour and new music to this day.

Edited by tyedye
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In the words of the Beatles.......let it be.

Completely off topic, but sometimes I am just amazed as some of the absolute stupidity I read coming out of some of these guys. My goodness, some so called rock stars are just plain dumb. Let it be.... fry Paul. Apparently, that boy needs a special tour.

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Jimmy is not going to fan the flames on this. If it happens, ever, it will be because there is not a huge media storm while they are planning it. Again, if JPJ, JP and Bonzo Jr. make music that would be fantastic, anything else is gravy. Don't expect the unexpected.

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I suppose my point was, since I didn't make it clear enough, was that I agree. I am hoping he gets into some pretty eclectic stuff. I used to listen to the non vocal parts of Dazed and Confused for hours on end. Also, you know when Robert used to go... ah ah, into the mic? I would be thinking, please shut the *uck up. You are taking the focus off his amazing playing. I also listen to a lot of arabic music and have heard that he enjoys it, so I am hoping he ventures into that area. Plus the blues of course, and maybe even some classical? He's actually much less limited if he goes without a vocalist. And my reasoning for wanting no other vocalist, is to keep the focus on him and lots of famous singers aren't that good. Sometimes its' their oddity that makes them special. Even in the movie, the stupid camera men kept focusing on Robert's crotch. It was a drag. I am sure some die hard zep fans want to kill me by now. B)

Nope. I suspect you speak for quite a few of us! God bless.

I'll patiently listen to all of the band's denials, and nay-says about any reunion....

Until the Tour Dates are released.... :)


Me, too.

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I have to agree w/ Kentuckygirl. I dont think there will be any definite answer until AK is done this time around. But, if robert doesnt want to do it at all, than why doesnt he just say, NO NEVER, in a public forum so we can all move on with our lives!!!! Persoanlly, I think he is afraid to really piss off all the Zep fans, because I know many who really hate him because of his attitude toward Zep. He wont be making many more albums and he will be relying on Zep stuff for income no doubt. But I really wish he would just say No to the public if he really means NEVER. Honestly, i think Jimmy and JPJ are much more tactful and mature about the whole Zeppelin legacy, I really do see Robert as acting like a spoiled kid on many levels. just my opinion, let the verbal beating begin!!!!

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You people are silly. Really. Did you think, in any certainty, that Led Zeppelin were touring........ever? I mean, pipe dreams are much different than reality. Some of you seem downright depressed over this, and it makes absolutely no sense to me. I love this band as much as you all do, but be realistic please. They're old. They're not the Stones (thank God). They have other interests outside of something they did moons ago. These things are not conducive to them just up and deciding to tour, as opposed to other groups.

In the words of the Beatles.......let it be.

Aother gem from the resident Debbie Downer.

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